How did a Roman city Symbol become a Symbol of Islam?

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Dr Roy Casagranda explains how a symbol of a Roman city eventually became symbol of Islam?
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The symbol is not even holy to Muslims, its just representative of the Lunar calendar which Muslims adhere to because the new moon being a crescent indicates a new month and it sighting informs us of when its Ramadan etc, but its not itself holy in any way.


Islam doesn't have any symbol, we only have a flag



When Sultan Mehmed took Istanbul, he saw himself as the new Roman emperor, not as an Islamic emperor. The dome used in today's mosques was also inspired by Hagia Sophia.


The crescent is more of a banner/ornamental symbol, not a religious one


The symbol of a crescent moon and a star is featured on the flags of several countries, predominantly in the Muslim world. This symbol has various historical, religious, and cultural significance:

Historical and Religious Significance:

1. Islamic Symbolism: The crescent moon and star have become associated with Islam, though they are not Islamic symbols by origin. The symbol has been used in various cultures historically and was adopted by the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century. It later came to be associated with Muslim identity and heritage.

2. Ottoman Influence: The crescent moon and star were used in the flag of the Ottoman Empire, which was one of the largest and most influential Islamic empires. This association helped spread the symbol across the Muslim world.

Countries Featuring the Symbol:

1. Turkey: The flag of Turkey features a red background with a white star and crescent. This design is derived from the Ottoman flag and symbolizes the nation's Islamic heritage and history.

2. Pakistan: The flag of Pakistan has a green field with a white crescent moon and a star. The crescent moon represents progress and enlightenment, while the star symbolizes light and knowledge.

3. Malaysia: The flag of Malaysia includes a blue canton with a yellow crescent and a 14-pointed star. The crescent represents Islam, and the star symbolizes the unity of the 13 states and the federal territory.

4. Algeria: The flag of Algeria features a red crescent and a star on a green and white background. The crescent and star are traditional symbols of Islam.

5. Mauritania: The flag of Mauritania includes a green field with a yellow crescent and star. The green color represents Islam, and the crescent and star are symbolic of the country's Islamic identity.

6. Libya: The flag of Libya has a green field with a white crescent and a star, symbolizing Islam.

Symbolic Interpretations:

Crescent Moon: Often symbolizes renewal and the beginning of a new era. It is associated with the lunar calendar used in many Islamic cultures.

Star: Represents light, knowledge, and guidance. It is frequently depicted with a crescent in Islamic art and symbolism.

Cultural Adaptations:

While the crescent moon and star are often linked to Islam, their use in flags also reflects a broader cultural and historical heritage. The symbols have been adapted to convey various aspects of national identity, unity, and historical legacy.


Muslim Colonialism is rarely spoken of in the West or Muslims themselves .


Even when you show their own mosques they will deny it😂😂😂


The fact that Rome is reference in everything is amazing. From Islam to Catolicism to US, Nazi Germany to Russia its just proof how important Rome was and is until today.


Some random people thinking this is Islamic symbol😭😭🤦🏽‍♂️


It is either the symbol of Constantinople or an old Turco-Mongol symbol. Either way the Turks shaped Islam as we know it. Even Mosques in Turkey and other Ottoman influenced States are built by the Image of Greek Orthodox Churches, mainly Hagia Sophia. Also Orthodox Chants and harmonics of Christian hmyns were integrated to Muslim Nasheeds and prayers under Ottoman rule.


They were used in various ancient cultures:

In ancient Mesopotamia, the crescent moon was associated with the moon god Sin.
In ancient Greece, the crescent moon was linked to the goddess Artemis or Diana.
The star and crescent symbol was used in the city of Byzantium (later Constantinople) long before it became associated with Islam.

In conclusion, while the crescent moon and star are widely recognized as symbols of Islam today, their association with the religion is more cultural and historical than theological. The symbol's adoption and spread were largely due to political and cultural factors, particularly the influence of the Ottoman Empire, rather than religious doctrine.


to see something cool and copy it is the most roman thing to do


Also, in Spain they did the very same thing, appropriating of the eight-pointed star from the Tartessos, and adopting it as their own.


This guy pulls so many things out of thin air


The crescent moon and star is mentioned way further back in time than that. It was used thousands of years before the Roman empire to represent the moon God.


So Islam will be the revived Roman Empire that the beast system will come out of.


And it was just used as a type of adornment or basically to show that they conquered the big baddies plus Islam didn't had any symbols from the beginning and we don't have them even in today's day and age its basically used by various national yes but it has no connection to Islam and it's teachings


I was sitting on the Kabah and talking to an Egyptian Student ... He asked me why you have crescent and a star on the flag... i was clueless... as so.. he told me that stars were used for direction and moon is used for time... no matter who had it first ... but the concept of correct time and correct direction is very much align with Islam.. we take direction from stars to know the Qibla and we used moon to count for months...


Poorly researched:
-Crescent & Star are not HOLY symbols, we are aware of its specifically Ottoman heritage and historically late development. The association with it we do not consider representative of our faith. It's just "another symbol", we do not consider it a specific religious offence to be against this symbol vs whatever breakdown Christians would have when we would take the crosses off their walls.
-The Crescent actually has Turkic origins, which is also pagan but always had a tie to the Turkic/Turkish people

Crescent's look beautiful and we like to decorate our mosques with it. Even historically non-Ottoman lands like Pakistan are proud of the Ottoman heritage and we consider the caliphates a common heritage.

The crescent is a symbol of the last caliphate, not Islam in general. The West just projects some Christian ideas on Islam.

Actually there would be other symbols more worthy of being considered an Islamic symbol: The raised pointer finger or the calligraphy of the Shahadah, which both express the doctrine of Tawheed.


Our symbol is لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
Umayyad was better leaders of the islamic world then the ottomans and they did use that symbol
