The Origin of 'Fire Baptism'

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Is there a third baptism called "fire baptism?" In this episode, we take a look at how this phenomenon started, and compare it to the kind of thing that takes place in the cults.
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If Paul saw the church in America today, we be getting a letter.


When I was a Charismatic our church would regularly have people like Hedi Baker, Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, and Randy Clark come "preach" after every time they were there I experienced bizzare things. Especially after Randy Clark visited. He invited everyone to get up to the front and receive this baptism. Almost every single person ran up ( we were about 500plus member church) my husband and I sat in our seats. As we looked around only about six or so remained in their seats too. Later that night I experienced horrible nightmares and a panic attack. This stuff these hyper Charismatics bring into churches is demonic and not of God. Thankfully God delivered me from this and I'm now in a Presbyterian Church where Christ is exaulted and the word is faithfully preached.


We are to worship our LORD with reverence and awe! Part of the evidence of the SPIRIT is self-control. I am heartbroken for those caught in this movement & mortified by their behavior in church! Great research, Daniel, as always!


I came out of a church like this. I appreciate you educating people! This is so dangerous.


I'm glad for you, Mr. Collins from "Leaving the message", Chris Roseborough from "Fighting for the Faith" and others for your ongoing work of exposing the pentecostal teachings and their often deadly consequences


It took me about 3 psych hospitalizations and a lot of therapy to get over this topic. What a sham. Its so destructive, “No power of hell, No scheme of man, can ever pluck, me from his hand” lyrics of in christ alone ring true for me


It’s great that you’re educating people on the early Pentecostal leaders, as I think many people just don’t know this stuff. I spent 13 years in a Pentecostal church and I didn’t know the origins of the movement. I thank God that He opened my eyes and I started to question many of their teachings. I have learned a lot through channels like yours.


I have done research on this subject for the past 2 years, the Kundalini- is the Serpent Power- It is the unholy spirit of fire! I too am writing a book and am finally glad to hear someone is getting it out there!
Posted 9:50 pm


I personally believe that if you chase after a supernatural experience, the devil will accommodate.... ignoring all the warnings of Jesus...satan posing as an angel of light ect.


This movement was a major part of my childhood. I am now realising how worse and worse my spiritual life and my mental health used to get instead of better. Thankyou so much for this video!


I can not wait for this book you guys are going to produce. There needs to be so much more awareness of the shady origins of this movement. Thank you


Bill Johnson suffered sleep paralysis. Not known as a Godly experience!


Well I’m not surprised that this guy had problems with sexual immorality when kundalini is often associated with just that. I grew up Pentecostal and I don’t ever remember seeing people acting like that or experiencing anything like that in church. Though when I watched a documentary on the Hindu cult that came to America and seeing how they would act in meditation that I realized maybe this was what people were experiencing but thinking it is the Holy Spirit. Just my thoughts. Excellent video. Thank you!


Thanks for exposing him 🙏 too many are going with this craziness


You couldn't pay me enough money to be in one of these BJ meetings. They serve a different Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel.


I want to say thank you for your videos. I have been going to the catch the fire church in Toronto every other week or so for about 2 years. Thats where the Toronto Revival happened. They like to talk about that Blessing alot. They are praying for another revival like that. People come on stage that were there talking about how amazing it was and how they saw visions of Jesus and all sorts of things like that. There will be services where people just start screaming like they are in major pain. Sometimes people will be on the ground and people in a trance like state.

My girlfriend loves this church. That why we keep going back. And its a bit of a conflict right now with us because I prefer another church. I keep telling her theres something not right about it to me. Your videos have helped me alot in understanding whats going on and I really appreciate that.


Thank you so much. May God open the eyes of all people who call themselves Christians that they may see the truth.


Great video! It’s a well done compilation of the basic information on this subject, with some added details that go deeper. Thank you for creating this resource to help us evangelize the “church”.🙏🏽♥️


About “bypassing the mind”, that’s what Brian Simmons also says ; he says The Passion Translations is meant to bypass your mind and make your “experience God” and have a renewed passion for God. And it’s a heretical and mystical Bible translation and Bill Johnson says it’s the best thing that happened in his life in terms of Bible translation… please don’t be deceived brothers and sisters 🙏 thank you Daniel.


Brother, the way you expose, explain and teach is so edifying. Years back I am ashamed to admit, I attended Catch the Fire in Raleigh, talk about a circus! The leaders went back to Toronto I think and left their DAUGHTER to carry on As pastor. I’ve been out of there for awhile thankfully. They featured a man who claimed to be DRUNK 24/7. All day everyday! I’m like WHY and I cringed and left soon after
