Does My Ex Regret Leaving Me | 5 Stages Of Dumper's Remorse

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In today's video, Nick from The Love Fix will discuss, does my ex regret leaving me, and the 5 stages of dumper's remorse.

After your ex has dumped you, you may think that they are happy and do not feel pain. Your ex very much goes through a painful breakup journery and there will be times that thet regret leaving you.

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1. The dumper being 1000% certain that they have made the right choice.

2. The dumper thinks: “They’ll contact me, after all, they think the world of me.”

3. Anger and protection phase.

4. Enter the dumper’s fear and regret.

5. “I want a refund” phase. Life isn’t as great as the dumper thought it would be.


They do miss you but give them a chance to miss you. No contact and self improvement


The more in no contact I go, the more I thank my lucky stars, I split up with her a couple of years back and the drama she created, threatening to kill herself, showing up at my house, at my work a complete nightmare. She has now dumped me, voluntarily left with no drama, no nonsense, at first it was hard, now it is beginning to feel like a blessing in disguise


My ex dumped me and got back with his ex. I made the mistake of reaching out, but it’s okay. I am not working on myself to have him back. I just want to work on myself and start something new when I feel ready. Good video


Thank you... this is so helpful.. because I have been devastated... been walked all over


Got dumped last week to the day. Been grinding your videos and as I’m watching this my ex texted me lol. No fucking way


After 7 months apart I had quite a downer period the last few weeks. This really helped. Especially the last few minutes.


I absolutely loved this! You really go into detail with the stages of every phase. 🙏🏼


My ex got "tired of the situation" and "didn't feel the connection anymore" so she dumped me.. there were issues but they could have been fixed if we talked about them but I thought her growing distant was because of stress from work, I didn't know that she is detaching from the relationship.

She herself said that I did everything I could and the relationship was great, so I don't know what happened.. things are just confusing af. But I think it has to do something with treating her like a celebrity.. she started believing that she can get that anywhere, which maybe she can but it would come from an admiration for her looks, not from a place of love for her being her


this channel is amazing, I'm glad I found it in the last week, I'm enjoying going through the back catalogue of videos. you have a way of articulating things that is different to the others. like you really understand...


I was the dumper, but i needed to let him go and break up with him because I was too attached and he’s taking advantage of the fact that I love him more than I do. I can’t put up with him always expecting that I should ran after him even when he made me feel like shit


I got dumped, moved out in Nov.

Ever since she keeps sending me texts about how many letters that i have. obvs, i can't change my address on everything. She keeps asking how i am - i told her to either forward them to my address or return to sender. I know I may be clutching at straws here, but she's not saying anything important or emotional. she's basically like a dpd notification. I have remained steadfastly no contact this whole time


This makes me feel so much better… especially them talking to themselves 😂😮


Get well soon ! And my ex has no soul so no remorse the sucubus


55 days no contact for me. I think about her everyday and look at her photo and I think, why couldn’t of you been a nicer person, a more caring person and I think of the abuse I took. I can’t bring myself to contact her after everything that happened, it’s just so demeaning and I have too much self respect. I hope one day she does wake up and realise who she lost as apparently I was the only one that treated her well.


So I spent 2 years until I moved on & let go. We tried, but it wasn’t working out! I was still being breadcrumbed & getting nowhere. I got to a point of moving on & being ok with me! We did try again for about 2 months, but my feelings weren’t in it anymore. Knocking on the door of 3 years & I still had a message coming up a month ago with her trying to get back ffs


Women dumpers dont feel this because they cover up this feeling with being in a new relationship, New validation, She has a new toy, Its the honeymoon phase all over again. She sees that you arent the only guy interested in her. The new guys are telling her all the things she wants to hear. He admires her


This whole NC thing can also get in the way of the Universe and the energies of putting you back together. If there is true love and you both miss each other, then talk. Forget the power, just feel. Go with the energy, keep it respectful, don't allow to be used, but also don't allow NC too much power in itself, you might lose your forever because you are not communicating.


Got covid, unvaccinated. Ive had colds that were worse. Weird 🤔
Hope you feel better soon 🙏


As a dumper and a dumpee, this video is spot on (well a little bit on the dumper shaming side).
