Sabine Hossenfelder: Noncommutative holographic Universe: Eddie Oshins Louis Kauffman: Yuan Qi Prana

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Therefore the Emptiness can never be seen - as Gerard 't Hooft, Nobel physicist, points out, about the Black Hole information paradox being solved by noncommutative phase math of the future and past overlapped - so there is no "inside" to a Black Hole.
We can not SEE the quantum clone that preserves the information as the Soul of the Emptiness - it is the Cosmic Mother energy-information of the future and the past overlapped.
String Theory still relies on symmetric math whereas the truth of the Holographic Universe is from noncommutative time-frequency energy as the Law of Phase Harmony of de Broglie. So this is what David Bohm meant by the Holomovement that his collaborator Professor Basil J. Hiley has corroborated with the noncommutative phase logic of noncommutative time-frequency energy. Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes also explains this noncommutative phase truth as does Sir Roger Penrose. So it's just a matter of the rest of scientists catching up. Math Professor Louis Kauffman has figured out this truth of noncommutative phase also - he calls it "primordial time." The problem, as my own quantum mechanics professor Herbert J. Bernstein has emphasized, is that people learn classical physics FIRST and so get brainwashed by the wrong foundation of the symmetric math.
So quantum biology has proven that we have coherent laser biophotons in our body and mind - and it is this holographic coherent light that then creates the illusion of the Matrix as an enclosed wavelength of 3D space. Time as the 4th dimension is the 5th dimension that is noncommutative phase as Astrophysics professor Paul S. Wesson realized:
"...the presence of oscillations in the vacuum have the same properties as de Broglie waves....5D field equations which in 4D has the properties of a de Broglie wave....the difference can show up as a small perturbation which leads to an effect similar to quantum uncertainty...

"a "wavicle" is two simultaneous realizations of flat space, one with waves and one without.

"From the viewpoint of 5D field theory, waves of de Broglie type have to be considered real.So in 5D all particles behave like photons and everything in the universe is in causal contact with everything else.

"an oscillatory phase, which might (if a person is so inclined) be identified with... spiritual modes of existence...separation
between points is zero, so all of the events in the world are in (5D) causal contact. In other words, everything is occurring simultaneously. There is no plausible way to avoid the conclusion that particles which can be seen moving at speeds less than c should be accompanied by waves which cannot be seen and are moving at speeds greater than c.

"de Broglie waves are better understood in 5D ...characteristic of inflationary cosmology...its 5D complex a model for de Broglie waves. A null interval admits, in a formal sense, velocities in 3D which exceed lightspeed.

"a particle not as a point but a tiny ball of trapped waves. ..some of it verging on the mystical.De Broglie waves follow automatically when the expressions for the energy of a particle [E=mc squared] and a wave [E=Planck's Constant multipled by frequency] are combined.

"This, admittedly, sounds strange.

"Whether one believes in a model like this that straddles physics and spirituality is up to the individual....However it is remarkable that such a model can even be formulated, bridging as it does realms of experience which traditionally have been viewed as immutably separate."
Рекомендации по теме

"In this paper, we have considered the effects of non-commutativity on the holographic complexity
of SYM according to the complexity = action conjecture. We have done this in the hope that this
would produce further evidence about the validity of this conjecture, and of the concept of holographic
complexity more generally. Our main result is that the late time complexification rate increases with
the non-commutativity in a class of theories.
We computed the holographic complexity for 4D N = 4 non-commutative super Yang-Mills, by
evaluating the WDW action in the bulk geometry described by type IIB supergravity with D3 branes.
We saw a 5/4 enhancement for late time complexification rate in the non-commutative result over the
commutative result. This was striking because it is well known that the thermodynamics of this theory
are independent of the non-commutative parameter a."


this is because of repulsive forces due to noncommutativity, signaling the force needed to detach the noncommutative q ̄q pair should be smaller than its commutative counterpart.


Chaos and entanglement spreading in a non-commutative gauge theory
Willy Fischler, Viktor Jahnke, Juan F. Pedraza

Holographic theories with classical gravity duals are maximally chaotic: they saturate a set of bounds on the spread of quantum information. In this paper we question whether non-locality can affect such bounds. Specifically, we consider the gravity dual of a prototypical theory with non-local interactions, namely, N=4 non-commutative super Yang Mills. We construct shock waves geometries that correspond to perturbations of the thermofield double state with definite momentum and study several chaos related properties of the theory, including the butterfly velocity, the entanglement velocity, the scrambling time and the maximal Lyapunov exponent. The latter two are unaffected by the non-commutative parameter θ, however, both the butterfly and entanglement velocities increase with the strength of the non-commutativity. This implies that non-local interactions can enhance the effective light-cone for the transfer of quantum information, eluding previously conjectured bounds encountered in the context of local quantum field theory. We comment on a possible limitation on the retrieval of quantum information imposed by non-locality.


"If the holographic complexity can see the difference caused by non-commutativity,
it is a sign that we are on the right track."


The same effect could be understood as arising from an increased non-locality due to the noncommutativity.


"One feature of noncommutative field theory which is suggestive of interesting behavior is that it adds a degree of non-locality,
which has been shown to lead to interesting effects, e.g. an increase relative to the commutative case
in the dissipation rate of scalar modes [23]. Indeed, the holographic entanglement entropy in this
context has already been studied in, for example, [24, 25], where non-trivial behavior was found in
the limit where the Moyal scale is much larger than the thermal scale."


Śūnya, Śūnyatā, and Reality in Modern Physics

Jan 2019

Herbert J Bernstein

Quantum mechanics (QM) is the physics of atoms and their constituents. Under reductionism, QM should provide the solid reality for our world, as Einstein insisted. Instead, quantum properties depend strongly on their observer; they are empty (śūnya) until co-dependently created. So physics provides a time-dependent, co-emergent reality (which I des...


On the other hand, the ratio that it increases is an interesting rational number 5/4. [approximating cube root of 2]


Regarding the statement that non-commutativity enhances the complexification rate in general,
there are several interesting aspects one can investigate. First, this result is in tension with the often
expressed idea that the commutative AdS-Schwarzschild black hole is the fastest possible computer [4].
If non-commutativity can somehow increase the computational speed even further, it would be very
interesting to see if it also increases the scrambling process of the black hole."


Holographic Description of Noncommutative Schwinger Effect
Udit Narayan Chowdhury


I don't know if it is just because he gave me that experience very strongly when I was driving the car - and suddenly the right side of my heart deep down had a strong Ether electrical energy emerge - and maybe now I have an eternal connection with Jim interwove with my soul?

Or maybe everyone can feel his formless awareness heart energy?

Jim is a living Ramana Maharshi and beyond because he also practices Mahayana Buddhism, as explained in the book "Measuring Meditation" by Bill Bodri.

Wow - I'm so happy that I have this opportunity. I would sign up for the monthly podcast subscription but down the road I may not be able to listen to it - so I'll just pay an extra $20 a month to do an individualized payment each time of $20 twice a month.

Wow - as Jim told me before his life has been like a real movie. Of course Jim let me read a version of his memoir as Jim asked me for help in writing the memoir. Yes I am stunned that I was befriended by Sidney James Nance.


October 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47337-6_11

In book: The Musical-Mathematical Mind (pp.99-110)
