5 Ways to SAVE Melting Aquarium Plants Before It's Too Late

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‎ Live aquarium plants are awesome because they’re beautiful and they purify the water by absorbing your fish’s nitrogen waste, but like fish, they come with a learning curve if you want to keep them alive. In this video, let me cover a frequent beginner question we get: “Why is my plant dying or melting?”

At Aquarium Co-Op, we focus on your aquariums. We specialize in freshwater tropical fish, aquatic plants, and the overall betterment of the freshwater fish keeping hobby. Our goal is to help you with your first pet fish and graduate you to an advanced aquarium hobbyist. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to Aquarium Co-Op and check out our weekly videos.

Cory McElroy is employed by Aquarium Co-Op LLC. He also owns Aquarium Co-Op LLC. Therefore, all content is sponsored by Aquarium Co-Op.

#Aquariumcoop #Aquariumfish #Fishtank

0:00 Why are my plants melting or dying back?
0:19 Reason #1: You have new, emersed plants that were grown out of water
1:57 Reason #2: The plant was incorrectly planted
3:21 Reason #3: Your plant is missing certain nutrients
5:13 Other reasons: frozen plants, anubias rot, and dud bulbs
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With crypts, I float them in my tank for a day or two before planting. This gives them a chance to adjust to the new water while being able to pull gasses from the air at the surface. I usually don't have as many melting issues doing this. When I can't float a new crypt and it has to be planted right away, I drop an air stone at the base of it. The bubbles rising over the leaves seem to have a similar effect as floating, but not always as successful.


Great tips! I know that this is a frustration for so many people when they first get into aquarium plants.


Thanks so much for all the great blog articles! They're a great resource for specific questions or to get additional information that won't fit in a video.


Irene is great! Don't let her go. This is a great presentation!


Thanks for the info! Melting plants are confusing when you’re new to planted tanks. This advice helps tremendously.


Would love to see a video from Corey and the crew discussing the best ways to promote carpeting plant growth. Love the show guys and some great tips on here!


This is so helpful! I was able to identify what's causing my anubias petite's leaves to melt, which is that the plant was definitely grown in a farm out of water. The other plants in the tank aren't having any problems, therefore all the other reasons you listed here can be ruled out. Thankfully, this is a snail tank and the snails are making quick work of the melting leaves, and the rhyzome is fine so this anubias should hopefully bounce back in a couple weeks.


For me, a lot of the problems I had with plants at first was because I didn't have enough light. Once I got a more plant-appropriate light, they did much better.


this is perfect timing. I knew about melting, but I always thought it was more of a melting. I have bought a few plants recently and the stems become soft and noodle-like... I thought it was some disease or algae and it was affecting only the new plants because they weren't protected by BB yet... now I'm pretty sure it's just melt. THANKS!


Thanks for this Irene and aquarium co-op!! Best information 🌿🐟🌿💚


"Not too deep, but deep enough"...I've heard that before.


Glad to be subscribed to you. This video helped me understand my plants more!


I am constantly buying a single new plant every time I have to buy more cat food and litter. My tank is an 85 gallon and as my nephew describes it "a rainbow exploded" because I stocked it with various guppy strains and just let them do what guppies do. Heavily planted and scaped out. I use black poster board as background on back of tank. I also use black substrate. Makes the colors of plants and fish really pop.


Great timing. I just looked in my tank today and was noticing my anubias was melting. It was a pretty large plant so I'm sure it was emersed.


Thanks for the great video! Wow Irene is so articulate! such a joy to listen to - keep up the good work


Great video and very concise. Thanks, Irene!


Great video! Love watching thank you for sharing!


Thanks, Irene. You guys are the best.


Thanks for this video! My Anubias and Java Fern are doing fantastic, but my Red Sword has been having a lot of die off. I'm going to replant and get some food for them.


I had the fluval flex and the light that came with it just wasn't strong enough to grow anything. I tried two of three times to get them to grow, but they always died within a month or two. The steams would melt away and I could find out why.
The other issue I had was purchasing plants that weren't truly aquatic. Some purple thing and a green one with white spots. They obviously died after a few months.
Just some things to be aware of that weren't mentioned.
