Total Depravity on Trial (Session 2 - Calvinism on Trial)

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Session 2 for the Calvinism on Trial series
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Saw you with Leighton Flowers on Soteriology101 - liked, shared and subscribed 😃


Thank you for taking time to produce your videos.


Thank you, sir, for a clear, SCRIPTURAL presentation of the FULL picture we are given of God's story. Especially when you "pull back the curtain" of Paul's purpose in Romans 1! I never realized that he was using "snippets " from the Old Testament --something that he EXPECTED the readers to understand 😮 His purpose was to show our inability on our own to be saved, NOT that we have a despicable nature from the womb🙌🏻


Thank you for tucking Romans 3 back into its context, Pastor!!! And the other proof texts of Calvinism, as well.


Adam talked with God in the garden after the fall


This was positively incredible! I'm going to listen to it again, take notes and do some additional study. I have never heard anyone teach that we are right now experiencing the wrath of God, and that many make the mistake that God's wrath means "X". It makes a lot of sense to me. I loved your exegesis of 1 Corinthians. This was truly a gift from God to me! Thank you very much!


Total Depravity" is a concept that has been "comprehended" humanistically. John Calvin does not imply that man is separate from God's creation and directives. He implies that man in his fallen state is incapable of saving himself and putting himself "in Christ" as the Apostle Paul has written.


It appears no one can answer this. No man CAN come to me unless it has been granted by the Father. JOHN 6:65, or ALL that the Father gives me WILL come to me . JOHN 637a. The natural man does not seek after the things of God, neither can he know them for they are Spiritually discerned. 1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 It is by His doing you are in Christ Jesus. 1 CORINTHIANS 1:30 As as many as were Appointed to Eternal life believed. ACTS 13:48 Just because this man is learned does not mean he's correct.


Brilliant!!! Thank you!!! SO good and well-delivered!!!
Here's some of my thoughts on it all... ; )

Welcome to the world of Calvinism.
The following words found throughout holy Scripture will now be highly logically problematic - both to the natural reasonable man, and the spiritually illumined one:


(now practically meaningless and totally incoherent in light of the Reformed theory of compatibalism and irresistible / effectual grace)

The following words will now also have to be somewhat "tweaked" (utterly changed from what they clearly and simply mean)...


Finally you need to get used to cherry picking a couple of verses outside of the context of the entire swathe of the Book, Epistle or Gospel where they are found, and conflate and confuse individual justification / incorporation into Christ with corporate ministry and election. Oh! And please DO NOT research about how Augustine of Hippo practically reinvented the meaning of the word "Predestination" or the view of the human will and its relation to the Divine one as it was classically understood in the early Christian Church, and how one of his greatest fans - John Calvin - picked up this novel (non Christian) doctrine (double predestination) in the 16th century and stuck it on steroids: John Calvin calling it  "the terrible doctrine"  - which it is of course - but not for the same reasons he was applying the term...

Now that you're a Calvinist you will be keenly aware that this doctrinal system (see the doctrines of grace) seems to tarnish the character of God and human moral responsibility and accountability (even though it sincerely and rightly seeks to stress the primacy of grace)... but remember! You are honoring God and His Scripture by swallowing this hard to swallow view of Sovereignty (meticulous determinism), Election and Reprobation (unconditional election), and man only having the illusion of free will (total depravity / inability)...

The thing is though (between you and me and the entire Christian East and much of the West who do not hold to Augustinian Calvinism, and who all but you minority of Reformed folk, reject double predestination) you're not actually honouring God or his word in conforming to this system, you're actually simply honouring the thoughts of these men and their interpretive tradition)



1 Corinthians 214 refutes the whole argument . You said that “there is no explicit teaching that man cannot understand the gospel.”
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.


Calvinism in a nutshell.
God created an entire world of people, in His image, who hate Him, who are His enemies. Then He forcefully picks some to not hate Him and…. to bring Him glory, He torments the rest for all eternity. whaaaah?😦😦


1 John 4:8 describes Agape love which christians recoeve the ability to love like God. Unbelievers cannot love like God because they do not know Him. What standard do we use to measure whether we have loved someone or not? The standard of all love is God. It begins and ends with Him


Do not sinners love those who love them?


Depravity is a fact of life but inability is a Gnostic lie brought to Christianity by Augustine of hippo who was a mannichean Gnostic for 15 years before he joined the church and eventually went back to his Gnostic distinctives but stayed in the church while doing so .


My understanding is that God gives unrepentant humans over to the full consequence's of their sin in this world right now in this life.
When they feel those consequence's and want to escape them, there is no escape.


There are a lot of non christain who do good things I know people who aren’t christain that do good things


Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned--" People are born sinful. Dead spirtually. Philippians 1:29" For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, " Faith is a gift of God.


Free will in Spiritual things is a fallacy.


But they would do a lot better if they would give their Hearts to christ


Calvinism is Biblical Christianity. Prove me wrong if u can. I know u cant but amuse me
