Martial Artist Met Steven Seagal And Told The TRUTH

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My friend Jesse Enkamp met Steven Seagal and told me how Steven is in real life and answered other questions I asked about him.


Welcome to the Martial Arts Journey YouTube channel!

My name is Rokas. I'm a Lithuanian guy who trained Aikido for 14 years, 7 of them running a professional Aikido Dojo until eventually I realized that Aikido does not live up to what it promises.

Lead by this realization I decided to make a daring step to close my Aikido Dojo and move to Portland, Oregon for six months to start training MMA at the famous Straight Blast Gym Headquarters under head coach Matt Thornton.

After six months intensive training I had my first amateur MMA fight after which I moved back to Lithuania. During all of this time I am documenting my experience through my YouTube channel called "Martial Arts Journey".

Now I am slowly setting up plans to continue training MMA under quality guidance and getting ready for my next MMA fight as I further document and share my journey and discoveries.


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Check the video "Aikido vs MMA" which started this whole Martial Arts Journey:

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What kind of question would you have asked Jesse about Steven Seagal?


I think Jesse got selected by Mr. Seagal for this interview simply because of Jessie‘s humility and the way he approaches everything with a fresh perspective.


Man, Jesse was such a class act here! Always very respectful and humble. Looks for the positives and focuses on those!


You can tell Jesse had a good upbringing.
Such a polite and respectful gentleman.


If Seagal does have a thyroid disorder I can sympathize with the weight issues. I lost half of my thyroid in 2016 (tumor in my neck that had grown into one lobe) and within just a few months I had put on 50lbs. I stabilized at about 70 over my usual weight and have been working on losing it since. 99% of my diet is vegetables and good proteins. The only sugars, carbs, etc. I have are the small amounts find in avocado and other healthy foods. I exercise every single day (weights and/or cardio) and have lost less than 20lbs in 18 months. It's a legit struggle.


Thanks for the chat Rokas! Your journey inspires us all 🔥🙏💪


Pretty cool seeing people like you, Jesse and other channels like hard2hurt exploring martial arts exchanging experience and skills with each other stepping across boundaries of styles. Keep it up man it truly is inspiring and educating.


It's good to finally see a different perspective of Steven Seagal considering everyone seems only interested in bashing him these days. No one is perfect, but we all have a good side to us.


Jesse always a class act, never bad mouthing others or styles, just respect . Awesome!


I really enjoy Jesse Enkamps videos and personality. He does great interviews and conducts himself beyond reproach. A great example to martial artists and regular joes. The world needs more of this


Jesse is such a nice guy. He deserves all the success he has achieved.


Jesse: Steven Seagul is humble
Steven Seagul when asked about other martial artists: Can I laugh in your face?

Yeah, no I'm not buying it.


Excellent content as always, Rokas! You and Jesse are my favourite martial arts Youtubers. I love how clearly you both communicate your knowledge and lessons, and you are both so humble! Keep up the great work!


"Old" aikido... Daitō-ryū, a real martial art. The joke says that a student of Daitō-ryū asked his sensei:
- What's the difference between Daitō-ryū and aikido, Sensei?
- If your opponent falls with a smile it's aikido, if he falls screaaming in pain and with a dislocation or a brokken bone, it's Daitō-ryū.


I watched Jesse's video before I saw this one. Since I follow both channels, I was glad to see the shared collaboration between martial artists. I would agree entirely with Jesse's comments about being interested only in the Martial Artist side of Sensei Segal. Being a life-long martial artist myself, I can appreciate, admire and learn from Sensei Segal's Aikido\Aiki-jitsu\etc. lessons, without necessarily agreeing with any other aspects of his life. Keep up the sharing\collaboration between the different Martial Arts disciplines ... it is a life-long pursuit but well worth it!


There's a lot of good comments here pointing out the flaws in defending Seagal, one that bothers me a lot that I haven't seen is the idea that he just had a hard time pulling his punches with stuntmen. If someone as tough as Gene LeBell is calling you out for beating up on your stunt team, you're doing something wrong. You're making movies, you're not fighting, you're not even training or sparring, safety comes first above all else and if you're abusing your coworkers you're not a professional, you're a bully


About his thyroid disease it makes a lot of sense. Jet Li has the same and that's why he left the action movies. I remember that Seagal had a time out after his last movie for silver screen, EXIT WOUNDS, and when he returned I saw that something with him changed.


Narcissists often give superficial gifts and show fake humility. They are actors that way and Jesse god bless him is falling for the act.


As a long time fan, I like how light was shed on Mr. Seagal! Although I understand the reasoning behind the slow/safe practicing of aikido techniques in a dojo, I personally feel Mr. Seagal principles of Aikido should be performed in that exact way... straight to the point and not all like how it is nowadays! YouTube channels Aikidoflow & Azerbaijan Real Aikido Federation kinda shows how it should be!


I hope everybody has as humbling thought process as Jesse, one who wants to learn and to teach.
