Star and Crescent: Symbol of Islam? | Dr. Safiyyah Ally

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Is the star and crescent a symbol of #Islam? Is there something unique about the star and crescent that explains why it is featured so prominently in #Muslim-majority countries? Dr. Safiyyah Ally answers this question! She explains that the #star and crescent has been used since ancient times and has been found amongst many different peoples; it isn't exclusive to #Islam, and its origin isn't Islamic. It was adopted as a symbol of the Ottoman empire, which governed the Muslim world for hundreds of years. And it is from there that the symbol of this empire became connected in people’s imaginations to the #religion of Islam as a whole. But she stresses that the Quran does not mention this symbol and neither does the #hadith literature. Early Muslims did not use the star and crescent to represent Islam. And in fact, an argument could be made that Islam does not condone the use of religious symbols.

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The star and crescent is not mentioned in the Quran or in hadiths, it was just adopted as the symbol of Islam during the ottomans.


It is an old Shaman Turkic symbol from Central Asia. Göktürk (The Sky Turk). Any country apart from Turkic nations that use the moon and crescent need to think again.


Alhamdoli’llāh for the truth. Is so ridiculous how ignorant peoples attacks Islam because they claims that Islam is a Polytheists religion because the moon symbol when Allāh subhanahu ta’ala says in the Quran to not worship stars the sun and ( THE MOON ). But to worship him alone. Alhamdoli’llāh for guided me from Christianity to Islam.


Actually Star and Crescent symbol is not symbol of islam that symbol belongs to Ancient Turks


Wonderful points. Crescent-star was the symbol of ottomans, eastern romans and trabzon rum. Its origin most likely is the patron goddess of byzantium, artemis-diana. Islam does not use symbols unlike christianity as it sees symbolism a barrier between prayer and allah.


I have wondered about that for a good minute. Thanks for this info.


What’s interesting is that the Ottomans co-opted the star and crescent from the Greeks/Byzantines, who used it as a symbol of Constantinople. So what was originally a symbol representing the eastern Roman capital, became, through a weird twist of fate, the modern de facto symbol of Islam.


And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him 41:37


The moral of the story is: Star and crescent have nothing to do with Islam...Turkey first used it then all started it.


A very informative talk. The Star and Crescent still remains a powerful symbol for many Muslims despite it's non- Koranic origin.


You have so clear English, I enjoy listening to you.


Basically in simple words, it got adopted after the fall of the ottoman empire. However it not an official symbol of Islam, flags that were used in wars where either simple or had the name of Allah and etc on them.


Yes, it is a Turkic symbol from Shamanism era. This symbol also used by Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks...etc. It was also symbol of Anatolia. Crescent has been used in orthodox religion even by Byzantium and also Sassanians as well. It is the symbol of "East" rather than symbol of Islam.


This is very true, its just an ancient symbol Turkish tribes and states used to use since central asia.
Every muslim nation has traditional aspects that insha allah, do not contradict Islam, the star and crescent is a Turkish 'tamga', marking a few thousand years, does not denote any spirutuality or pagan beliefs either.


I was very pleased with your video, and I found it concise, accurate to what I had thought was my understanding, as well as pleasantly presented. I was hearing alot of bad things on American (US) news, that basically told me that Muslims hated me, wanted to kill me, and that they worshipped the moon! I figured I should find out if this was true, so I went to a Mosque to find out, come what may, and let them speak for themselves. I met an Imam (correct spelling) who was very receptive to my inquiry, and thanked me for giving Islam a chance to speak. We had a wonderful conversation about as much of the complexity of his faith and it's long history. He never pushed his faith on me the way the Christians do, nor was I excluded as is The way of the Jewish faith (unless I married in). He had no problem with my atheism, and merely stated that he could see I was a seeker of truth, and therefore his faith told him that God/Allah had his plan for me, and would present himself to me in his own time in his own way. I have confirmed that all he said was true, except the last part, and you have again confirmed this. Peace and blessings upon you and yours! Thank you.


To me, it makes perfectly sense for the Turks of Turkey to have that symbol, because you kinda "deserve" to carry it if your home is Anatolia, Pontus and Theirs these are, theirs is the moon and crescent, in the same way you could find moon and crescent on the shields of the army of Alexios Komnenos.
I always found other countries carrying the symbol really bizarre, even if I was aware of the explanation.


Islam does not do symbols. This came in during the Ottoman Empire.


You're correct so far as the Turks were the first to use the crescent-moon as symbol for an empire, but this symbol is the oldest one within Islam, dating all the way back to the Arab-Pagans, who established Islam, and it was always used on tops of banners and mosques, as the only symbol that was commonly used to represent Islam.


The symbolism of the star and crescent in flags of the Malay states in Southeast Asia derives itself from old kingdoms of Johore and Aceh, where most of them were established during the height of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th and 18th century. This, by association lead to the Malaysia adopting it as a "symbol of Islam",

This is a mistake however, since the star and crescent merely symbolized allegiance to the Ottoman Empire and not Islam at large. Most Arab countries see the Star and Crescent as a symbol of Colonial Imperialism, under Ottoman rule. Libya did not adapt the new flag until the Civil War, prior to that, being quite faithful to the original Banner of Islam, a plain green flag. One might even go as far as to call the new flag a hint at Turkeys current role in the region. Tunisia and Algeria were both former French colonies, and thus did not have the same feeling towards this symbol. Other than that, generally, the Star and Crescent is a Pan-Turkic symbol, and not a Pan-Islamic symbol.


Islam is an Abrahamic religion. Muslims believe in One God who is extremely Loving and Compassionate, His Angels (such as Gabriel), and His Prophets (including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus and the last Prophet Muhammad). We also believe in His Scriptures (the original Torah, Psalms, Gospel, and finally the Qur'an). We don't believe that Jesus is the son of God, but we do believe that is the Messiah and one of the top 5 Messengers of God, born of the virgin Mary. Chapter 19 of the Qur'an is named after Mary (or Maryam). The Prophet Muhammad is a descendant of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham.
