Catholics On Homosexuality: The Truth

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Does the Catholic Church hate gay people? Is the Catholic Church against homosexuality? What is Catholic teaching on homosexuality? In this video, we're going to take a look at these questions and dive into the truth about the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality and why it has stayed steadfast amid the changing tides of our culture.



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Love: “doing good for one another without expecting anything in return”. This definition I learned in high school and still holds in my heart to this day.


Standing ovation for all the LGBTQ who are still willing to seek God through the Catholic Church. That demonstrates a great deal of grace. No one can earn Heaven and we're all on the way there together.


Thank you Chris for all you do. I am a 20 old woman who has experienced same sex attraction and the struggle with gender identity pretty much all my life, beginning at a specific childhood trauma and snowballing from there. I really hope and pray that this apparent faith revival among my generation (Z) will reach more of those of us who experience SSA as God’s grace did for me. My former friends and my ex-girlfriend are in a lot of pain and despair without the Truth. It seems that just as many peers find Jesus, more and more are getting involved with New Age spiritualism or Wicca and starting to identify as LGBT & dive into the lifestyle. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us and on the whole world.


You have such a gift to make him difficult subjects easy to understand.


so am i supposed to reprpgramme myself to be attracted to women? isnt that conversion therapy that we ban here? lol i dont know but this feels a little wrong for me.. im not sure how i feel about it. id like to know what youre actually proposing and what plan i should have to not be gay anymore? lol


I find it very important to explain very well this teaching of the Church. For many, it is a source of conflict and it is not easy to understand the Church teaching. We must build bridges without compromising Jesus' teaching. Keep it up Christopher!!!


Thank you, Christopher, for being obedient to the Lord's calling in speaking the Gospel regarding our sexuality.


As an ex addicted to SSA, healed through the Lord’s Grace, I thank you for this video!


Dear LGBTQIA+ watching this video and reading this comment: You are okay and you don‘t have to change anything about yourself. Please reach out to a queer friendly church or helpline with your questions or concerns. You are loved and you are blessed. 🏳️‍🌈❤


This was a well articulated video about a sensitive issue and I hope Everyone is helped and brought All different ways.


1. Does this mean gay people have to seek marriage with an opposite sex person they're not attracted to in order to "go back to the beginning?"

2. Does this mean that gay people need to seek to become "attracted" to the opposite sex via some means in order to "go back to the beginning?"

3. Does this mean gay people need to stop loving and caring about each other and only love and care about opposite sex people in order to "go back to the beginning?"

4. Does this mean that gay people who can't do the above 3 things are incapable of having their sexual nature "renewed in Christ"?

Please answer.


You are referring to conversion therapy. As a gay Catholic, I highly disagree AND disapprove of this interpretation. And I’m particularly insulted by being referred to as “broken”. You’re referring to homosexuality as a sickness that needs to be eradicated through God’s grace. NO!


I did a LIFE IN THE SPIRIT seminar which was run by obsessive compulsive Catholics! And on the last night they invited a guy caleed Aiden Bond who had the "gift" of knowing peoples gifts.
When he prayed over me he shouted out my gifts and said I have a calling to Youth is total bull!!! I feel NO CALLING to that.
Then I was invited to a "singles night" so I might meet a lovely
Wonder how inthusiastic they would be about any of these things if they knew I was GAY!!!!


I’m a gay man and a non catholic and my biggest question is how would following Catholic teaching on sexuality be beneficial to my life? I lived a celibate life as a Christian for over ten years and it did not improve my life at all, it just made me miserable and lonely. How would doing the same thing in the context of a church that seems pretty hostile to us be any better?


I have same sex attraction, because of the pandemic I've fallen more deeply into porn addiction, yes gay porn addiction. Please pray for me.


What finally won me over to the truth of theology of the body was trying it my way. I got burned badly. Jesus take my broken nature and make it new!


I so so appreciate the compassion and respect with which you approach this topic. I believe you speak the truth and that God’s design is beautiful. I pray that God surrounds me with male mentors and figures like you who share a tenderness in truth. I’ve struggled with my sexuality for many years and still it’s hard to not go out and feel the shame and the brokenness. Thank you for what you do. I encourage every Christian to approach LGBTQ individuals with grace and compassion and a heart to listen and love, not judge


Christopher, thank you for tackling this sensitive topic with such assurance. A Franciscan friar priest recommended your channel. I've been watching your channel for a while now. :)


When asked about their stand on the matter of homosexuality, a Catholic Monsignor said: "If we invoked that law, we wouldn't have any priests left." Wow


Amen brother!! I’ve been watching your videos and reading your books for years! You were pivotal in my conversion to the Catholic Church! Please keep going brother! 🙏🏻
