'I'm Not Attracted To My Husband' - MEAN GIRL DEFINED

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This just feels cruel. Girl defined is turning into mean girls. These poor guys...

Venmo: @jaclynglenn

#girldefined #meangirls #response
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Girl defined: "Pray for your perfect husband."
Also Girl defined:"I'm not attracted to my husband."
Glad to see how all that prayer worked out.


And the sad thing is they don't "believe" in divorce so these women are expected to live with these men forever and fake happiness. It's gross and so unhealthy.


If my boyfriend said PUBLICLY that he wasn’t attracted to me not only would I be humiliated but I’d be so heartbroken…. And if I were married to him I’d get a divorce


If her husband got on camera and complained to the world that she's unattractive I'm sure she would react in a calm and rational manner. Right?


If my partner told the entire internet they weren't attracted to me when we got married I would probably divorce them instantly


I honestly think that the attitude of "girls, don't be shallow, give that 'nice guy' a chance even if you're not attracted to him" is a huge reason why I was so easily manipulated and coerced into sexual situations I wasn't comfortable with in my late teens/early 20s. I didn't want to be the shallow bitch who turned down a "nice guy" because I wasn't into him so I felt like I couldn't say no to any creep that came along - took me way too long to learn that not being attracted to someone doesn't make you shallow.

Also, no-one tells men they should date women they're not attracted to.


If you're not attracted to someone but appreciate them as a person, that's literally just friendship.


When it comes to girl defined I always think of this passage from the twits by Roald Dahl. It's even more relevant for this video in particular.

"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly that you can hardly look at it. 
A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."

It's one of my favourite quotes from his books and it's very true when it comes to people like girls defined.


i'm a lesbian and i grew up in homophobic pentecostal house. i tried to force attraction to men for a long time. attraction is supposed to feel good. you shouldn't try to force it. you'll be miserable.


Nothing says “marriage is sacred” like dating a guy for a few months and not finding him attractive whatsoever. Then saying that walking down the aisle and on the Internet. 🙃


I understand that not everybody marries for love, but if you're not at least mildly attracted to the person you marry, you're setting yourself up for a life misery. lol 😆😂


Don't forget Jaclynn, these girls literally do believe you can't be friends with guys. I grew up in similar environments and it was so TOXIC!! I as a woman was taught that it was impossible for me to be friends with men, because we ladies would be leading the guys on. The only reason I would want to talk to a guy would be if I wanted to have sex with him. which lead to a LOT of confusion in my teenage years!! Love your videos and thanks for breaking the cycle. <3


These girls so obviously come from a culture where people in their lives have told them “but he really likes you, you should give him a chance”

I grew up with people telling me this, and it messes with your mind. It makes you feel like you’re broken simply because there is a guy who is ideal boyfriend material, but you’re just not into him.


I'll be totally honest, there was ONE time where I looked at a couple and asked my husband, "Why is she with him?" It didn't take long for me to figure out the actual question I should have been asking was "Why is he with HER, " because she was a horrid human being. Don't judge people by their looks, judge them by their words and actions.


Honestly, if people like them find you unattractive... You're probably doing something right 😅


bethany literally hates her husband, her entire instagram has been about not criticizing him and just loving him and working on the things she dislikes about him lol


Imagine seeing your future wife walking down the aisle, stopping, wisper "I have no attraction to him but here we go" to someone AND GO THROUGH WITH THE WEDDING? Omg these men need better women in their life....


So, I wasn’t super attracted to my husband when I met him. I saw him as like a six I guess. But he was so funny and smart and a great guy. Over time we became best friends and once I admitted my feelings to him, we had moved in together within a month and were married in six. Now I see him as a 10/10. I’m EXTREMELY attracted to him, and I was that attracted to him on my wedding day as well. Like… it’s one thing to develop feelings and sexual attraction but…. Not AFTER getting married.


How can you say stuff like that about someone you are currently married to? Like it's one thing if you say that shit to a therapist or counselor but she just straight up told her large audience about how unattractive she found her husband. Like that is so insanely embarrassing!!! I would go on an absolute downward spiral if I was the husband, like I would never be able to truly see myself as attractive again. It's just messed up on so many levels.


That's so sad! She doesn't even find him attractive, she's only married to be married.
