Why Did Ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali Convert to Christianity?

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Like many other atheists, I was surprised to find out that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a prominent and much-admired Ex-Muslim, was now calling herself a Christian. I read her essay and watched her interview explaining why this change happened, and she noticeably dodges (or in her words, "sidesteps") the question of how she knows Christianity is true. I suspect the reason is because she is basing her belief on blind faith - she doesn't have good evidence that Christianity is true, and she knows it. So why does she still believe? I explore that in this video.

I understand hating what Islam has done to her and hating the notion of Islam's God, and I also understand having major concerns about Islam's impact on the world. Beyond that, I understand the need for meaning and hope. But that doesn't mean we should suspend our reason and embrace irrationality by adopting another religion that shares many of the same toxic teachings as Islam.

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Good to see the POV of an ex-Muslim on this topic!


My suspicion is that religion is evolutionarily adaptive and the first society to choose athiesm will simply be unable to cohere together or reproduce itself biologically. In this contect I don't find it at all surprising that people would opt for the religious tradition which did the most to create the modern secular West - a society with many problems but still arguably the best society in the history of human civilisation.


Islam is against humanity praying for the freedom of Muslims that are suffering because of Islam, so they can have freedom of religion and live life without fear ❤🙏


As soon as I left islam, I started listening to Ayaan. She made great points and I admired her for her bravery of being an ex-muslim woman, atheist. As I found out abt her conversation to christianity, it deeply shocked me. I have seen and met many muslims and ex-muslims who became Christians but I would never thought Ayaan would be one of them
There are certain spiritual and personal aspects people convert for christianity and not everyone wants to share them, at least not straightaway. I think Ayaan might be sharing more in the future.

There are things you said in the video I agree with you but some I don’t. As an example, christianity as an organised religion did bad things. You could name inquisition or slavery. But at the same same there were Christians fighting against them to demolish these institution while referring to the Bible. And as i write this comment, there are thousands books out there written by Christian scholars, theologians, priests on these topics calling them worse mistakes of the "church" and being totally against the Christain faith. Do we have books written by islamic sheikhs saying jihad is the worse mistake of islam?! Lol
Is there slavery mentioned in the Bible?! Yes, it is. Unlike quran, the bible is a historical book which describes the reality of people living that time. Those are historical accounts. Christian teaching is based on Jesus. Did Jesus trade or own slaves?! Did Jesus encourange to put people to death for losing faith etc?! The answer is clear no. Also, many of the slaves back then were Christians themselves. So thos owners calling themselves 'Christians' were in fact hypocrites.
All the bad things christianity as a religion was involved in were against the teaching of Jesus. And at the same time there were many Christians to include priests and scholars who knew that well and were fighting this. Why do you think the movements were born in the church itself to change this? Christianity/Injil doesn't accept slavery.


Greetings from somalia 🇸🇴. I enjoyed this video so much I watched it 3 times. You amazing, incredibly articulate and honest. Appreciate you, ❤ keep it,


Thanks for noting the gaps and issues in her essay. It left me confused about what she believes and why. As you noted, she doesn't talk about Christianity much, just about why she believes it's necessary for political reasons


Great video. I love your channel. I actually just warched a video of her the other day and was disturbed by her political views and her respect for Trump's "muslim ban"


Have the conversation with her, actually in your presence on video so that she can accurately represent her own ideas and defend them in front of people


since my childhood I read the Bible not because someone forced me but cuz I didn't believe in God and I want to know if Jesus Christ is real I was born in a Christian country where everyone has the freedom to choose what to believe. When I was 9 years old I prayed to Jesus for a miracle and since then my life has changed, Jesus is my Lord and Savior I don't follow a religion I follow Jesus teaches love one another, I always tell everyone to read the Bible New testament if they wanted to learn about Jesus


Thank you for sharing this video my respect to all ex Muslim you need to be brave to leave Islam ❤🙏


Her significance in movement atheism was based entirely on her opposition to Islam, not on general counter-theism aptitude. Eventually, she dropped the secular governance position, calling for religious freedom to be suspended when it came to Islam specifically, and then glomming onto conservative culture war crusades against Islam-unrelated positions associated with what she deemed to be an Islam-coddling political Left. So this is hardly surprising, especially given how she was once openly considering conversion to Judaism.


The conversion Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Christianity amazes the intellectual community. It’s such a strange thing for one to convert from one religion to another similar religion. The same surprise goes to Rachid Hammami, the Moroccan Muslim’s conversion to Christianity. He devotes his criticism to totally againt Islam, but the very same problems that he highlights exist in Christianity! Our humanity is just strange at places.


her conversion is the result of two simple factors: political ambition and love of money. which is only ironic, given her statement of how christianity is somehow inherently inclined to be separated from politics. she is just a political grifter like so many others in her field, seizing opportunity wherever it shows itself.


It is not about religion it is about humanity how can we say that we love God that we have not seen and hate humans because they have different beliefs


You have broken it down quite intelligently, of course, but I wanted to put in so few words that I think the main issue concerning her is "Void and Meaningless, " AKA Nihilism. 
‘It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool’s paradise! 

PS: You are doing exceptionally well. Keep it coming


EXCELLENT decision you have taken by analysing truth. God will bless you all your future endeavour.


God bless her for accepting Christ as the Saviour


I really like Ayaan, imho she is a good-hearted and intelligent woman who does NOT have all the answers. In one of her books she briefly addresses her daughter, and writes about her love for her and the world Ayaan hopes the little girl will inherit. There is a big fight for that world ahead of us. Thanks so much for the video, perhaps too critical but still ok.


Why do these great intellects not come together and create a new social movement to fill the void?


I think there are problems with hedonism and utilitarianism, which are currently popular in "the West, " but I don't think these religions are satisfying because... well they don't square well with rationality. Ideally IMO we should be teaching how we got here to atheism in the first place, rather than trying to bring us back to the past, or some nostalgic fantasy about Christianity, that Ayaan Hirsi Ali seems to have fallen victim to.
