Is RO Water Bad for You? The TRUTH on Reverse Osmosis Water Safety

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Reverse Osmosis has been endorsed by many authorities on health and safety as the highest standard for water. Recent news and research is suggesting that RO water is so pure that it could actually remove minerals from your body. Fact or fiction? Join Master Water Specialist John Woodard from Fresh Water Systems to learn about whether these claims are true and what you can do to make sure you're getting the most out of your RO water system.

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Use your brain people. Get the minerals the water removes from somewhere else. The water removes some of the minerals u need but doesn’t give you any . That’s why our nerves are so bad sometimes and we feel weak . Add some minerals to your water or food to make up for what you’re not getting . Stay healthy and take care of yourselves. Love you all


I have had a r.o device for 4 years. I did not add my cartridge to this. Baking bread became so much easier!


Some years ago my doctor told me to drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day and I've been doing that ever since. At work they supply RO drinking water (0 TDS according to a little electronic meter) and I soon added an RO system at home. Just had a physical last week and things are good, including normal electrolyte levels.


I've been drinking RO water almost exclusively since I was 2 years old! My mom would always refill at the grocery store RO filter/dispenser. Now in my mid-30s, i have my own filter at home and prefer the taste of RO water. I hate tap and spring water, which tastes way too metallic to me.


That's great news i have a system. Me and my dad had a pure water window cleaning company amongst others. Don't trust flouride is my issue.


RO water is the best. It's pure water the way your body wants it. I take a pinch of Celtic seasalt in the morning for electrolytes and the rest of the minerals I get from food.
If the WHO says something negative about anything – then it's good for you :)


Really enjoying the videos on your channel. A few years ago I purchased my first water distiller and started drinking distilled water. I've never had any issues with lack of minerals when I've had my yearly physical. I now have several countertop distillers so I can make more distilled water at once, I try to drink a gallon of distilled water a day. Once you see and smell what remains in a water distiller once a cycle is done, you will never want to drink regular tap water again. And Saint Louis Missouri, where I live is supposed to have some of the best water in the country, I'm not so sure. I actually put my drinking water through two processes before I drink it. First I distill it which removes just about everything. One thing distillation does not remove is chlorine and other VOC compounds since those also have a low boiling point. Once the water is distilled I run it through an Aquasana water filter which removes these compounds. Actually the distillers have a post filter but I've found that the Aquasana filter works much better for this purpose. At that point the water taste is excellent, and in fact, it really has no taste at all. The minerals in water are mostly inorganic and our body can't use these anyway, we get our minerals from foods and possibly supplements, not water.


تلخيص : صاحب الفديو يعترض على منظمة الصحة العالمية لانها تقول ان مياه RO غير صحية ، ويقول هو نظام جيد لانه يزيل المعادن الثقيلة والممرضات والمعادن السامة ، وغير جيد لانه يزيل المعادن الضرورية للجسم مثل المغنيسيوم والكالسيوم وغيرها ، ويقترح وضع مرشح اضافي يحتوي على طبقات توفر المعادن الضرورية للجسم ، ويستنتج أن وضع هذا المرشح الاضافي بعد فلاتر الترشيح وقبل الخزان . شكرا لكلامك وتوضيحك 💚


If the who says is not good it is good trust me 😂😂😂😂😂


Useful, I guess. I'm concerned about the lack of control in the mineral handling. I think I'll just eat fish and spinach instead.


RO plus a good vitamin/mineral supplement regimen. Problem solved.


If you're worried about mineral levels in your body, Celtic Salt is your answer. ❤ helps a lot.


The issue is with distilled water which will move into the cell through osmosis, causing the cell to swell and potentially burst due to the influx of water.

The ideal water is one that is close to the chracteristics of the water in your body?


Placement of the Alkaline / pH cartridge will often be dictated by the configuration of the RO system itself. For conventional air tank systems, if you are able to place the cartridge coming off the permeate port of the membrane, before the inlet side of the post filter (last stage) that would be ideal. Also, some cartridges allow for two way flow. If that's the case, placing it inline with the tube running to the tank will give great results as well, as you have a fill flow rate of oz / minute during the "fill" cycle, and on the "demand" cycle (at whatever the PSI / flow rate) is at any one moment. Remember, you are affecting a couple of things: pH, Alkalinity, and ORP (oxidation reduction potential). A negative ORP value is an anti-oxidant and an important aspect of multi-layer "alkaline" filters often left out in these discussions. Also, when you have lower pH RO water, know the type of tubing you are running. (35 + Years designing RO systems / applications). A lower pH will definitely create leaks in copper over time and also increase the measured copper levels. (You folks are testing your water right?) A lot of installers do not replace the copper leg to the fridge -- big mistake. Last thing, certain multi-layer bioceramic filters are bacteriostatic. Butyl rubber is used for air tank RO systems. Check the data on heterotrophic bacteria growth in both air tanks and carbon filters. And lastly, for folks out there who want to raise the pH of their water, understand the relationship between pH / Alkalinity. It is analogous to BTU / Temperature. A single match is very hot (pH), but it will not heat a room - you need BTUs (alkaline minerals) to sustain an increase in temperature, i.e pH.


Slow flow of water for best mineral extraction from the cartridge is a ridiculous and not based on chemistry. Just mix/stir an appropriate amount of good salt like Redmonds into your pitcher of RO water. Mineral salts dissolve easily and quickly in water.


It seems most common that the remineralization filter is placed after the tank (such as the most popular amazon items like iSpring RCC7AK 75 GPD Alkaline 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System, or the 6 stage APEC system). This seems to be the least effective option as you suggest. Do you know why they do this? Do you recommend it be best to swap the order to what the manual suggests?


Water - hydrate and cleanse. It's never been there for minerals. RO is excellent!


All remineraliser cartridges are not made equal. I would try placing it in both positions and testing the tds in each to get the most satisfactory result. I wouldn’t want the remin to be too high either! For example:Say around 100 ppm would be better than 1000 ppm ?


idk how i feel about out the CDC anymore 🤔


If you take a multivitamin once a day you get far more of all the essential minerals your body can use and you get it in a form your body can absorb. Your body will pick up and apply what it can use and flush the excess.

If you use an inline mineral replacement system on your RO you're doing the same thing as taking a vitamin tablet, you're just getting that stuff from your water instead of swallowing a multivitamin. The difference is that if you take a multivitamin you get an exact, regulated amount of those minerals and if you use an inline mineral replacement system on your RO you're not getting that sort of accuracy. It depends on how long the water sits in the replacement cartridge, how much saturation of minerals occurs during that time, what the water flow rate is, what the mineral dissolution rate is, etc.

Inline mineral cartridges are the industry reaction to this basically non-issue. It's how they can sell more RO systems to people who foolishly think they're going to end up as a blob of jelly from having all the minerals sucked out of their body by RO water.

If you're worried about this, just take a multivitamin once a day. Which you probably ought to be doing anyway. Very few people are so tuned into their dietary regimen that they can be certain of getting all the vitamins and minerals they need every day just from what they eat. A healthy diet is great, a multivitamin fills in the gaps the diet might miss.
