Addiction Recovery | 5 Myths

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What myths have you heard about addiction recovery?

There is so much information online about what addiction treatment is. When should you get help? What does treatment look like? What makes an addiction treatment program successful?

This video helps to answer all of those questions for you!

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12 years ago, I recovered from a horrible Xanax addiction. It took just over 2 years for PAWS to resolve. It was hell and I implore anyone to consider getting off this drug or never start it. I know this is very hard to do for the anxious user. I definitely would not have stopped on my own. However, once sober, I knew I would never be addicted again. I didn't want it for myself, and I was not going to put my family through that hell ever again.

I took up exercise for body and meditation for mind. Through self-awareness, I discovered the cause of my using and resolved it. This was 12 years ago. Today, my addiction is a distant memory I rarely think of. Much like the cigarettes I quit 15 years ago. I've never looked back and I've never relapsed.

I am grateful for SMART recovery which was a critical resource for me as much of what I saw and learned in AA I thought was nonsense and not helpful to me (this was MY experience, if AA works for you, awesome 👍🏼). One does not need to make "recovery" a life long process, but if you do, please DO IT. It was a terrible time in my life and once was enough. I will never be back in that pitiful state. Ever, for any reason.


The way this is presented is extremely irritating, but it’s good information


I believe that if you know you are with addiction in your genes and have already recovered from one addiction…. It’s a choice to try other drugs with the potential of becoming addicted.
