Is Freemasonry a Cult?

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Dr. Steve Tsoukalas here discusses and evaluates Freemasonry as a cult, suggesting that there is no way an informed freemason can reconcile their beliefs with historic Christianity.

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My dad was a good christian and a 32 deg. mason and when he got closer to JESUS he got out and stayed out


The Devil is a liar! If Jesus said I am the way, (The Great I Am) the truth and the life, and no-one COMES to the father except through Me. than why would you look anywhere else!


It is May 4th, 2020 that I have come across this video. I am a former AF&AM Freemason who rejected the teachings of the Craft and resigned memberships under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 2015 due to the real unveiling of Christ's work in my life. I can attest to the fact that every single word spoken in this video is true. Masonry does not bring blind men to light, but successfully and subtly keeps good men from God.


Man’s first duty is to love and revere God, implore His aid in all laudable undertakings, and seek His guidance through prayer, embrace and practice the tenets of religion, extend charity and sympathy to all mankind, shield and support the widow and orphan, defend virtue, respect the aged, honor the bonds of friendship, protect the helpless, lift up the oppressed, comfort the downcast, restore dignity to the rejected, respect the laws of government, promote morality, and add to the common stock of knowledge and understanding. E. Dean Osborn PGM, Grand Lodge of Kansas


So when you're at a public event, and they open with a public prayer, I guess you have to leave since people of different faiths are participating in the prayer. You can only pray with Christians.


I had two invitations by men, friends of mine, to join the freemasons. I was interested to meet good friends, to be part of a tight circle of men, so I check into it. But when I learned that to become a mason, I would have to acknowledge my believe in "a supreme being" -- that being any other than the only living God as he mentioned in the video. I could not allow myself to proceed any further. I was disappointed, but I would rather go it alone than to swear my belief in other gods. In response to some of the comments, yea he may be off on a couple things ... but this is pretty simple and he did hit the high point. No need to choose the ball for me -- I took myself out! As a Christian, I cannot honor other gods.


So I'll break my anonymity here. I'm in AA. Read the 12 steps. It doesn't say "a belief in God" it says a "belief in a higher power" Its the same exact thing. We all pray together. Why aren't we cast out by the catholic church??? People like you need Jesus more than they do and I pray for you.


Sounds like this gentleman was blackballed and isn't happy.


I have already left some of my comments on this speaker. From what I am hearing him say right now, if what he is saying is true about the Masonic Lodge, then I agree with him. If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything. I have friends and family who are lodge members. I love my family and friends. I hope that they accept me for who I am as a person and as an individual. My faith is in my Savior Jesus Christ alone.!! My Christian friends need to accept me as a brother in Christ.!! Amen
Although some members may (claim to) be believers, my personal advice is to "be not unequally yoked together with the others that may be unbelievers". When you are praying to God as a Christian, it better be the God of the Bible and through and by the name of Jesus Christ as Jesus Himself stated in John 14:6. I have been told that when you are about to enter the lodge to be accepted, you first knock on the door and state your name and say that you are in darkness and want to come into the light.!? Correct me if I am wrong. But if it is true, I couldn't say that, because I already walk in the light. I already have Eternal Life and I am not in darkness.!! Amen.!!


My dad was Freemason, if not mistaken Scottish Rite.He reached 32nd degree.He goes to the lodge until he had a heart attack but recovered.But thank God he got saved and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.I gave him a large print and he reads everyday until he passed away few years ago.


I see anti Masonic propaganda from evangeliacsls all the time. Freemasonry never has anti evangelical propaganda.
Ironic that a religion that teaches love persecutes like that


I’m out of free masonry. I called my lodge tonight. Praise Christ that he saved me. I tried to off my self during my divorce and my so called “ brothers “ never once came to check up on me and I was the only one who knew how to cook the pasta sauce for our game dinners. Great people !!


Im going to make a cult now. You have to atleast beat 200games to be qualified. I will call it freegamers


I love how a nonmason is somehow more informed on masonry than masons


And BTW... “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”


I am first and foremost a born again christian, saved ONLY by the death and resurrection of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am also a past master in the blue lodge, as well as a shriner. I am also an active member and volunteer at my church. You are right when you say that freemasonry is NOT a christian organization. It is NOT a religious organization at all. It is a FRATERNAL organization. We bring together good men, regardless of their religious or political opinions. We simply try to make this imperfect world a little bit better. We as Christians and Freemasons are called to love everyone. Unbelievers and those less fortunate especially. I know there are many brothers in freemasonry that I will not see in heaven. I also know that there are many people in the churches throughout the world that I will not see in heaven. We are not saved by works, but ONLY by the precious blood of Christ. We have ALL sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Thank God for sending us His perfect only Son to die on the cross and to rise again on the third day. I am blessed to be a Christian, I am honored and proud to call myself a mason. So Mote it be, God Bless you all! SM339


I was baptized and brought to Jesus AFTER I became a Mason, and, to some extent, BECAUSE of it. There is no conflict. Period.


Im persecuted by the Freemasons. Please pray for me.


I am a mason for over thirty years and a Christian.masonry makes good men better . It is not a religion.
Men of all Beliefs come together .


Freemasonry doesn’t provide salvation. The whole thing is a moral lesson using tools.
