🆕Divorce I Lost Everything Or Did I How To Rebuild Your Life After Losing Everything Honest Video

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The video is about Divorce I Lost Everything or Did I information
-How to rebuild your life after losing everything I did it so can you
-Starting over after divorce is not easy but it opens up a whole new world.
-Lost everything after the divorce I knew it was going to be hard but I did it and so can you.

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Retired and Living the Dream
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I also worked in a government job. I know two guys that on the day they retired, their wives filed for divorce.
Both came right back to work after putting in 30 years each as their pensions were cut in half. As far as I know, they're still absolute nightmare.


So true Les . In three words “ life goes on “ embrace it, enjoy it .. learn from it .. and lastly.. keep sharing it .. thanks


Les, This is an absolute inspiration. Great video.
I commented on one of your previous stories about a friend who hit financial difficulties and ended up in a really bad place. You have shown how someone can face financial ruin and build something even better in the future.
Keep living the dream!


Marriage is the contract, divorce is the expiry date-good to hear your head strong-subscribed x

Over a period of 14yrs I've divorced/parted ways with a Thai then a Filipino, but I learnt so it did not cost, mentally it doubt, confidence, self respect etc, however roll on another 3yrs and I'm in the best place possible wellness wise, back living a single life in the dream lol.


Appreciate your honesty Les…..we come into this world with nothing and leave with nothing…..what we do in between is what counts…..sounds like you hit the jackpot and found happiness……that’s all that matters…..well done 🙏


Good story, I can think of a win for a man that wasn't conniving. In the early 80s in the US when health benefits did not apply to everyone, a civil service coworker was told by his wife she was going to clean him out of everything. A month later she was quite shaken up begging not to get divorced as she needed a half million dollar experimental operation to save her life. He said sign the papers to take what you put into the marriage only and don't touch mine and I will stay married on the books until your operation is complete, but we are done, and that's how it went.


Having a wife that doesn't work is a fatal mistake when divorce comes along. I got married in 1987 and divorced 24 years later. My wife did not work for the last 22 years. I ended up having to work for 5 extra years beyond my planned retirement date just to recoup my lost pension.


I got divorced in 2003 and it cost me very little as she was employed and I had no assets.I ended up with what I put into the marital home but the satisfaction of cutting her out of my life like a surgeon removes a cancerous tumor.


I had an almost carbon copy of your situation but in my late 40s. Women instigate approx 80% of divorces and are favoured in western courts. It took 3 years to settle and £90k ( between us) later, I’m grateful that I’m free. Still in the U.K. for now, but researching Thailand, SE Asia, Bulgaria, Jamaica and others.
I had to use all my resources to stay solvent, but have built it back up. Why they do it ? Buyer’s remorse, ? Hormones? It doesn’t matter, as I’m now living my second life 😊


Good Boost and info for guys in that divorce zone now Les.
Been there myself....head down, turned life around😊


I'm so happy you survived a divorce. Thanks for the great advice.


Congrats my friend. The more vids of yours that I see the more knowledge and encouragement I get. I'm no longer with my wife and retired, so my happy retirement plans are now a shambles. However, after watching this I believe there is a light that may be flickering now but will shine much stronger in the near future. I hope to experience your dream soon.


Having finalised my divorce last year and the property settlement at the start of this year, the sweatiest moment was receiving a 6 figure cheque from my ex as she wanted to keep the property, whilst there was some dark days in and out of the lawyer office and the completely unnecessary costs there was always an end date


Nice info - been through a similar story and you’re so right, come through it in a better place and happier person


So true Les! I feel the same. I so appreciate the lifestyle and freedom of living here in Thailand. How lucky we are!


Fair play to ya mate, turns out your the winner after all, living the dream 💪👏👍


damn I have trust issues without having ever a divorce


good to hear this life story thank you


Well done Les, you’ve moved on and enjoying life happy days 🙏🙏🙏


Thanks for sharing your story with us. Things definitely happen for a reason mate. Glad that you managed to get back on your feet. Keep living the dream Les.
