Why do my balls hurt ? 7 reasons for testicular pain (2020)

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So why do my balls hurt? Its a very common question I keep getting from my patients over the year. Your balls better referred to as testicles can hurt because of injury in the testis or due to some infection. While injuries are much rare, the commonest reason as to why your balls hurt could be a medical condition called epidydimo-orchitis. In this condition, there is a bacterial infection of the testis leading to severe pain and discomfort. Another condition that can cause testis pain and/or severe testicular pain is a condition called testis torsion where the testis or balls rotate on itself, strangulating the blood supply to the region. Watch the video for more information on why do my balls hurt.
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No 21, Sree Kalki Apartments, Ground Floor, Bazullah Road, T-Nagar, Chennai - 600017
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Timing: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm