How to Handle a Relationship with a Busy Man | Paul Friedman

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We're in a long distance relationship. He visited me a week ago for 3 days. We had the best days. However when he came to his life we barely talk. Only good mornings and good nights. We didn't have that conversation. It kinda saddened me. But I know he has so much on his plate and he told me he's been working his ass off and doing some business. I just feel sad for no reason. Maybe because I have so much free time. After work all I can think about is him.. I want to be more understanding. Do you guys think this is worth it?

PS. We've been only together for 2 months and he visited me once a month


I have a boyfriend who is 44 and I am 37. He is an absolute workaholic. He has been for a long time. He was poor when he was younger so it is important to him now to work hard, make money and retire comfortably. I feel so confused as to whether I should stay with him or not. I feel like I am always immersed in his life but he has no time for my side of things. He says he loves me but I just don't know. He says he tries to make time for me...but I feel as though his work will always be his first


"Your availability to him doesn't describe love, it describes a choice you have made" wow❤


Totally agree with you when you are dating you can just leave, but when this busy man is your husband, how can I handle the massege he´s not finding time for me? This makes me sad. By the way I recently started reading your book, I´m in chaper two, very great so far. :)


I needed to hear this! Saddened at the same time but I think I have to let them go.


Excellent video!!! What if you have children with the busy man? What strategy would you recommend in that scenario? Thanks very much for the excellent tutorials!


Paul your voice is soothing and convincing. Good job 👍🏾


Thank you Ms paul u maked me know more about marriage


Thank you. Just thank you. Two days ago when I asked him where this dating was going, he told me the distance was too far. (We live 30 minutes away by train.) We are 16 so marriage is still far away, but I really thought we had a special connection and was ready for a relationship. When I watched this video I realized that if he really liked me he would have made the time. Thank you. It hurts but in a good way. I deserve better.
