Pregnancy at 35?! | OBGYN Explains Advanced Maternal Age

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AMA = Advanced Maternal Age = A person who is 35 or older when pregnant or going to be delivering. The purpose of this video is to educate and empower you over your health and body! So that you have all the necessary information when planning your pregnancy. It's also a good video to prepare you and tells you what to expect when you do get pregnant! Did you like this video? Which topic should I cover next? Let me know in the comments!
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The information in this video is educational information and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Everything in this video--text, graphics, images and information is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/medical provider.
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I had my babies at 37 and 39. I am glad I waited to have my career and a good partner. I did have complications but everyone was healthy in the end.


I conceived at 36.. didn't have insurance until 5 mths so I did the most minimal check ups.. Went for my 14 weeks, anatomy scan & got checked into a birthing center at 30 weeks. I believed my baby was healthy bc I did all I can so u didn't obsess over what could go wrong bc even if things went wrong are u prepared for the angst you would be putting yourself through?.. There's no reason to manifest those energies in the air ladies.



It’s important to recognize (1) all of this is increased RISK, meaning a higher percentage of AMA women have these issues than non-AMA women- it does NOT mean it definitely will happen. Dr Ali, I think it would help people feel a lot less scared if you told us the difference in absolute risk. The likelihood of these issues at any age is still very low. And (2) there are a lot of other factors that affect the health of your baby more than just your age. I got pregnant for the first time at 40, but I’ve been healthy and physically active my whole life, and my doctor straight up told me she’d rather have a healthy older woman than a young woman who wasn’t taking care of herself, in terms of maternal and fetal outcomes. Finally (3) it’s not like 35 is some magic number where if you’re 34 and 11 months everything is fine and then you hit 35 and all hell breaks loose. Biology doesn’t work that way. Things slowly break down as you age, but exactly when and how that happens is different for every person and depends on their genes, preexisting conditions, etc. So let’s stop shaming women who chose to get pregnant at older ages for somehow “harming” their babies. And let’s also stop scaring the sh*t out of them!!


Seems like it’s more common these days for a lot of women to get married in their 30s and have kids past 35.


My husband and I waited to have kids and now I’m 35. I’m a little sad that we waited so long now. I just pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby.


I had my first at 19, and my second this summer at 37. ❤️


37 yr old here. Going on my 34th week. All my genetic testings and other tests came out negative. I also dont have preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. We also got pregnant naturally. I still work out around this time, biking and weight lifting. Im glad my husband and I waited tonhave kids. Dont be too scared to wait, its okay. Uou know yourself more than others. Have kids when you're ready. Just because youre over 35 doesn't mean you'll have a complicated pregnancy. Part of it is also genetics but also a lot of it is lifestyle. Try to be positive and gave a healthy lifestyle as much as you can. If youre trying to get pregnant and You're reading this, i will you all the best. And happy pregnancy to all the pregnant mamas ❤❤❤


I'm 38 and currently 17 weeks pregnant with our 4th and last baby. All our genetic testing came back with low risk and negative. This is my 2nd pregnancy being considered AMA. Our 3rd baby was born when I was 35. They have me do my anatomy scans with a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor and all the ultrasounds and NST's starting at 36 weeks. I'm so glad we waited to have children later personally because we are financially ready for children, more so than we were in our 20's. Plus if we didnt decide to have this last baby we would have never had our only son. We have 3 daughters and this last baby is our little boy💙


34 pregnant and I'll be 35 when I give birth. Everything looking good ❤️


I got pregnant at 35 and had a miscarriage now I am 37 and 16 weeks pregnant and everything looks good all my genetic testing has come out negative or low risk.
I truly believe I will have a healthy baby without any complications. I know society scares you if you’re pass 35 yrs old.
But my mother-in-law had two beautiful healthy babies passed age 39. My friend had a healthy baby at 39 I have another friend who had two healthy pregnancies, pass the age of 37.
I hate that I’m considered High Risk just because of my age when everything else is healthy.


I wish this myth would die: I'm 43 years old, this is my first kid, and everything has gone 200% well. I am the healthiest I've ever been mentally and physically. I'm in a great place in my career and have the resources to provide well for my child. I am mentally ready to start this new chapter and have no regrets about what I have left undone now that my kid will be the #1 priority for years to come.

No gestational diabetes. No high blood pressure. Anterior placenta, but no further complications there. In other words, there's no reason to assume that everything is going to go sideways because you're 35+!!!

Please note that the "35" as the end of it all is (a) based on very outdated studies and no longer based in current, sound science; (b) not shared by doctors in most of the rest of the world.

Please worry more about staying healthy: get all your hormonal and blood tests before trying to get pregnant; start taking prenatal vitamins and other steps for great fertility at least 3 months before you plan to get pregnant; if it's taking you a long time to get pregnant, please have your male partner check his sperm/fertility too, and don't assume it's your eggs/body that are the cause.


My aunt had all 6 of her kids in her 40s


I had 5 babies at 35 and older, and never had extra ultrasounds or non stress tests. Thank God I didn't have to go through that. Perhaps because they werent my first?


I got pregnant at 35 and will give birth at 36 years....I know I will have a healthy pregnancy❤


I am 41 years old and 2 miscarriages this year. Hope to conceive a healthy baby soon


Crazy how some consider 35 to be old to have children!


Thank you. I was afraid to open this video thinking it was going to say something I didn’t want to hear and scare me. I’m glad I did now


You have such a beautiful and calm goddess energy. Keep glowing, sis!


My ObGYN told me that age is just one factor. Overall health, your nutrition, genes, etc. all plays a role here. There could be very sick 22year olds having trouble vs. a really fit 40 year old. It depends on the person. I know ao many women conceiving easily well up until 40, my best friend with 39 on the first try. I am 37 and pregnant with my last kid. My grandma had her last at 46 - she said back in her day it was normal to conceive until it wasn't possible anymore. All healthy children.


I got pregnant at 34, gave birth at 35 to a healthy baby boy…
