Joseph Smith and Masonry | Now You Know

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Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was a Freemason. Freemasonry is a centuries-old, worldwide group of fraternal organizations. While some of its teachings are kept confidential, it promotes loyalty and morality and invites its members to seek knowledge and opportunities to serve others.

The early 19th century saw a surge of Freemasonry in the United States. Elected officials such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and other signers of the Declaration of Independence were known Freemasons. As many as 1,500 members of the Church in Nauvoo, Illinois, were also listed as Masons.

In the years before he became a Mason, Joseph Smith received revelations about specific promises, or covenants, to be made between Church members and God. These covenants are presented to Church members in their holy temples through a ceremony known as the endowment.

Some similarities have been raised between Masonic ceremonies and the endowment ceremony. Ancient parallels may exist between the two ceremonies, as well as some similarities in instructional style. However, the purposes of the two ceremonies stand distinct.

The Freemason ceremonies promote self-improvement, brotherhood, and charity as a means to create a better society. The endowment ceremony focuses on obeying God’s laws and using the Atonement of Jesus Christ to gain eternal exaltation. The most important distinction is that the endowment ceremony is purely the result of divine inspiration.

Today members of the Church are free to explore Freemasonry or any other organization which encourages good citizenship and uplifts and improves its members.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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woe to those who call evil good and good evil..


Why am I watching a video made by Mormons at 1 o’clock in the morning


... so you're saying that J Smith had no engagement with Masnory until he joined, , and therefore church rituals couldn't possibly have originated from the Masons, yet his FATHER WAS A MASTER MASON...?!!! hmm...


"A Double-minded man is unstable in ALL his ways ..."


jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. and the way is NARROW and HARD their are FEW that finds it.


I’m surprised the church is being so transparent. Asking these questions was looked down upon in the past.


Jesus said never to make secret oaths or covenants, I have loved many LDS members and good people can be found in any church or belief system but can't be saved by a church founded on darkness, Charles tas Russell founder of the Jehovahs witnesses was also a 33°Freemason, all false churches have one thing in common...Freemasonry


I'm not going to need a secret hand shake to get into heaven.


I think you're being deceived here, saints. Darkness and light don't mix, and woe to them that call good bad, and bad good.


Church plus secret society, not good.


I was Mormon for 20 years. I am no longer. I found the true biblical Jesus. I realized there was NOTHING I could do to earn my way to heaven. It is his grace through faith that I am saved. I thank the Lord everyday that he grabbed my hand and showed me the way. To all my Mormon friends, you are so close to the truth!


I was an LDS for 30 years, my dad was a Mason. I made the connection early because I knew a little about Masonry. I had never heard anyone in the church make the connection. It was definitely confirmed when I toured Nauvoo and there was a Masonic Lodge in the downtown section.

Not a believer that signs used in the Temple and Masonry were separate! I believe there are too many coincidences to be a coincidence!!!


Don’t be deceived. This is not biblical.


Oh now they’re openly talking about it! They had no choice!


John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”

John 10:1, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber”

Heb. 12:2a, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”


It is not true to say that Joseph learned the divine truths of the Endowment before his encounter with Freemasonry.
It is true that it was before he became a mason himself, but having a father who was a Master Mason and brother who was a mason, that he was close to, means he knew a thing or two about Freemasonry, long before he joined.


O yeah they did not deny he was a mason. One thing he should have discuss, Masonry banned Mormons for many years from becoming members of the craft because of Joseph Smith


Only a true relationship with Jesus can save you from eternal damnation, no matter what good thing anyone does. There’s too much sin in freemasonry you can’t be a Freemason and a follower of the Lord at the same time. The Bible is the word of God


1:42 Joseph actually sitting down and writing down his revelations? We already know that's a huge misrepresentation!


Aw Lucifer, I see you have fooled so many. You are a liar and a thief and the father of it. Lord Jesus Christ, please protect your children from all evil and save us from temptation. Help us to always know the difference between good and evil. Please do not let us be fooled. Please keep us united in Your Spirit through hope, faith and love. Amen.
