Ayaan Hirsi Al On The Problem With Intersectionality

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Wow .. brilliant person. Own your life, take responsibility, never blame...these are people with resiliency and truly empowered. Thanks


MLK said it, by the content of our character, rather than the color of our skin. Civil Rights 101.


I agree with some of this, but I think she misses the point in a way. It is a fact that we don't live in a meritocracy. Depending on which social group you belong to, you do not have the same chances as others and you have to work harder than others if you want to succeed. Intersectionality should not be about pity or guilt. It should be a discussion of to make the world a fairer place. The way things are now, a lot of talent is going to waste, because some intelligent, capable people do not have a possibility to unfold their talents. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an exceptional woman who deserves the utmost respect for everything she achieved. But what makes her acomplishments even more impressive is that, put in her position, only very few would have made it this far. Which is exactly my point.


Ayaan, listening to you makes life worth living.


Read Ayaan Hirsi books. Her bravery is perhaps greater than my father who lies in Arlington Cemetery for his service at the invasion of Normandy while earning 2 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star.


This fine lady has suffered more oppression in her life than any black American in the last 100 years. She's risen above it all and is now a champion of people who are ACTUALLY oppressed ie women in the Muslim world. She's worth a thousand intersectional college snowflakes. Aayan I love you.


She is so unsung, ,, I give her the biggest respect that one can give


As someone in a course being taught intersectionality and critical race theory I don’t buy it. It would help to identify and study why my cash paid curriculum is dominated by angry professors with liberal agendas who will grade me lower if I oppose their politically driven biased opinions.


This woman is wonderfully intelligent and very articulate.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, like this Sister here. We can agree to disagree on this point, However, P.Kimberley alludes to oppressive behaviour and its impacts on Black Women in particular, not as victims at all. This Sister does not speak for me, in my view cannot articulate herself on the concept, sounds angry....trying to repress this. Behaving very much like a state asset.


Y'all in the comments are ridiculous. She recognizes the harms that women, poc and queer people have to face. She doesn't have to buy into the language of oppression though. Like it or not saying x, y, z groups are oppressed in our society is the same as calling the victims of that society


You missed the I but it's been 5 years so I doubt you're gonna change it now. Still doesn't take away from the message.


Intersectionality is fundamentally on it's face about discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and any other form of discrimination because any of those things must be identified in order to point out any "intersections" on the basis of discrimination. I guess it just helps people looking to get a higher woke status appraisal when virtue signaling narratives of victimization about themselves and others.


Intersectionality is simply a tool for analyzing the problems of society. It is not an identity. People do not identify themselves by their problems. Saying there is a problem with the way we look at a situation does not mean our whole life is defined by that problem. I think she should study the subject matter more deeply to actually have a grasp of what she is talking about.


Wow she’s so misguided smh misattributing her success to personal agency (which is a portion) and none to luck which is a huge factor.


She fundamentally misunderstands intersectionality, and so does he. It is not about victimhood, it's not about wallowing in oppression. She would be wise to understand the concept before speaking out on it.


But, she's wrong all the way. Intersectionnallity is not about "what you are" (i.e. identity) but about how institutions (police, justice, education, housing policies etc) work together to maintain some people far from their rights. Intersectionnality is a tool, not an identiy. It's a tool to help understand why poor people are more likely to die because of their working conditions, and why people from marginalized communities are over-represented in the poorest categories of a global population. It is not about individuals (you will always find someone who doesnt fit the pattern), it's about social groups, and social dynamics.
However, that being said, i would agree that some people engaged in emancipation movements tend to misunderstand that social aspect of the term "intersectionnallity" by restraining it in the "identity" aspect, and that's a problem. Maybe they should go back to basics by reading/listening again what K. Crenshaw meant by developping this concept.

PS: You'll excuse my english wich is not my native language;-)


I agree with her kinda
repent and turn away from your sins know repent turn to Jesus Christ know before you go to hell he is God


Notice how she doesn't actually critique Intersectionality on it's intellectual merits and instead jumps to character assassination? It's evident that she's not very educated on the topic or she's doing this to affirm right-wing talking points to attract viewership.


This is unfortunate. Intersectionality has ZERO victim-hood. It is acknowledgment of all of who you are and how those identities are impactful in different ways.You are not an black american so I can understand your absence of understanding as this is not your cultural experience. You absolutely drank the Kool Aid.
