Mass or Spacetime is Subjective: Roger Penrose noncommutative frequency-time Chomsky Newton Archytas

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All human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth but Alain Connes calls this (2, 3, infinity) due to the inherent noncommutative phase between the Perfect Fifth and Fourth within the same octave. Other animals being tested do not demonstrate the "relative pitch" cognition between octaves as a symmetric logarithmic value - the basis of the commutative geometry that is the norm for Western science. So when we learn Western music we are actually being cut off from our "musilanguage" origins - as Professor Chris Knight argues in his focus on our original human culture - the San Bushmen and Baka Twa culture of the rainforest.
So the issue here is that we can not separate our left brain dominance of human vocal communication from the development of written language. Borzacchini argues that the Greek Miracle of irrational magnitude math was based on the rise of phonetic language as a left-brain lateral crystallization, tied to right hand technology of course. Professor Michael Corballis successfully argues that indeed it was right hand dominant technology that forced early hominins to develop left brain dominant vocal communication. Dr. Erich Jarvis emphasizes a "convergent evolution" in song birds where, just as in humans, the vocal communication brain area is tied closely to the motor cortex. Chris Knight is in line with the music neuroscientist Dr. Daniel Levitin who emphasizes that the motor cortex and the cerebellum also control our emotions via music and singing.

So Chomsky has recently been collaborating a bit with Professor Emeritus Stuart Hameroff and Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose to tie the origins of human language to their consciousness model of reality that Hameroff emphasizes is better understood as a quantum "anharmonic" music - modeled by the "three gunas" of India or the yin-yang music of traditional Daoism - Dr. Victor Grauer's book traces the spread our of original human culture music around the world - in his "Sounding the Depths" book.
And so in line with Penrose and Hameroff then our music origins of human language are tied to how Western mathematics arose to define gravity as an inverse square law (Newton being directly inspired by the Platonic Archytas analysis of music whereby a squaring of the weight will double the frequency of a string).
So as Penrose argues it is a gravitational collapse of the nonlocal protoconsciousness of reality that "is" human consciousness as thinking but Penrose also now agrees this "collapse" relies on a noncommutative phase quantum algebra with mass originated from noncommutative time-frequency. de Broglie's critique of relativity as the "Law of Phase Harmony" also made this same insight.
So Penrose now points out that in fact the energy-information of gravity or entropy of gravity is the OPPOSITE of the entropy or energy-information of matter - such that our civilization by supposedly going against the entropy of matter has in fact increased the entropy of gravity on Earth (hence explaining our current global crisis of ecology and social justice).
So Chomsky by relying on Newton creating the modern crisis of the Void as an inherent mystery of the truth of reality via the "action at a distance" of gravity - and Newton quoting Lucretius on a type of antigravity as well - there is a deeper origin of cognition for the acquisition of human language. Chomsky essentially admits that if humans did not have "I-language" then perhaps we could acquire similar biological functions as other life. Indeed this is proven true - if you read Olivier Costa de Beauregard's book "Time: a physical magnitude" on relativistic quantum biology. That does corroborate the ancient focus of our original human culture on spiritual healing by intentionally using words of Gibberish while the females sing all night and the males dance.
Mimesis as rhythmic Motherese
"we know that the relation between an infant and the mother are rhythmically connected. If you look at the utterances of the wimper or cry and a Mother - they have a rhythmic content - if one speeds up, the other slows down.... it's not just a coincidence that we have music and language."
"The way mothers and babies raise and lower their voices and simultaneously change their expressions and move their hands is similar in Asia and Europe, for example (in spite of linguistic differences such as tone languages versus non-tone languages)."
prenatal origin of music
Hi Dr. Chuckrow and Professor Parncutt: Thank you for your research on the Prenatal Origins of Music. You state in your article on the Prenatal Origins of Music that,
"the fetus can perceive only a few, consistent with the importance of the “perfect” octave, fifth and fourth intervals in music (which occur between the first four harmonics). "
"Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" gives more details.

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It's a very far fetched goal - the goal that we are addressing is a much simpler goal. It's to understand why on Earth aren't we just living in gravity?


So for Newton, the force of gravity acting between the earth and any other object is directly proportional to the mass of the earth, directly proportional to the mass of the object, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates the centers of the earth and the object.


So a geometrical singularity is a set of points in space where the equations that you are interested in give nonsense answers. In the case of gravitation, the familiar equation F = GMm/r^2 for Newtonian gravity of a spherical mass has a geometrical singularity at r=0 that is a single point… it has zero volume and the concept of “size” does not apply to it.

However, you will notice that the Earth, although it is a spherical(ish) mass, does not have any point in it where the gravity is infinite. The singularity only exists in the equation. You need to hang on to that notion.

The singularity in the maths for a non-rotating, non-charged, black hole, is a point. Just like the one in Newtonian gravity above. It is the same for all masses, but the concept of “size” does not apply to a zero-dimensional point. It is not even clear that such a thing as a point mass can exist in reality. There is no evidence that it can and the black hole equations are the only reason to entertain the possibility at all.

It does change with the type of the black hole. For instance, if the black hole is rotating but still uncharged, then the singularity in the maths is a circle.

The size of a black hole is more usefully characterised by the size of it’s various even horizons. In the simplest case of an uncharged and non-rotating black hole, that would be it’s Schwarzchilde radius.

This radius is different for different masses.


Isaac Newton latest historical figure swept up in 'decolonisation' drive
Sheffield University said the mathematician may have benefited from "colonial-era activity" as it looks to overhaul its physics curriculum
The documents do not explain how Newton is thought to have benefited from colonialism. However, it is known that he held shares in the South Sea Company that traded in slaves.
