I GOT DIVORCED | life update | Life After Divorce

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Hey everyone! It’s so good to be back on YouTube! After taking a long break to gather myself and my thoughts I have decided to finally come back and to keep pursuing what I love the most. Which is helping people. I hope you guys enjoy this video and I hope maybe my experience can give someone the motivation to better themselves Aubscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram! ❤️

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I was deeply moved by your story. I am 90 years old and before gay marriage was possible, my partner and I shared our relationship for 50 years before he died. Your story reaches across the ages, and I cannot imagine the hurt you had to endure. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. If you had told me you loved me in your lovely accent, I think I would have fainted!.


Dylan, you have no idea how much you've helped me with this video. I'm 55 years old and I was dating a younger guy (31 years old), but we were living in separate apartments. We used to have a nice connection, we talked a lot about everything, but all of a sudden I noticed he'd want to stay away and hurry off to work after meeting up with me. One day he decided to break up without giving me any reason why he was doing that. He just disappeared from my life. He won't text me anymore. I fell apart, bawled my eyes out every day and couldn't work anymore for several days. I felt rejected and I felt like I did something wrong - I don't think I have. All of this is quite recent (only 2 weeks), but I'm trying to pull myself together. Your vid has given me some hope to carry on when I was about to give it up. Thanks, dude.


So sorry about your marriage. You havent had the best luck in relationships. You are wonderful and dont need to be with anyone who doesnt love you and treat you well! ❤


Hey, you’re a young man, and have a full life ahead of you. There’s a right man for you. Continue to possess that positive outlook on life.🤓


At least it happened after only 3 years. My first was after 12 years I was as surprised as you. Currently I am 80 y/o been with my man 40 years and still in love it did get better and is now wonderful. Good luck relax and it will be better I promise♥️


God bless you sir! I am a subscriber now and I LIVE for that accent!


The positive side of this is that you are well rid of him while still young. He obviously didn't love you. I live in SC so I know first hand what you are talking about. From this, you will be enabled to make a better choice of whom you want to marry.
BTW, being Southern I love your accent.


Divorce is one of the worse things we can through. I've been there myself. Oddly enough, my ex-husband and I are now great friends, though at the time I had lost my entire world. I'm glad to see that you are in a relatively a good place emotionally. Never lose hope, it's the one thing that pulls us all along, knowing that we can survive just about anything this life throws at us.


Somebody didn't die, but something did die.... the relationship and the hope you had for the future. Grieve that fully and move on. You're absolutely going to find love and joy again. Your true life partner is out there waiting for you to enter his life. And he is going to be so lucky and grateful when you find each other.


Sorry son. I know it had to be tough. Proud of you for making progress in getting things together again.


So relieved you got yourself out of these toxic habits after this traumatic event. Finally seeing the sun at the end of the tunnel. You are likeable and a gentle soul.


What a heartbreaking story. The loss and grief you must have been experiencing is unimaginable. But your attitude is amazing. To draw strength and positivity and renewal from that takes great strength and courage. You are so much more ready now for a true and lasting love. I don’t know what happened to your ex-husband but he eventually showed his true colours. The way he treated you was terrible. But it’s done now and you’ve shed that version of you and you’re open now. Your soul mate is out there and when he meets you he will be very very lucky. Good luck and ❤️


Deaf gay man from New York ~ I know what you are feeling about this situation ~ I've been going through a similar situation; I have been grieving for almost a year and a half after breaking up with my ex and it's the hardest I've ever been through. Now I'm much better and back to normal ~ love my job and am about to move to my new place soon in Tarrytown, NY ~ I'm happy that you are moving on and taking time!! Definitely, you will find someone special one day :) just hanging there!! Dylan !!! :)


I’m so happy to know that you’re still plugging along with the negative things you’ve dealt with lately… but know that you have people that love and support you through thick and thin. ❤


Take time to grieve. Grief is healthy, grief is important. You have lost the most important thing in your life.
Then begin to move forward. You are young. You have a future. You can do it.


Cats are the best therapy…when they aren’t trying to trip you up 😂😂😂😂. I’d probably be dead (I was seriously ill last year) if it wasn’t for my boy. I had to survive so I could get back to him. It’s absolute heaven to have your cat curled up beside/on you purring away ❤❤


Bravo for you. You've picked yourself up, dusted yourself off, and now you're a new, improved version of yourself!


This was really hurtful news to hear. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to encounter such an experience. I am, however, very encouraged by how you are processing this! Having the courage to acknowledge that you still want marriage and a deep commitment is an impressive act of vulnerability. That kind of honesty brings true healing. I’m not sure what your relationship to faith is but I pray that you are blessed with the desires of your heart and that you continue to grow in peace. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you!


Hello from the Caribbean. I'm very proud of you. I have been struggling to be in a relationship because of lots of insecurities. Videos like your give me hope. Thank you❤


Dylan, just found this video. So sorry for your divorce!!! My heart goes out to you!! I know or feel like Ibknow how I would be if that happened to me!! I unfortunately do not have a family to move home to anymore. You are so lucky!! I am glad toy are back on making videos again!!! Happy that you are getting your life back on track again!! You are such an imspiration!!!
