Every Rejection Made Me Who I Am Today | Sahla Parveen | Josh Talks

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Join Sahla Parveen, a motivational speaker and author, in this inspiring Josh Talk. Despite battling dyslexia and being a below-average student, Sahla founded the Give and Grow Global Foundation. A single college motivational session transformed her life. Known as the 'Youngest Mind Power Trainer,' Sahla now conducts motivational workshops worldwide. Her story teaches us to believe in our dreams. Discover Sahla's journey of motivation and determination. Learn how she overcame rejection and find inspiration in her story. Watch Sahla Parveen's motivational speech to learn how to overcome rejection and achieve your dreams

Sahla Parveen believes that rejections are an important factor for growth in life.

#joshtalks #motivation #englishmotivation #rejectionmotivation

Tags: failure, successful, how to, living, best motivational speech, josh talks, motivation, rejection, successful, living a good life


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Sahla paved her path towards success by working on communicating her ideas efficiently.
All of us can follow Sahla's path to success by working on our English Communication Skills.


Every Successful Person has a Painful Story and Every Painful
Story has a successful ending
So accept the pain and get
ready for Success . Never Give up


Some good points I got...Worthy of reading again & again...And saving it up for reading on a daily basis...
🌞50 most positive one liners...
1. Have a firm handshake.
2. Look people in the eye.
3. Sing in the shower.
4. Own a great stereo system.
5. If in a fight, hit first, and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
8. Always accept an outstretched hand.
9. Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
10. Whistle.
11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.
12. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.
15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
16. When playing games with children, let them win.
17. Give people a second chance, always.
18. Be romantic.
19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
21. Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
22. Be a good loser for your
loved ones.
23. Be a good winner of
24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
27. Keep it simple.
28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
29. Don't burn bridges. You will be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read: "No Regrets!".
31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you will regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
34. Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music.
37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.
38. Forgive quickly. Life is short.
39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
40. Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 AM.
41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
43. Make someone's day by encouraging them.
44. Become someone's hero.
45. Marry only for love.
46. Count your blessings.
47. Compliment the meal when you are a guest in someone's home.
48. Wave at the children on a school bus.
49. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
50. Don't expect life to be fair...

Love yourself and people will love you for who you are.


"You're never too young to start teaching; never too old to stop learning."


I'm 17 old boy started teaching spoken English to kids and adults from kerala. And my name is vipin. I really became inspired


"Someone's opinion about you does not have to become your reality"
This quote made my day ❤
Thank u for sharing it.


'Don't fall in love because you are lonely ' a line that most of the people of today's generation should learn and understand


I guess 50% of us have listened to you because of your effective speech and rest because of your confidence and that lovely millinery


Success is not about how much money, about your position, where you stand, how you are famous, success is a beautiful smile, good feeling of heart


"Someone's opinion about u doesnot have to become your reality"...good speech


Success is not about how much money you make, where you stand. What is position, success is all about can you really smile from ur heart...🙏😊😇


My first book was published when I was 19 yrs old .
Truly people who used to criticize me shouted later and said
Don't forget I told you you r going to do it 😂


You are never too young to start teaching; never too old to stop learning ❤❤


you are never too young too teach and not too old to stop to learning


You are never too young to start teaching or never too old to stop learning . Well said . I persuade this statement .


This is incredibly inspiring .I am blown away by her confidence and her spectacular delivery of speech


Failure is a challenge in our life. We should deal with failure to get SUCCESS.


From all the josh talk video she is the only one I felt like I want too see her in person ❣️
She is amazing 😍


Someone's opinion doesn't have to become your reality, that gave me a goosebumps


“Someone opinion about you doesn't have to become your reality “ I'm inspired from these ten words ❤
