She Is A Professional Patient...#shorts #movie

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Chicago Med Season 6 Episode 11👨‍⚕️💊
An emotional thrill ride through the day-to-day chaos of the city's most explosive hospital and the courageous team of doctors who hold it together. They will tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events, forging fiery relationships in the pulse-pounding pandemonium of the emergency room.

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She kept some seriously extensive records and it still took 16 years to figure it out? House would’ve skimmed the first book and been like “welp, guess you wasted a lot of paper.”


Been 8 years going through pain chronically and finally getting my answer now. But unfortunately it cost my baby's life and that's what is the hardest part. I have adenomyosis and will need a hysterectomy at 27. I had a miscarriage back in January. My periods got even more severe and now we finally have answers. I go in on October 29 th for surgery to see if I had endometriosis which I have been battling trying to find a diagnosis for over 8 years now.


I want to share my own story which is very similar but a bit more crazy. Apologies for how long it is but context is very much needed for anyone reading to understand.

Ever since I started ny menstrual cycle at 14, I always had the WORST cramps, bloating & heavy bleeding every period on top of massive migraines which would cause numbness on half of my body & occular issues. Some months it would be even worse to where I needed someone to help me out of bed & I could barely see. I suffered constantly from UTI's because the pain would be so bad I couldn't pee. I lost so many jobs because of it all. I kept going back to several doctors, specialists, OBs, etc but no one could figure out the period issues & thought I was having seizures yet I could always speak, respond & think clearly. I even got on BC 2 years after it started just to try helping with the flow & pain but it barely made a dent. At one point I asked about getting an ultrasound as that was the only thing they didn't do. But no one did, that I was too young for it & not to worry. This will be important.

One day after visiting my OB & getting a refill on my BC at age 18, the symptoms slowly receded over time. The bleeding & pain weren't so bad save for 1-2 months every year & I would even miss months sometimes. The migraines still happened but not as frequently. For once I felt NORMAL.

I moved cities at age 27 so I found a new OB. Once she got my records from my previous OB, she was very concerned for me being on the dose of my BC I've been on for years, that it was the HIGHEST any doctor could legally Rx to a patient. I had already been considering on switching to an arm implant to make sure I didn't miss a dose (which would cause the pain to get bad again) as ny life was getting crazy busy so I decided to go for it & I got a lower dose.

A month after getting the arm implant I woke up to EXCRUCIATING PAIN in my whole body & I couldn't see. It had been the WORST it had ever been. I tried getting out of bed to the bathroom but ended up falling to the floor openly sobbing. My partner got up, got both of us dressed & sped me to the hospital (the hospital that I worked for). I still barely remember what happened after I fell but apparently I was talking incoherently, making random comments while sobbing. At the hospital he carried me & got me checked in but that it would be a 3hr wait. As he was arguing with the staff that something was SERIOUSLY wrong with me, I went fully unconscious from the pain. 5 hours later I woke up, sore & still heavily bloated but the pain was manageable in a hospital room with my partner... to then immediately puke in a bucket (my body HATES any kind of opioid 😂 it runs in the family). To say he had been terrified for me is an understatement.

After several tests, MRI's & even a ultrasound with my OB personally working with the hospital which found the cause of my issues the whole time: several cysts & fibroids all over my uterus with one being ghe size of an apple. While doing the ultrasound they couldn't find one of my ovaries because it was THAT large it was covering it in the images. The migraines? Massive nerve damage sending emergency signals to the brain causing the migraines. The final diagnosis was Endomitosis & ovarian cysts. I was thankfully released from the hospital 2 days later.

After more tests, scans & talks with my OB, we came to the conclusion that to stop the pain, the bleeding, etc. I would have to get a partial hysterectomy. There was no way to save my uterus & even if they somehow could I would never be able to get pregnant due to the damage. Which I was OK with. I had chosen to be child free a LONG time ago as I never really wanted kids & same goes for my partner. Even if we ever did want kids, we would rather adopt anyways. My OB also put 2 & 2 together that the reason my pain & migraines stopped/slowed considerably years ago was due to the high dose, that my old OB had changed the dosage without telling me. That if I had been taken more seriously & got an ultrasound at least once, it wouldn't have come to that. A few months later, I got the partial hysterectomy (still have my ovaries). By the time I got into the surgery, the 1 large apple sized fibroid grew to the size of a grapefruit. It was pretty nutty to see the pictures afterwards.

I also got genetic testing & got all of my other family members tested, with my mom being the only other person to have endometriosis & ovarian cysts (at the time, my niece is still too young for a diagnosis) & it runs in the family likely skipping around or generations (as moms sister didn't get it & my female cousin who is 1 year younger than me doesn't). It was likely the reason why my parents had such a hard time having kids (took them 10 years to have me). So another reason for me not wanting kids. I would NEVER want a kid to go through the pain I did for years. My younger sister, myself & my cousin plan on making sure their girls (& any future girls) get tested as soon & as frequently as they are able to in order to get ahead of it.

Why is my story SOOO long & needed?
Because it's to hammer in the fact that if a woman is in BAD pain from their period, take it seriously & don't joke about it. I'm SUPER lucky that somehow none of those cysts burst as if any had I would have been in SERIOUS trouble. Especially the large one that could have killed me.
Even if you're young, get regular ultrasounds. I never had one before that day at the hospital. If 1 doctor had beforehand, if 1 of them did an ultrasound when I asked & not blown me off, none of that would have happened.

Take your health & others seriously. Always make sure to stand up to advocate for yourself AND have someone with you so if you are unable to so you can get whatever test done to figure it out. Again apologies for the length but I hope my story helps someone else out there.


I've just been told I have IBS, and, when clarifying that IBS basically means "idiopathic stomach disorder, " the doctor said, "yes, basically." I have chronic feminine issues that my gynos just pass off as dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and chronic stomach issues. I also experience anxiety attacks, migraines, and inttermittant nausia. Nausia comes with the migraines, stomach issues, female issues, and with vehicle AC "air".


I actually have this and had a Renal Auto-Transplant 2 years ago. They put my kidney in my abdomen. My problem is that it wasn't until I was 55 that I was diagnosed, so being in so much pain, poor diet, migraines for so long, etc., I haven't been able to bounce back after surgery. It is also a mental weight being told for so long that nothing was wrong. So much medical PTSD is insane! I also had my gallbladder, appendix, and uterus all removed…thinking they were the cause of the pain.


I thought they were making it up, but it's a real medical problem.


It tooo my doctors 7 yeats to find out I have a food allergy. Had one doctor tell me my hair loss was from puberty. Nope. Stomach inflammation caused me to lose SO much nutrition.


"It hides" classic doctor sh!t. Yea we just wanna justify you spending millions of dollars and years of your life because we didnt think of the right thing to diagnose you with.
