My Husband Helps To Pick The Men I Date | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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ALEX, 31, met her husband Mitch, 31, when they were teenagers living on the Island of Guernsey, where they grew up. The couple were close but weren't official until they were both living in England several years later. Now married for 10 years, the couple shares four children and are happier than ever. Although content in their relationship, the couple have faced significant backlash due to their decision for Alex to do OnlyFans alongside dating other men. Trolls judge the couple because Mitch supports Alex going on dates, whilst he stays home looking after their children. Alex has been called a 'bad mother' whilst Mitch has been labelled a 'simp' and a 'disgrace' for his decision to support Alex. Mitch is unfazed by Alex meeting with other men, and believes having one partner in life isn't realistic but admits he has no urge to date other women. As well as going on dates with other guys, Alex also has a 'sugar daddy' who has paid for holidays, meals out and her dates. Mitch says: "If someone was prepared to pay for all that for me, I wouldn't turn it down," and sees no problem in Alex receiving financial support from another man. The couple believe they have such a strong relationship because of trust and communication, something they continuously commit to. They believe their relationship is 'real life', their love for one another is rare, and they couldn't go through life without each other. Alex and Mitch believe people need to be more open-minded to the world's varying types of relationships, and there is no rule book as to what makes a perfect relationship.

You can follow the Alex here:
Instagram: @alexletissier

Videographer: Chris Diaper
Producers: Amy Nicholson, Yasin Walker
Editor: Garry Sykes

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Mitch, you’re 31 years of age. You’re still a young man. Leave this woman, and know and believe that you can do much better. This is sick.


I don’t think it would be a big deal if she wasn’t hypocritical. She wants to go out and mess around but she gets pressed about the thought of him dating other girls? It doesn’t really make sense if it isn’t even on both sides.


Mitch looks dead inside. I hope he can find someone better.


He’s crumbling. That man is incredibly depressed.


I am most certainly judging. This dude is clearly dead inside.


She's not for her husband, she's for the streets.


Why do these people feel the need to share these fucked up relationships online with others and not expect hate💀


That is what we call a narcissist and controlling relationships….


AND they have kids?? She’s a sorry excuse for a woman. Her husband probably thinks he can’t get any better and has been brainwashed by her into believing that he should put up with this crap if he “loves” her. This isn’t love… I hate that she throws that word around. And if she’s going to date other people he should be able to too. The fact that she’s doing something so disgusting and then tries to act like people are wrongfully judging her and being mean to her just tells me she’s entitled and believes she should be able to get away with this behavior without any consequences. Gross. Bro needs to file for a divorce already and move on.


The double standard here is horrific, she's turned her man into a shell of a human. Looks like he's deeply depressed and ready to burst into tears but he loves her.

I don't have problems with people in the lifestyle but the hypocrisy she displays is horrible and shows that she has no love or respect for her husband, it's ownership not love.

Hope he has the strength to see his own value and find someone more deserving of his love because nobody deserves this.


He has the most miserable expression on his face, his eyes are soulless, it's like watching the walking dead, spiritually...


I doubt that this man is living “his best life”.


The fact she doesn’t want him to date is what makes it really bad.! So she knows she wrong, because she doesn’t want him to do what she’s doing… 😒😒😒


They have a really strong relationship mostly because he adores and loves his wife unconditionally .She can do what she likes but doesn't allow him the same freedom.Even if he seems to say he is cool with her ways if you look closely at his face the pain is etched on it and his eyes look haunted.He is a sweet man who deserves better, in my opinion.


He's not a husband, he's her girlfriend/BFF. She has no interest in him, which is why she dumped him in the first place, yet 7 years later she says, if you'd like to provide for me and I can still act like a 304 then we can get married... and for reasons unknown, he agreed.


They way she said, "Why would you, you got me ✨️". She acts like she's the grand prize or something. Mitch looks like he's just sunken deeper into the void, and the more she talks about sleeping with other men.


Its the fact her pictures are filtered af that gets me 😂 not only is she a selfish narcissist, shes a damn catfish🤦‍♀️ sometimes i dont even want to deal with my one man let alone 2829 other ones. You can tell hes miserable. Hes only doing it because he knows she will just do it anyway. Poor guy deserves so much better.


Their whole lives are fuelled & revolve around her insecurities 😭😭 her cheating on him, her selling her body online, her being too jealous to allow him to do the same thing as her, fkn gross 🤢


What I've learned is how good filters are.


you can definitely tell that this man is in no way whatsoever happy, during the whole interview he didn’t smile not one time, and even when he did a slight smile it looked fake/forced, nobody should ever be treated like this, i hope he sees he’s worth so much more :(((
