Why Do Women Get Ripped Off so Often?

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Financial expert Sanyika Calloway-Boyce explained why women tend to get ripped off at mechanic shops.

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I once had a 30 year old Mercedes Benz [ possibly the base model ] . The starter went out . As usual, I got on the phone and called about 20 + sources
I ended up [ for some reason ] going to [ a secondary ] Electronics warehouse,
[ the person on the phone said that he was Automotive Electric mechanic ( AEM or AET ] .[ he was in between work in his chosen field . ]
I took my starter to that store, and the employee, with the AEM said; that; " ..he could open it up and look at it " and Later ' AGREED ' to do No Work on it,
Unless I Approved " !
During the conversation this person ( the AEM ) told me; " Tall Tails " of how he came up with a Solution for some problem, ( poss ., electric Utilities ), and called the, " at that time " " President of the United States, " flew to Washington D.C., sat and, talked to him, and returned ! About a week later, when I called him back at the place he worked, to get my Starter back, he told me that he had; " Custom Rebuilt It " and that the repair was $ 100.00 Dollars ( U.S.D. ) ! Immediately we had an Argument ! I told him, That I said he can open it, and check it out, But NOT to do Any work Unless and Until I give the go ahead ! He raised his voice and said; " No you told me to go ahead and Rebuild it " !! To put it kindly here, I can see NO WAY that he could have misconstrued what I said !! In the end I figured that w/out having made a written and signed agreement [ even though he Wasn't working for a Repair shop ] there was little ground to stand on ! The Obnoxious punk thief either had his plan thought out Or taught to him ! Who knows ! ?
I figured that taking him to " Small Claims Court " could quite well Prove, to be a " Waste of Time " !
To take the law into ones own hands would have triggered criminal instead of civil Law !


For any Beginner, When you get a car, the 1st., things to get are: 1 ) A Repair Manual, and 2 ) " A Basic Tool Set " ( And Yes the Ladies too ) !
1) A Repair Manual [ preferably Specific to that car ] !
2 ) And " A Basic Tool Set " ( middle of the line quality or better ) Top of the Line Can last lifetime. But middle of the Line will usually work well, and if they're stolen you won't be out too much [ money ] !


I have Rebuilt engines at least 4 times, and one model of transmission 3 [ times ] ( No Not because of repair mistakes ) .What I absolutely don't know and can't find out, I'll either buy a replacement part [ from a self-service wrecking yard, parts store, or dealership ] or make due diligence [ i.e. check-out the credibility of the mechanic and/or the repair shop ] and then reluctantly go to a repair facility to Pay-Them ( always more then it would cost to do the work myself ) ! " I Never Let anybody fix anything that can Fix myself !! " It just Isn't worth it " !


In a nutshell; All things; " Auto- Motive " are " Steeped " or " Permeated " " with Deceit " !!
Whether from " Car sales " ' New and Used ' ! Or on to " Parts " and " Esspecially Repair " !
" Some are ' Honest " and " some are Not " ! " Use your own Discretion " !


Her: Let me see the axle
Me: Ma'am you just need an air


mad at myself, should have got my battery after being told I needed one because I could get one


Even if you give your all the information that you researched, and ask questions, you can still get ripped off, I’ve tried it, my ex gets a very different quote, and it keeps happening. It happened this week, being told I have to find the hole in my sewer myself but my ex is here and gets told that it’s the water boards remit to fix it. I have deep trust issues with all trades.


I luv, luv, luv KEKE outfit so much it is pretty
