Excel Magic Trick 1217: D Functions: Text Criteria: “Starts With”, “Exact” and “Contains”

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For Text Criteria in D Functions (Like DSUM, DCOUNT, DMAX) learn about the difference between: “Starts With”, “Exact” and “Contains” Criteria.
1. (00:10) Problem Setup
2. (00:47) “Starts With” Criteria requires that you just type text into cell.
3. (01:08) Basics of D Functions Database Functions in Excel.
4. (03:03) “Exact” Criteria requires that you create a text formula with the text and the comparative operator equal sign.
5. (04:08) “Contains” Criteria requires that you use the wild card asterisk before and after the text, where asterisk is a wild card that stands for zero or more characters
Thanks to Excel.i Adam at YouTube!!
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