Advanced Maternal Age and Pregnancy (is 35 geriatric??)

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A quick chat about the risk factor in pregnancy known as “advanced maternal age”

#laboranddelivery #childbirtheducation #pregnancyeducation #laboranddeliverynurse #firsttimeparents #expecting #highriskpregnancy


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Girl i was told I was geriatric at my pregnancy when I was 27.... 27!!! Your an old mom now that's why your tired. Nope turns out I had a vitamin deficiency.


There’s people that have children young and experience all of the above. There’s also women who have babies in their 40’s who have healthy pregnancies and delivery healthy babies. God has the final say in the end.


I'm 33 and I have no children yet. I met my husband years ago and we just got married in May. We have been waiting until we are ready and you know.. We are definitely feeling ready lately!! But we still feel like we aren't. Can't decide when to pull the trigger! 😵‍💫 I definitely will be before 35. This was great info to know!


It's very sad that parents often upon learning of their atypical babies (Down Syndrome, autistic, etc) choose to terminate the lives of their babies. All humans are equally precious. I have Down Syndrome and autistic friends and it's obvious they are just as valuable as typical humans.


My mother had my brother when she was 42, after watching this video I'm so glad she didn't go through any of this stuff and that both of them are healthy to this day 💜


38.4 weeks pregnant with our third baby, and I’m 35. AND my husband is 45 which is advanced paternal age. I have chronic hypertension (130s/80s) and I have gestational diabetes. Thankfully our baby is perfectly formed and doing wonderful 🥰.


I’m 40 and I’m pregnant unexpectedly.. I had a baby at 37, perfectly healthy


My mom gave birth to me when she was 42 and Im perfectly healthy❤ I’m 37 now and currently expecting🥰


I can’t thank you enough for this video. I am 39 and almost done with my first trimester. I’m loving everything about being pregnant except for the stigma. This helped me put my mind at ease. Thanks again.


My husband (36) and I (35) been married for almost 1 year now, at first we weren't sure we wanted kids, but after discussing it we decided we did. So we just started trying to concieve. We have a lot against us. Low sperm count, and age but praying we might get lucky, wish us luck.


As a 36 year old who is about to start ttc again, this helps to calm some of my fears. Thank you for presenting the pros and cons with a big helping of non-judgement and support!


I am pregnant for the first time at 39, I just found out! I work out, go for walks, runs and I am feeling good so far. I pray it stays that way


Do you know how at 48 years old my aunt was still able to carry TWIN boy and girl in 2012? She's strong! 🙂 Her and her second husband did IVF. I'm almost in my 40's (I got a year to go), and unfortunately, I never met Mr.Right, so yeah.


I’m 40 and 16 weeks pregnant. The baby will arrive when I’m 41.


36 y.o. I want to try for baby #2 but I leave it to God


My mom had me and my brother (twins) at 36 ❤ she passed away at 49 from cancer, I'm 36 now with no kids.. its a very hard subject.


They should change the terminology and refrain from saying “Geriatric pregnancy” it’s agism no? Or if anything oxymoronic since Geriatric is usually someone who is post menopausal, most likely infertile, perhaps needing incontinence briefs, maybe uses a cane or a walker, usually a widow with decreased sex drive.. A geriatric woman who spontaneously becomes pregnant would cease to be a geriatric in my opinion. Doesn’t go together.


I wish I could have heard this info 33 years ago. I was devastated when told I not only did I have GDM but I needed to take insulin !😄
I also had twins, thanks to Clomed. Also had toxemia, non alcoholic fatty liver, I thought I was going to die. Gee, what we go through just to have kids! 😉


I’m almost 33 I hope we’ll be able to have one little one before 35, because of all the risks. ❤
I’m dealing with constant UTIs, ovulation and pelvic pain and I’m worried, if this will get worse with a possible pregnancy.


A nurse is not a doctor. Go to your doctor, not youtube
