Step 4: Truth - Austin’s Story about Addiction Recovery

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Step 4 - Truth: Make a searching and fearless written moral inventory of yourself.

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AUSTIN... Are you kidding me?!? I had no idea. Your story is intense I am so glad the cartel never found you or hurt you. You and your wonderful wife have served and help change the lives of so many people in the program.
With God you are one of the strongest soldiers in his army. Thank you for always fighting, suiting up and showing up.


Every descriptive word he shared about how it feels to walk into a group meeting is 100% true. It is the most loving and understanding atmosphere I know on planet Earth! :)


Man! These addiciton recovery videos are so darn good!


This is one of the most beautifully portrayed messages of hope on the planet.


Ashamed, I chose to drink
Always, I was on the run
And I just didn't think
That it would hurt anyone
I tried to quit on my own
Then I sought the Bishop's hand
I found I wasn't alone
Now my life's something grand


Help i'm addicted to these videos I love them they are so beautiful! :)


Love how these are real, raw and powerful!! We need more things like this in the church! Thank you so much for sharing these things!


Such a powerful message, exactly what I needed to hear! Thanks for your honesty and bravery.


Sharon, thank you for sharing your story. I was on meth for five years. Today, I am two years, and two months sober, which means this video was posted one month before I got sober on September 21st, 2015. I am grateful for your message in this on step 3. Turning our will and our life over to the care of God was the only way we were able to finally and truly be free from the bondage of self. We learn to better do thy will with the steps, and I still am amazed that we have gotten this far in sobriety. One day at a time.


I have gone through step 4 a few times. One thing that I noticed that I have been forgetting to do is to go over the good things that I do as well. I am so encompassed by the guilt, that I forget about the good. God help me.


thankyou so much for making this video i got a lot of identification from it .i tried so hard to stay clean in so many different ways but it wasn't until i went to an LDS recovery meeting and church that i felt and saw what love


Love and respect from islam to all christians


That seems like some plot out of a movie...Incredible! Jesus is Our Redeemer and He alone changes us to be His children.
I agree with spank---I Love the gospel! I also agree that the recovery classes are like nothing else I've ever experienced. It's like the room gets warmer and brighter when the group begins. So much love and healing!


I have started only seeing the good. It makes the whole picture clearer.


very authentic movies: good job mormon channel. also, let’s hope the drug dealers never find him via this video 😬


I applaud this step to inventory our own truth.  Fearless! The power of the Why can be helpful to examine our positives. Ask yourself in the mirror and record your impressions:

Why do I make people happy?
Why do I have so many friends? 
Why do my parents love me?
Why am I greatly talented?
Why am I original?
Why do I believe in myself?
Why am I beautiful?
Why am I successful at work? 
Why do I achieve so many goals? 
Why does God love me?
Why am I blessed?...

List your favorite Whys...and discover your new story.


I didn’t return to God because of addiction but I did blame him for not helping me with my “prayers” as a child. Too bad our teachers (as in those teaching us about Christ/God) usually don’t really reinforce the fact that we can’t/don’t get what we want on earth because we all have free choice (for instance I wanted my parents to stay together). Sometimes God has a different plan for us and sometimes we won’t understand but hopefully we will all be able to return to Christ/God one day. It wasn’t until several months after my dad passed and I was almost 50 years old that I returned. My story is much longer and complicated than that but so is everyone else’s :) stay strong!


I wish they'd keep making these. More I want more please!


You are all hero's in my mind, may Heavenly Father continue to bless you is my prayer. I think Alma the younger is a mentor for us all, though he was a sinner indeed he mended his way. You can be a great advocate for the church in these the last days we need your help with the youth of the church as well as us adults. I also would question anyone who would say they will never fall.


this video is so beautiful it makes me want to become an addict... once again
