The Battle of Christophsis [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Extended 2008 Film Cut

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A full 4K HDR (and 1080p) upscale of the entire series, also taking all but 9 episodes and re-cutting them seamlessly into feature films for every single arc. Have a favorite arc? Order 66? The Rako Hardeen Deception Arc? Mortis? The Nightsisters? Yoda's Journey? Maul's Revenge? This project converts the entire TV show into the definitive theatrical experience, perfect for your nice 4K HDR theater setup.

I have also reordered the episodes to fit a (mostly) chronological order based on the entire series official order list. This fixes many, many continuity problems for those who get confused when they watch it in viewing order. There are some minor alterations to the official episode order to make these arcs work as films, but any changes to the official chronological order are small (Putting Maul's Season 4 and 5 arcs into a single epic 3 hour cut, moving the lone episode "A Friend in Need" up a bit in the timeline to fit with the Heroes on Both Sides arc. Making Cad Bane's seasons 1-3 arc into a single supercut). The rest of the alterations follow the official continuity order (2 season 1 and 2 episodes are now part of the extended Clone Wars Theatrical Film Cut due to them being part of the Battle of Christophsis, ect. ect.) and greatly enhance the show's viewing experience.

Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

#StarWarsCloneWars​ #TheCloneWars​ #CloneWars4K​ #SWTCW​ #CloneWars #AnakinSkywalker #AhsokaTano #PadmeAmidala #ObiwanKenobi #Grievous #CountDooku #DarthMaul #DarthSidious #AdmiralTrench #CloneWarsTrench
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Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.


I love that one clone that pats R2's dome as if he is trying to comfort him


I love how that one clone trooper punches the droid thinking it would do damage to it but only hurt his hand, then getting blasted out of oblivion lmao


"Oh its a kids movie" (shows full frontal suicidal charge by the clones)


501st Journal: Christophsis

“Christophsis was a hard-fought victory that the Republic only narrowly achieved. What was thought to be a straightforward plan went haywire when we were ambushed on all sides by the Seps. Lucky for us, our plea for help was answered just in time.”

“If it weren’t for Master Kenobi and his 212th Battalion, as well as the surprising skills of the rookie Commander Ahsoka Tano, we may not have left Christophsis alive. Despite the way things went after the war, I still give my thanks to them.”


Funny clone moments
1:40 "For the Republi-" *dies*
1:55 *punches droid* *OW* *dies*


Man, I still remember being 7 seeing this in the theater. This battle was an absolute ride


0:47 i like how the other two clones are trying to shield their ears whilst the trooper in the middle just firms it


Gotta love those Republic heavy cannons. I wish they'd used them more often in the show.


It's a riot that this Clone War series opening battle has so many similarities (Jedi, clones, droids, the a bridge) in comparison to the opening battle on the last season of the Clone Wars (Seige of Mandalore). But also sad in that the war never changed.


Battle of Christophsis on a 5.1 home theater sound system was the coolest shit ever as a child.


Watching this again, it's obvious they only won because of the cannons, their regular plan of attack looks like a suicide mission. Of course this is only one of the first battles so in a way that just makes it more realistic.


Literally one of my favourite movies and Clone and Droid battles! This series is the best and the series is incredible.


To think that this movie that everyone at first had skepticism about, would lead the way to the greatest and most beloved show in the Star Wars franchise.


It was the Battle of Christophsis scenes back in High School for me that gained major popularity since it showed such destruction and good animation. It was viral before viral was invented. I continue to watch this show in my 20's! Sooo good


0:49 I love how they treat R2 like a pet


This is the epitome of my childhood. I remember watching the movie in the theaters when I was a kid and I came out with this huge smile on my face. My dad didn’t get why I liked it so much but to me, this movie was an absolute gem and I love it so much. It always dismays me to see the movie rated so poorly by many. Same with the early seasons of the clone wars. I personally love them all equally


2:01 Ok yes, Cody's scene is beautiful, but don't stop looking at Obi Wan in the background, HOLY FORCE!, he is giving everything he has


I love this whole opening, but I absolutely adore 1:43 to 1:51 because of the way the music builds up and how perfectly it syncs with the camera pulling away to show how absolutely wide scale the war is, and how even what would’ve been small battles before the war have now become enormous skirmishes amongst entire cities in a fight for control of each planet. It shows just how small the clones and droids are and it’s just… UGH! I LOVE THIS MOVIE! 😂


The soundtrack did not need to go this hard 🔥
