Cody and Rex at Christophsis [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Extended 2008 Film Cut

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A full 4K HDR (and 1080p) upscale of the entire series, also taking all but 9 episodes and re-cutting them seamlessly into feature films for every single arc. Have a favorite arc? Order 66? The Rako Hardeen Deception Arc? Mortis? The Nightsisters? Yoda's Journey? Maul's Revenge? This project converts the entire TV show into the definitive theatrical experience, perfect for your nice 4K HDR theater setup.

I have also reordered the episodes to fit a (mostly) chronological order based on the entire series official order list. This fixes many, many continuity problems for those who get confused when they watch it in viewing order. There are some minor alterations to the official episode order to make these arcs work as films, but any changes to the official chronological order are small (Putting Maul's Season 4 and 5 arcs into a single epic 3 hour cut, moving the lone episode "A Friend in Need" up a bit in the timeline to fit with the Heroes on Both Sides arc. Making Cad Bane's seasons 1-3 arc into a single supercut). The rest of the alterations follow the official continuity order (2 season 1 and 2 episodes are now part of the extended Clone Wars Theatrical Film Cut due to them being part of the Battle of Christophsis, ect. ect.) and greatly enhance the show's viewing experience.

Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

#StarWarsCloneWars​ #TheCloneWars​ #CloneWars4K​ #SWTCW​ #CloneWars #AnakinSkywalker #AhsokaTano #PadmeAmidala #ObiwanKenobi #Grievous #CountDooku #DarthMaul #DarthSidious #CaptainRex #CommanderCody
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Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.


This is my favorite Skirmish/battle in the show, It was only season 1 but there are so many small details/moments


the lego version of this scene was every kid's first bullet hell


Funny how the planet of Christophsis reminds me of the current state of Mandalore after the Empire bombed the planet to green glass. This planet makes use of glass in its building material. This cut leads us into the first occurrence of a Clone traitor in the episode "Hidden Enemy" which is a foreshadowing of the Fives and Cut Laquain episodes and the eventual Order 66.


Who knew this would be the prequel to the movie


didnt realize this was extended cut till the tactical droid


so many clones lost their lives only blasting 0 or 3 droids. very costly battle.
also really nice 4k upload and yes i have a 3440x1440 monitor


For The Clone Wars videos you be able to do more such as Anakin and Grievous being traded, Rish Loo stabbing Bosh Lynine, Anakin, Obi Wan and clones vs undead warriors, Anakin, Obi Wan and searching for Luminina and going into a cave please.


Isnt this from the show version not the movie one
