Game of Thrones 8x02 Sansa and Daenerys Talk [HD]

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The scene shows how much Sansa has learned from Littlefinger, Maergery, and Cersei. She knows Dany is coming in with the objective of winning her approval as Queen and for Jon. Sansa uses Maergery’s tactics of appearing warm & friendly to draw Dany in, all while question her intentions like Littlefinger before dropping the bombshell North question which completely freezes Dany. Then like Cersei, Sansa gains control of the conversation because she drops a question Dany wasn’t expecting.


Small detail but the guy from the Vale only stood up after Sansa did. Quiet telling ofwhere his allegiance lies


Its easy to tell Sansa is constantly thinking 'is she done talking yet?'


Dany: "He never should've trusted Cersei."
Sansa: "You shouldn't have either."
Me: NO ONE should ever trust Cersei.


Sansa remembers what got her brother killed, she didn't want John to make the same mistakes as Rob did.


I think this also shows the biggest difference between Sansa and Daenerys. One is a conquerer, and one is a ruler. Dany was never good at ruling and holding onto power, resources, and loyalty of her conquered people. She conquers a place and leaves it while there is still unrest because she doesn't even want to actually rule. Sansa, on the other hand, is a great strategist and shows care for the longterm welfare of her people and we see many examples of her ruling when she is left in charge. It is so painfully obvious in this scene when Sansa asks "what's next?" and Dany just replies with "I take the throne" as if that is all that is required of a ruler who takes a whole nation with different cultures and loyalties. Dany wants the throne but doesn't know what the meaning behind that throne and power is, just like Robert Baratheon. It is not just the constant glory of winning a war and freeing slaves. It requires dirty work and compromise and listening to advisors. Dany should've been prepared for Sansa's question going into that conversation from the get-go but she is so blind sided by her own desire for glory that she isn't even thinking about the practical questions that anyone else around her would and should be asking during a major transfer of power.


Sansa already had the good nature, loyalty and strong will of the Starks. But it was her lessons from being around Cersei, Margaery, Littlefinger and Tyrion, some of the best to ever play the game that made her unstoppable. And then having to endure Ramsey, easily the most sadistic in the show gave her resilience and a sense of when to be ruthless when need be (immediately having Littlefinger killed). She was my pick to be Queen of Westeros, I was hoping Jon would decline the throne and have it passed to Sansa


For those of you not realizing the dramatic nature of this scene - i want to repeat someone elses comment. Dany is coming in here all condescending and still completely entitled to rule the North. She apologized to Jon for what her father did, but with Sansa holding off Dany noticably doesnt say similar things to Sansa like "the Starks have not been treated well, " to keep drawing them in. So in case yall didnt notice, the subtlety was great acting but whats going on in this scene is HUGE. Sansa is a ruler who knows how to hold onto power and keep ruling the same people. Dany even in this conversation, does not play politics well, shows her conquerer side in every single situation shes a one trick dragon, and the moment theres friction Dany wants to go showed a conquerer, and a ruler, Sansa being the ruler and Dany being the conquerer. And you also saw too, Sansa knows her people and rules them well, Dany has never ruled anyplace well. Bc shes a conquerer who thinks winning and ruling are the same. It was so subtle but just by the dialogue and Dany pulling her hand away, you see whos the ruler and whos the conquerer.


There's a lot going on in these comments, and i just want to add that i love Sansa's possition of Hands in contrast to Daenerys, Sansa makes herself look talk, big, straight and honest, while Daenerys gives always fake smiles, which are abundant in Kingslanding, something that Sansa can cleary tell, Dany wants to make herself look friendly, with the Hands in front of crossing her fringers, she's trying to be Sansas friend, while Sansa is straight up "professional".

But Sansa "trained" [in a Political way] in a place where there's plenty of people like this, and i just love how Sophie Turner potrayed that with her face in the whole conversation, Sansa KNOW exactly what Daenerys is doing and it's constantly thinking in her words, at this point, Sansa level of "Eloquence" is Top Tier.


Just one question by Sansa wiped out Daenerys arrogant she wasn't expecting that..


It just dawned on me that Sansa played the game of faces on Dany. Dany’s first mistake was addressing her as Lady Sansa. She is Lady Stark, the Lady of Winterfell. Remember when Arya came back she asked specifically if she has to address Sansa as Lady Stark. It’s a minor detail but still it is important to note cause that clued Sansa in that she had to play a little game.


I love it when Dany first came to the North and Sansa was NOT impressed with Dany and her fake smiles. Her smiles are equally fake here and Sansa--having been trained by Littlefinger, Cersei and the rest of the a-holes in the kingdom--saw right through her.


You can hear Sansa looking out for her people before being interrupted by Daenerys -Who worried more about Sansa not instantly liking her- She really be expecting too much.


Dany could have easily gained the Starks trust by leaving the North to them. But, that wasn’t good enough for her.


Sansa, the real good Queen. This scene is so good, highlights all the similarities and differences between them and makes me respect Sansa even more. She a boss


I mean…the easiest solution would have been for Daenerys to just grant the North their independence like she had with the Iron Islands in season 6. It would have made a hell of a lot more sense and certainly would have improved the way in which the Northern lords perceived her. But hey, barely anything in season 8 made sense so….🙃


Diplomacy, Dany please. "Let's go over your history together, let's discuss cons and pros of your independent kingdom. I'm attentive to the needs of my people as the future queen".


Seriously when did Daenerys become this obnoxious and uninformed? In Essos era, she always knew what people wanted and aligned her interest with theirs. And in this scene, she's saying the most stupid things for example

"I'm fighting Jon's war alongside him" translates to "I don't think of Northerners as my people and this is not my war. I only came because I wanted all of you at my side"


The way the knight of the vale only stands up after Sansa and leaves the room after Sansa nod of approval


Jon could see that Daenerys would never let the North be free. Daenerys felt she was entitled to rule over it. She couldn’t let go of that feeling of needing to rule over all of the Kingdoms.

Let’s be real, Jon ended her to protect the Starks from her. They would’ve all been “liberated” like the Lannisters were by the Mad Queen.

He loved her, but he loved his family more.