Adding aquarium plants to my goldfish tank!

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One of the plants is an Anubias, which needs to be mounted to a rock or piece of wood. Other than that it's very easy to grow and has strong leaves


That is an awesome variety of plants! You will probably want a deeper substrate, also you will want to remove the container and rock wool that is around the roots. But my fish absolutely love having live plants in their tank. Hope yours do as well.


You’ll want to take them out of the plastic holders and plant them in the substrate. You may want to add a bit more sand to help them root as well.

Also, it looks like you’ve got some anubias, so for that, just tie it to a rock or piece of wood and throw it in wherever. They shouldn’t be planted because then they’ll die pretty quickly.

That being said, I’m not an expert on aquarium plants, but I’ve had my fair share of experience with a few of them. If anyone else has any other advice, feel free to reply to my comment so it’s all in the same place and easier for Luke to find!


Waiting for someone to choke on it, keep us updated

If you want some advice - get roottabs or fertilizer for it. Java Fern, Anubis are good starter plants. They dont need to be rooted. If these plants die, try some of those. Put taller plants in the back, make a bit of a slope (higher in back), and have fun!


Hello Luke! As a goldfish keeper in an aquarium with plants, this line of videos is really interesting for me. In my experience, goldfish love eating duckweed, so as long as u provide em with duckweed from another tank, eating it might prevent their inner demons of eating the other plants. Cheers from Spain, mate!


I feel like the greatest crossover in this hobby would be a serpa design collab where he makes a goldfish aquascape for you.


Love Dustin’s business. He’s always got some really cool stuff.


U should take them out of the plastic containers so their roots can grow more. Also, some of those plants cannot be planted directly into the substrate. Some of them will also come with gel on the roots which you should remove before planting them
They’re such beautiful plants!


Dustin's Fish tanks got me into fish a long time ago. This is a great partnership!


i love planted tanks! i have a lot of plants in my own goldfish tank, so it’s really nice to see someone with a big audience like you try out plants as well. you’ll want to take them out of the pots and pool the wool off of their roots, be gentle and slow to keep the roots in tact. some more sand and even some aqua soil in the tank would help them stay rooted and healthy, i have about 2 inches of sand on top of a layer of Tropica branded Aquasoil and i never have plants uprooted!

good luck, luke!


Some of those plants are heavy rooters so you’ll need to buy root tabs. Also liquid fertilizer. Make sure to remove the plants from the plastic cups and sponge so the roots can grow and that’ll prevent your goldfish from being able to rip them out of the substrate.


I have tried that once for my goldfish aquarium, lets say they enjoy the fresh food so much 😂


I have plants in my goldfish aquarium, I have a fantail and ranchu. I get plants that don't need to be in the substrate because I know they will uproot them.

So I super glue them onto some rocks and never had a problem its been almost a year now.

I have java fern, mosses and moss balls. They snack on the mosses but now they don't probably it tasted bad to them. Often they eat algae and bacteria build up on the plants and that really helps control algae growing on the plants.

Good luck luke!

edit: Duckweed is good food for goldfish


Yoooo that tiger lotus is a beautiful plant!!!


Now this is a beautiful aquarium, a paradise for your Goldies


Hi Luke, you should try to get a tank with potting soil (about 1 inch) some nutrient, and cap it with blasting sand from tractors supply’s (about double the amount of potting soil, and you well get better plant survival rates and it will be harder for the fish to unroot them, best of luck


This man is getting things from people left to right


They'll LOVE the plants on the top. They're either duck weed or something similar.


You got the best basics right there! The short green ones, you can glue to a rock, but not in the substrate. It’s called anubias, and it’s the best plant to keep with goldfish ❤ 😉


Definitely might be a cool idea to do a co-op with Dustin on making a aqua scape goldfish tank
