*CHECK YOUR INSTRUCTORS BADGE!* #driving #instructor #teacher #dvsa #learn #badge #scammer #london

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What a shame, I’m so grateful for my instructor now after hearing so many bad stories, she was truly an absolute gem. No wonder she’s so booked up!


My instructor on the first lesson told me he was an ADI and pointed out the green badge displayed in the car windscreen that proves this within the first 5 minutes when he talked through what the lessons will be like and briefly explained some things to me so I knew that he was legitimate without having to check myself. I thought it was nice that he did that and I don't know what other instructors do but I think that should be the norm if it isn't already.

If I decided I didn't like his lessons and chose not to continue, at least he's made sure that I know how to check if another instructor is legitimate. I knew about the badge and ADI qualification already but there was no reason for him to assume I did. Thankfully, he's absolutely brilliant as we get on together and he is supportive, encouraging, and gentle with corrections meaning I've felt safe and can enjoy lessons, so I wouldn't even consider changing instructors. Stories like these make me feel very privileged to have such a good instructor even if he's not the cheapest available


I found my first driving instructor via recommendation on Facebook. Was very cringy, but because I was new in the UK, I didn’t quite know how to react. He ended up grabbing my thigh during our last lesson for no reason, I reported him to the police, and he’s apparently not even an instructor🙁 was putting some labels on his car and removing them after the lesson
I’d recommend everyone to take extra time to check all the qualifications, even if you’d like to start asap


I did not know that. Now, when I see my instructor I will double check.


Thanks for keeping us updated. Have a good evening


Thanks for telling us. It would never occur to me that my daughter could fall for this. Although she seems much more careful than I would have been. It's a shame this person got mixed up in this trouble. Love your video series.


Absolutely infuriating when we train so hard and pay so much our own time and money to pass legally to teach and others just take advantage.


Thank you for the update! This is so bizarre 😅


Found my instructor via the gov website, he’s very good, and is aiming to become a senior instructor, so he’s a good driver


that's mad so technically you could just be paying to get in a car with some random person who has no idea what they're on about 😂😂


WOW! Every pupil I teach is made aware of my badge and my qualification! Great Video Aman! I often see questionable "instructors" at the test centre, Examiners are aware of it. AS for this person, its a criminal matter.


This will explain the amount of naive confidence along with bad driving that’s going on across town🧐🤔


Wow...now my question is, if their friend was stood up or had a dodgy experience on their test as well, how did they decide it was ok to recommend this said 'instructor' to their friend? So sorry for their unfortunate experience though, we learnt everyday


I had this when I where younger.. I got passed around a couple of so called driving instructors and then ending in never hearing back from anyone


They Need To Go To Court If They Dis This In The US It Could Be A Misdemeanor Or A Felony Pending On The Circumstances And State Laws Doing This Is Worse In Both The UK And US


I can’t remember if my driving instructor displayed anything but my Mum and I both learned to drive with the same instructor back in 1992/93 and he would smoke in the car also during lessons as well as brush my cheek with the back of his hand! I heard a few years later he got done for drink driving but apart from that we both passed learning with him .


Small claims court against the individual for the costs of the bad insurance marker.


In Poland driving lessons and driving exam are two separate things. Your driving instructor has to be licensed and has to give you a certificate that they taught you. The exam is between you and a local driving exam center. You will be driving a car from the local center during you exam. You usually know upfront what cars are used and can select specific model when you sign up for you exam. Your instructor is never present during your exam but they will probably be somewhere nearby when you start and finish to congratulate you.


You’d be surprised just how common this is and anyone can buy those stickers if you know where to look.


Now I preparing my self for instructor and I know that. Never pay for a lesson if the instructor don’t have a badge. No badge no instructor.
