3 Ridiculously Useful YouTube Analytics (Small Channels, Pay Attention!)

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These 3 YouTube analytics traffic sources are oft-overlooked but VERY valuable for all sizes of channels





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Here’s the strategy I used to “hack” the early algorithm:

Keep doing great stuff!


I was shocked when I saw my videos in the suggested section from wayyy larger channels and videos that has far larger reach. It was within the framework of audience that I would have hoped for. That was encouraging.


I hope whoever is watching this channel becomes successful....amen!!!


I paid for a coaching program for three months and never learned any of this. It seems that this is the kind of information that should be shared upfront and I’m grateful that I learned this from you today.


I was literally googling this today "why Youtube could be suggesting my videos to the wrong audience" only for me to see a video on it from Nate
I'm so lucky, thank you so much Nate


I've noticed Nate started to make the end screen and end music work in synergy. Check this video and his previous video, during the ends screen the text always has something in common with the music that's playing. A really clever idea!!! Good job Nate!👑


Once again, you gave AMAZING advice right off the bat. As one of those small channels that can’t see what other channels and videos my audience is watching, I love that you offered a work-around or “next best” because that is super helpful! Thanks!
P.S. I would a good roasting lol


YouTube is definitely suggesting our videos to the right audience, One thing I cant seem to get up though is "Suggested Video" click through rate. It seems like no matter what I change with titles and thumbnails that suggested video CTR stays around 1%-1.5% even if browse is in the 10-15%. I've also now noticed that if my video gets more impressions in suggested than browse over the first 24 hours the CTR will plummet and the video will hardly reach 100 views maybe a bit more but if the video gets more impressions in browse over the first 24 hours the CTR gets held up and it seems like the Algorithm pushes it much more with those videos reaching 800-2100 views. I feel like my only way to defeating this is by attacking my suggested CTR but I dont even know where to start 🤷‍♂


Hi Nate, man, am I glad I found your channel on a whim! I'm just starting to create my own YouTube channel after thinking about it for 3 years and am just doing it for kicks. I don't want to make it a full-time gig or famous or strictly monetized. It is just entertainment and info basically. It is going to be a faceless channel. I don't want to be a YouTube Partner (not much worry about that ever happening) nor do I want to get involved in Patreon or paid memberships and the like. I also don't care about subscriptions, "like" buttons, etc. If someone wants to subscribe they can, I'm not going to ask or beg (partly because I don't really understand how it helps anything). I might go with some affiliate marketing at most later. I also will not be actively marketing the channel, just letting folks find it by accident or something. Just trying to do a channel is extremely hard in itself. I am trying to learn video editing on my own as I know nothing about that. (Audio editing I can do with one eye closed all day, but video is a different story).
I'm far more interested in rhythms rather than algorithms. I was not going to even venture to look in that area as I likely would not understand it anyway and did not want to know (partly because I don't care). However, watching you explain it makes me feel less scared to take a peak if and when I ever get the channel launched (I'm hoping for end of April, but I'll see).
My bar is if I get the channel launched I'll try to keep it going if I get 7 views per video or more over the first three or four months, less than that and I will take it down because it is a ton of work and makes it hard to keep up with domestic duties and such. It also has cost me about $250 so far and I have not even started filming yet. I hope I am done spending hard earned money on this experiment, any more and I will need to quit.

I really appreciate your explaining what it means and why some things are important in it. You are the first one I have run across that explains this stuff in an easy to understand fashion! I have seen many others show all this stuff, but it may as well be in Chinese language or something and it is geared towards marketing and force-growing ones channel and getting rich off YouTube, basically chasing unicorns in my book.
I'm going to watch your other videos as well, that is the ones I may need to watch that are relevant to me.
Thank you Nate for doing this!


Youtube suggested me this video. It was a real gem for me. The suggested part seems to be alright with my channel and YouTube understood what I'm uploading. The high points are something I really want to implement next. This safes a lot of time trying out stuff myself. I subscribed to you, thanks a lot!


I have a very specific niche. One that has already pretty much determined the type of video that I make each time. The only choice I have for tailoring my videos to the suggested videos is whether or not I choose to make something obscure or well-known. My loyal viewers love the obscure, less well-known bakes that I do, but the algorithm likes the opposite. It's hard to be classified by the algorithm if you're featuring things that no other YouTube video exists on. I do get picked up by Google search a lot because of that, but it's not enough to prompt the algorithm to push me out to a lot of people.


Immediately checked out the Suggested Videos and was pleased that one of the channels I watch and would hope their audience will find my channel, had my videos suggested 😍. The numbers aren't high, but every little win goes in the pocket, right?! I have more new viewers vs returning. I compare month to month in my analytics and for May it was pretty atrocious to see very few returning viewers, however...for the month of June those numbers went up. A continuous journey and learning curve. Thnx for these videos...they help greatly.


That's super useful! I haven't checked the suggested videos, but now that you mention it, my videos that performed best with suggested views were very clearly my niche. That's a good point to remember for the future. Thanks!


If you’re on the phone and you want to follow along with what Nate is saying minimise the video go to your channel, click the cog that is settings scroll down to Your Data in YouTube and it will take you to your YouTube analytics where you can follow along with Nate. Oh and remember, do not pause the video because then you will hear it in the background you just won’t be able to see him.


Would love a video about”creating a feeling of welcome”


Keep working hard and make sure to stay consistent, you WILL get there, it's just a matter of how much effort you put into your videos. Good luck everyone!


I so much want to figure out all of I also need to figure out who I am, so to speak, and how to generate meaningful content... that's about it. Nate, I really appreciate what you are doing. Thank You!!


Damn! Mine is ALL OVER THE PLACE! :(
Explains why I'm doomed.
However it explains why one particular video (an interview with someone who created an expanded Lone Ranger LEGO display) has been the most popular vid in my channel for like ages! So thanks for that, Nate :)


This first point was so aggravating to me. For months, maybe years, I've looked at videos suggesting my videos and none of them usually match my niche at all. It is rare that other horror booktube videos suggest my stuff. The closest they usually get to it is Mr Ballen or other creepypasta but that's not what I do at all. I get all these weird clickbait videos and of course the feedback YouTube gets is poor. This has been my most disappointing thing I've the last couple of years: YouTube has no idea what my channel or videos are about! However, the viewers do since the channels my audience watches matches my niche and mood exactly. The robots are not working. Sorry to rant but, I get the opposite and detrimental results from suggested traffic unfortunately and I feel it's ruining my channel.


Ok Nate, I have 2 drumming channels and they're both locked in to you. Zen Woogie and this one. Keep up the awesome work!
