Addiction Recovery | What to say to an addict in denial | Beginnings Treatment Centers

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(866) 806-0741 It can often be impossibly hard to know what to say to an addict in denial or even how to talk to an addict that is a friend or a loved one.

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If you know someone who may be addicted to alcohol, prescription drugs, or illicit drugs, the first thought is always their health. Keep in mind before approaching one person about concerns for someone, you must be aware of the signs of abuse in case of legal ramifications. However, there may be cultural and ceremonial approaches to alcohol that can be mistaken for alcohol abuse. The best thing to do is make sure their daily functions are not changing dramatically, if they do be sure not to accuse the person, talk and ask questions in order to get to the truth.

On this episode of Tips and Tools we discuss how and what to say to an addict in denial, the distinctions between Alcoholism, Illicit drugs, and Prescription drugs. Dr. G and Dr. Carlos detail some warning signs of addiction to pay attention to, cultural aspects, and why youth gravitate towards alcohol and drugs in the first place.

Education on addiction treatment and addiction recovery, is not only our goal on this channel, but our passion in life. Call us 24/7 for addiction treatment: (866)806-0741
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im an ex drug addict ex alcoholic, , ex smoker and no matter how many OD horror true stories i heard and others nagging etc did NOT stop my addiction. you have to be TOTALLY sick n tired and desperately WANT change and to be set free from the addictions. .JESUS CHRIST set me free from it..


God bless professionals like this guy willing to work with addiction. it seems so exhausting.


My dad was sober for 20 some years and we all went on a cruise. He started drinking. We never knew until a couple months later (hiding vodka in places, drinking in the morning, etc). He got better, started drinking again, thought he got better, but didn’t get better. From 2018-2020 I don’t think he actually wanted to stop. He was just putting on a front and saying what we all wanted to hear. He never (as of now) got abusive or severely drunk. The worst he has gotten was slurring his words. He took vivitrol shots and anabuse (none of which worked). A couple weeks ago he came home and was slurring his words and we all thought he was going to have a stroke. He was refusing to go to the hospital but he did anyway (knowing he was drinking but we didn’t think he was b/c the Antabuse was meant to make his severely sick- vomit, etc). When I caught home again he literally said “I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just something people would call me. It was wrong and I believed it back then but I’m not and I proved it from 2018-2019.”
So he never took our family seriously, never really wanted help, etc. Just lied there and fooled us all over these 2+ years. He brings the money in the family and my mother can’t afford a divorce. He doesn’t want a divorce and he doesn’t want to leave. So we tell him to not hide it anymore and if you want a drink go and get it. He sleeps on the couch, is going to do his own laundry, make his own food, buy himself his own vehicle, etc. I’m scared. I know it’s going to get bad. He is functioning now but he will hit rock bottom again. Probably loose his job, wreck a car, abuse his family even more, etc. I’m terrified. I still love him but he loves alcohol more. I will never forgive him as long as he lives. I know it’s a disease but I can’t do it anymore. He is testing his limits. Truly sad


A hard core addict doesn’t give two craps in a hat about people blabbing about their goals. They’ll stop when they’re ready and not before. You can’t expand thinking in a damaged brain. It’s so easy when you can imagine the addict giving such calm answers to rational questions, not the more typical “Leave me alone! Why is everyone getting in my back!”


I am a mental health professional working with denial patient of drug. Bro it's not that easy


what if they dont have any life goals?


My ex would have raged at me after the first question. Smh


Yea I know the pain and how hard this life is . My husband has been on drugs for about 3 years now and we have been married for 15 years . I’m tired of all the lies and being blamed for all our problems. What should I do ? I love him but I’m tired of this life I’m 40 years old how and just can’t do it please help me decide what to do ?


I liked the pitch at the end. I disagree it's a "complex problem" that needs a "systematic approach".
A hardcore approach is best


It's like dealing with a child...spiritual war for sure!


The addict I know is totally debilitated by their addiction. But, believes that meth has nothing to do with it. They believe the media has only demonized meth and that it's a good drug. They compared it to an apple and the apple was more unhealthy to consume because it they contains arsenic. They also believe that because the take it in a controlled discipline manner it is not a problem therefore just like any other drug that is prescribed. I feel helpless in my efforts to help them. Please help


Hello. I have been in a relationship with a dryg addict for 6 yrs. But, in my case, that person stop for almost 4yrs already. Our relationship was full of lies, cheating, blaming and manipulation created by that person. Now, that person decided to leave the relationship but after a month or two, that persob come back. Until, I decided to leave. I keep myself strong. Sometimes, I feel guilty leaving that person, should I? Was it a good idea to.leave that person after all? I have been cheated 5 times. And the lies? Countless. That person almost made me believe that I am thr problem. I am an empath person. I love my life. Now, I am gaining back my strength and love to myself. Sometimes, that person even appear in ny dreams. It made me think, am I bad that leave? PLEASE HELP. ME CLEAR MY THOUGHTS..PLSSS


Why my common husband he used before a drugs, , , , I but used the hearth to heart talk I always crying infront of him but till he used almost everyday but my words and my tears is useless, , , , I see him every time he sleep a lot of side effect, , , becoz his attitude are changes if he take a drug even spoken is not normal, ,,,


project ??? my addict boyfriend has no interest in life


Why not straight up tell them what they fail to realize. Not let them go crazy.


I wanna help my smoker friends but it’s been so hard.. :(


You blokes are in denial about "Recovery" being a complete load of garbage. "Addiction" is an overused term used as a catchall to justify drug prohibition.
