The Star and Crescent is not a symbol of Islam.

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It was never symbol of Islam, its still not symbol of Islam, it will never be symbol of Islam. This symbol has nothing to do with Islam.


The ✝️ also not christian symbol, christian symbol originaly is the fish jesus use fish as symbol bcs most of his student is fisher


My comment is only to refute about the cross. The cross is a Christian symbol. The fish being used earlier as well as Chi-Ro should not be an issue.


Lies...about ottoman empire just sat back a thought oh look it's pretty let's use


The moon and star were not symbols of Islam, but something like the coat of arms of Constantinople. The Ottoman Empire has its crescent and star in the 18-19th century. It started to be used in the century. Before that, he used a 3-month-old flag. Many things in the Ottoman Empire were Byzantine traditions and remain so today. The Ottoman Empire was the heir of eastern Rome, and Turkey is the heir of the Ottoman Empire.The names of many places and many cultural elements in Turkey date back to Byzantium. Turks live a tradition that is a mixture of ancient shamanic traditions, Islamic tradition and Byzantine culture. In this respect, the moon and star are the symbols of the Ottoman Empire, and many Arab and Islamic states use them without realizing it. This glorifies us Turks.


That symbol go back to Babylon...facts...a shared pagan symbol and practrice...then Syria with baal to Arabia known has Hubal in your isalm books.l and then Titled to The God Allah...the Ottoman Empire all ready know this...


So what is The Original Syble of Islam hahaha say


Not rlly a islamic symbol, More of a turkic kind of symbol


Its not originally a symbol of islam, however, i perfer to use it over the shadada.


There is no symbol of Islam. Islam is the true religion that's why it is different from other religion All the religion in the world have a symbol but Islam doesn't have . But In the time of prophet Muhammad ﷺ they used 🏳️🏴 this to go on war.


Star and crescent was the banner of Ottoman Caliphs. That's why its adopted by a lot of Sunni muslim countries in Asia. For north africa the reason is strong naval tradition of barbary client states of Ottoman Empire. Star and crescent on red actually at first was the naval ensign of Ottoman ship of the lines. That's why flag of Tunisia is almost same with Ottoman flag. During late 18th c. Selim the III banned all flags other than star and crescent and made it only official flag. Before Ottomans used by Hafsids of Tunisia and Mamluks. Another fact about that Hilal which means crescent in arabic has same numerical abjad value with the name of Allah. A perfect coincidence.
