Geriatric Angel Is Blind, Deaf, Arthritic, & Emaciated Beyond Belief - Abandoned By... [STORY BELOW]

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Abandoning any dog is a heartless act, but dumping a senior in their final months feels like twisting the knife. What should be her golden era has instead been an era filled with heartbreak and neglect. Why would you turn your back when your animal needs you most? Why would you leave them in atrocious condition without any worry as to where they will end up? This little geriatric angel is blind, mostly deaf, extremely arthritic, & emaciated beyond belief.

Gertie (short for Gertrude), is a geriatric angel who came to us from animal control. Given that a local vet employee brought her in, we can assume (but not confirm) that the owners brought Gertie into the vet and never came back for her. Did they not want to pay for her treatments? Did they not care about what happened to her as long as she was out of their hands? Most likely.

We can see every bruise on her and every bone, and the dehydration is beyond measure. Her tongue hangs out, her teeth have all rotted away, and she is so confused. Our hearts are not made of steel. We aren’t super heroes or stronger than anyone else because we can “take this on.” We are regular humans who cannot stand to see the mistreatment of animals and even on the hardest of days, the saddest of cases, and the absolutely defeating heartbreak, we push forward and say "yes." No dog deserves to live this way, and certainly does not deserve to die alone on the street or in a cage. No dog deserves to spend their senior years in a shelter. No dog should ever be given away or dumped when it is old and needs the most love and patience.

Our hearts break day after day, but these ones hurt the most. Gertie has mammary masses and a slew of other health issues that we will work towards addressing in the most comfortable and realistic manor. She will see our vet today to ensure she is comfortable, and we will love her every single second, the way she has deserved.

As you can see in the video attached, playing out in the yard with her is a bit challenging while blind and deaf! So we need to keep a careful eye on her to make sure she stays safe while also not scaring her! This poor, poor girl.

We are asking for donations to get her vetted and have curated a wishlist full of supplies she'll need for the road ahead. Anything you can give will help, thank you.
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Poor baby so thankfully for your help God bless you
