What College Majors Should You Avoid? (r/AskReddit)

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▶ Fresh AskReddit Stories: Reddit, what are some college majors that should definitely be avoided? 🔥 2nd channel with exclusive Reddit stories!

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If you’re too lazy to watch the whole thing:

-Stand-Alone Language Major
-Never picking a major
-General Studies
-Art History
-Non-Accredited degrees
-Criminal Justice
-Graphic Design
-Sports Management
-Gender Studies
-All “pre” degrees (pre-med, pre-law, etc.)

Needs more than expected:
-Journalism (joining student publications is more important than the classwork)
-Psychology (need at least a masters to be viable)
-Religion-Related majors (only if you want to be a preacher/rabbi etc.)
-Music (it’s complicated)
-Biology (unless you want to go to med school)
-Architecture (need to really be passionate for it to be worth it, also need more than a bachelors and to go to a prestigious school)
-Biomechanical Engineering (need to know what you want to do with it early in your study and tailor your classes/internships towards it)
-Business (needs math)
-Engineering (requires a lot of physics)
-Law (in the UK)


Don't do a teaching degree unless you are 100% committed to being a teacher! The amount of people who dropped out after the first year is wild!


‘Bachelors is like the new HS diploma’


Colleges should be legally required to give students up to date and accurate info on the hire-ability and average starting wages of thier major/degree everytime they walk into an advisor's office.


"Major in what will make you money, minor in what you love". *Laughs in engineer*


The problem with college is the inherent absurdity in asking 18-year-olds what they want to do with the rest of their lives. In my experience, people don't even begin to figure out who they are, let alone what they want to do, until their 20s or 30s at the earliest. There are exceptions, of course, but most of us aren't that lucky. I'm in my 30s now and still trying to figure it out.


This could all be avoided if people had mentors earlier in their lives that could educate them about careers and guide them towards what suits their intellectual interests instead of making blanket statements and broad generalizations about college and the job market. Internships offset the requirements of experience and can lead to further opportunities, fellowships, grants, etc to pursue your interests. Networking works wonders as well. College is a business. Like anything else in life, people benefit while the masses stay ignorant and struggling


I feel to many students go to college because they don't know what else to do. Don't waste your time if college is not for you. Trade schools are incredible (you can go to school for a few months and be qualified for plenty of jobs). Also, you may not even need school for different careers (ie reality, your own business, ect).


Lesbian Dance Theory and Under Water Basket Weaving.


Spends four years learning French

Graduates in America, and has some value because not many Americans speak French

Moves to France

Congratulations now you have the rare skill of speaking French in a country of French speakers, so much value!


Not to bash at my own degree but I am surprised no one has said film. To work on film sets you don’t need a degree, what really matters is having experience. All the information about how to make films and attending film festivals can easily be found on the internet.


Anything ending in 'studies'.


Unless you either are dedicated to pursuing a masters or doctoral degree, or will be happy with your upper earning limits being around 40k (ish), you should avoid a degree in psychology. There are lots of jobs, especially near big cities or metropolitan areas but without an advanced degree it's almost impossible to earn more than 45k plus without years and years and years of tenure at one place.


Architecture isn’t useless. Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it’s useless.


I’m surprised Studio Arts major or Fine Arts wasn’t mentioned in here, especially fine arts... I’ve heard it’s hard to get jobs in those fields. I have a Studio Arts major, but I plan on going into a college program to get teaching credentials so I can become an Art Teacher or some type of teacher at the local schools (there are SO MANY schools in my area, both elementary and high-school). Good luck to any fellow art majors out there! Update: wasn’t expecting this many replies lol, also my comment wasn’t meant to devalue art at all! Ive been thinking it over and I’ve decided I’m just gonna try and go all out into my dream job: 2D Animation! I’ll be getting the choice to transfer to a 4 year college after this summer and hopefully I can go to a good school with a great program. Good luck other artists :3


I majored in Misanthropology, because I hate people. After graduating, I had no network, colleagues, mentors or professional references. So now I have a factory job where I don't interact with coworkers and work a rather complex machine alone, with no supervision, no distractions. So, it has really worked out for me in such a peculiar way.


this is just "the major that didn't work for me/I had a bad experience with at ONE school." This whlle video should be taken w a grain of salt


"What College Majors Should you Avoid?"

*sees thumbnail*

*sweats in art major*



Go to community college and really think about what direction you want to go in. The whole chain of going to college right after high school is ridiculous, it’s incredibly unrealistic to expect most teenagers to know what to do with themselves.


Geology's got a false advertisement problem. They hit you the first couple years with "big excitement, incredible adventure, be an explorer of the world!" The trips to caves and up mountains and onto beaches are fun... until you have to write twenty pages of straight text about a sample or two of dirt. Obsessive description is the name of the game. There are some levels of specificity that really don't need to be achieved in order to get things done. Gets even worse if you wanna be a researcher or something. Either way, way less hands-on outdoorsiness than advertised.
