Why do my balls hurt ? 7 reasons for testicular pain (2020)

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So why do my balls hurt? Its a very common question I keep getting from my patients over the year. Your balls better referred to as testicles can hurt because of injury in the testis or due to some infection. While injuries are much rare, the commonest reason as to why your balls hurt could be a medical condition called epidydimo-orchitis. In this condition, there is a bacterial infection of the testis leading to severe pain and discomfort. Another condition that can cause testis pain and/or severe testicular pain is a condition called testis torsion where the testis or balls rotate on itself, strangulating the blood supply to the region. Watch the video for more information on why do my balls hurt.

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Very well explained doctor... I appreciate it... Thanks for sharing 👍


Hi Dr, Thank you for providing another great educational video👌could you please do an in debth video on inguinal hernias that occurs in men. A while ago I saw a "cough-test" being performed, but it really boggles my mind. My questions about it is as follows:
A) What happens when a patient coughs? B) Where does a doctor place their hand? Is it on the scrotum or lower abdomen?
C) When the test is performed what are the dangers to look out for and when is a patient "hernia-free"?

Thank you in advance Dr🙏


I have minor testicle pain daily from last 4 to 5 years when i sit long time or at the time of running


Sir u are good❤️, sir pregba m 75 is good for testicle pain?


My right one has started to hurt it’s not bad but it hurts, what do I do?


I have a sprain in my left leg calf joint followed by minor pain in my left scrotum, left side calf joint and left side lower abdomen, what I do doctor? please reply


Firstly both the balls was hurting and now there size got very smaller then before could you tell me what it could be


Have discomfort at my right testicle and my right calf joint (both at same time) issue mainly occurs immediately after ejaculation(testicle pain is mild pain)
What might be the reason. could you please reply


Sir if balls size is small is there any proven ways to Bigger your Balls..and suggest good foods for testicular helath...Thanks


i have having a pain in my testicals upper side a
i event took ultrasound but nothing showing


Sir help me i m getting much of pain in right testical only for few minutes and it disappears later some time but it's occurs once in week or month but i don't know why but could you please suggest me something 🙏🙏 🙏🙏


Hey doc I'm from abroad. Got pain in right testists suddenly after laying in a poor posture but could eating something trigger this pain? Also how do I communicate with you from abroad?


Sir around left testis I feel more nerves{tubes} than right one ??...is it normal ?
Is it epididymis?


Ok so Monday my left nut started to hurt. I slept it off and woke up Tuesday and it’s a lot better. It feels likes it’s slowly getting better but at an extremely low rate. I haven’t released since last Saturday (so over a week). It mainly now just feels like a strain and doesn’t really hurt. It hurts but just barely. So would it be ok to release or would that make it worse? Should I wait till it heals all the way or see if release helps it?

I know a lot of people are gonna say to go to the doctors. My parents don’t think it’s a big deal and it’s slowly getting better. So all I really wanna know is if it’s ok to release and if it’ll help or harm it


Sir ball hitted on my nuts after some time the pain there is some relief... But then after 6-7 hr on side of the testicle is paining not so much but it is


Doctor my testes rotates but there is no pain can u please help me i am frightened.


One evening it suddenly started paining in my left testicle so i thought lets wait till aother day but it still hurts ..what to do ?


Sir is der any connection between kidney stone and testies pain


I am 51 and have been having pain in my right testicle since last year November.
First it was occasionally, but now since about two months I have it constantly every day.
It's very unpleasant and reaching in to in my abdominal region and sometimes I don't know how to stand at work.
It can get as strong that I can't think straight.
The right testicle is extremely more tender compared to the left one, but I can't feel any lump or special hardness nor does it seem unusally enlarged but of course I am just an amateur to evaluate that.
Should I go to visit a doctor ?
After all, everybody seems to say if you have pain, it can't be something serious and if it would be the torsion issue, I wouldn't probably be able to take that sort of pain for now 4 months right ?


Hey man. So currently having the same problem. So since it being summer time. I’ve been wearing shorts for months because it’s so hot obviously. But. One day I wore jeans. And a few hours after I did, I noticed I had pain down there. And I was getting really confused because it has never happened before. So maybe it’s because I didn’t have a lot of blood flow going on because I was sitting on them for a while? I’m not sure but I’m just experiencing pains specifically when I sit in a direction to where they can hurt. Other than that when I walk around. Sit down. It’s perfectly fine. But I just want to know how long this pain will last. Also, I experienced this 2 days ago. And it’s gotten a little better. Noticed a lot of swelling though. But that’s about all I have. Thank you.
