How We Store Sugar For Our Prepper Pantry ~ Easy Long Term Storage!

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This is how we store our sugar for long term. Sugar is a must for any prepper pantry! Be ready and prepared for food shortages and inflation coming. Don't ever prepare out of fear, but be wise!

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I like to use permanent marker on the glass lid to mark the date and contents. Rubbing alcohol takes it right off when you want to re-use the jar. Just a little tip because I hate peeling off paper labels.


I bought sugar in 10lb bags and was trying to figure out how to store it without having to buy expensive containers on top. I went to Dollar Tree and bought some large vac storage bags for 1.25 and you can get 3 unopened bags in there. When I need to open a bag, I can tape it back up and reseal. Sealed nicely and sits well on the shelf.


thankyou for your video. I am storing sugar still in the bag inside a plastic bin. Now I realize how important and easy to just put it all in my canning jars. Love that. Just learned how to oven can flour as well. BTW: we are a Cook family too here in NE Ohio. (Amish country) God bless you and your family and God bless America.


I used to do this, but, I stopped buying it this way, and started buying domino pure cane sugar in the 4lb yellow food grade plastic jugs. Yes, it costs a little more, but... They stack very well, and they are already sealed. Plus, I can use the jugs after they are empty. Mostly, I put 6 or 7 holes in the bottom and use them for growing extra, small veggies, like green onions, radishes, small lettuces, and other smaller greens eggies that I can grow 2 or 3 times in the same grow season. but, I use some for storage too. I end up with a lot of little yellow jugs around in strange places, but, they produce extra food.


Wow easy. Now I just have to find more jars lol! I do have 5 old beauties with the glass tops that a 93 year old lady gave me. I stored them and thought that I would use them for lighted Christmas decorations but now I will use them for storing sugar!


I like your sign GOD is good all the time!


I use food grade plastic 5 gallon buckets and have never had an issue. I love this idea though. I do use a half gallon size mason jar to store my sugar in my kitchen so I’m not having to constantly go to my food storage bucket


I also buy sugar in bulk, we use quite alot as well. I have found the very best way to store sugar is to vacuum seal it. I use my sealer for everything food. I buy ground chuck in bulk, I make hamburger patties for my son, par-freeze them and seal them 2 per bag. Meats will last for years in the freezer when properly vacuum sealed. It's a life saver for brown sugar, once in a while I will have some tomato sauce left over, I pour it into an ice cube tray, freeze it, pop them out and seal up in a vac bag. Been using vacuum sealers for over 20 years and they really do save you money.


I store sugar in large plastic buckets in their original one kilo bags here in Europe. Inside the buckets I place several bags of silica gel in each bucket. I also have several mason jars full of dried silica gel packs ready for use. Every three months I will change out the bags and replace them with the dry bags and then recharge or dry the wet bags in the oven according to their directions. (Usually 230-240°F ) I then reseal the hot bags in the empty mason jar. In the summer time I like o use my solar oven for this task. So far after ten years of this practice I don't have any problems.
A great cheap source of silica gel is cat litter that is 100% silica gel and preferably the type that has no added scents. I sew up cotton bags that can hold one cup of the gel and then sew it up and recharge and seal in mason jars. I have even used this for food storage with no ill effects. You can also use these bags in your closets or the trunk of your car to absorb any moisture but be sure to mark the bags "Not for Food Storage" these bags will pick up scents which can transfer to food should one would make a mistake.
We have the Bail type lid jars but the big problem is that the seals tend to deteriorate over time and it is difficult to find replacement seals. I would have used some very old antique Ball bail lid mason jars but I have not been able to locate any seals for them as they are smaller than the Italian bail tops. If anyone has a source for them it would be a blessing to be able to use them again.


I store sugar and salt (and rice) in plastic orange or grape juice bottles. Clean them thoroughly and let air dry. Use some white teflon tape on the threads of the bottle and screw the lid on tight. Been doing this for years with no problems and very easy storage.


I have a store with a deli, our pickles, olives, jallopenos, and banana peppers come in gallon jugs, I have been throwing them out, but this is a great use for them storing food .


Tip - use a funnel to save any spillage and add a couple of bay leaves to deter any creepy crawlies. The big glass jars are too heavy for me so I use recycled glass honey jars.


We didn't have a lot of jars so we vacuum packed them in bags and then put those in 5 gallon buckets.


I use a canning funnel to decant from bag to bottle. less mess, and I do it over a plastic tray. you can just tip the tray and empty any spills into the bottle.


I vacuumed sealed everything from pasta, sugar, dried beans 🫘 to even my flour as well as white rice being it is cheaper then glass jars & easier to store.


I’m gonna try this canning of sugar. I have four kids and three of them have kids. And three of them have spouses. So there’s thirteen of us that would benefit from storing of sugar if anything were to happen to our food supply. I’m thinking acquiring of meat might be somewhat of a difficulty at first but a true struggle later on. But seasoning the food we do have on hand would be a true necessity. I’m not prepared to eat meat without a little salt and pepper. Than for taking the time to video this and put it out there for us. God bless and keep you also!


Reminder: empty containers weigh a lot less than packed, full ones. Don't pack more than you can lift esp if it is glass!


Good idea for the uncertain times we are living in! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! -Tom & LeeAnn


Part of a Cook family here. Cheers. Glad to join your channel


I use stackable plastic containers with lids that snap down on 4 sides. I use the same type container for dry beans, rice, brown sugar etc. They are lightweight and if I drop one I won't have broken glass and sugar to clean up, possibly only the sugar.
