Truth: Giant Perendev Perpetual Magnetic Motor, free energy for 5000€, Mike Bradys magnetic elevator

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Hello my friends, as always, I'll show you a perpetual motion motor which generates free green energy usable for any power plant in the world and how it might work, then we'll visualize the magnetic fields so we can see what's actually happening. You will then be able to explain to others what the weakness of this principle is and why such a thing is unable to produce anything except the costs of approximate 5000 Euro.

The device itself is a Perendev motor that consists of a total of thirty individual discs, each with two rings of twenty magnets attached in opposite directions to repel each other. So there are a total of one thousand two hundred magnets used. The cost of this motor, with each magnet costing around three euros and the remaining components being laser cut, is around five thousand euros.

Watch the video and you'll see the flaws of the principle.

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If you used an circuit that could turn on and off the magnets.

You cannot produce more than you can create...BUT... you can make an engine more efficient just a small amount.

Magnets should be used as low friction bearings bearings. There would still be friction but the reduction in friction would be an efficiency gain because no energy input would be required to imagine the gain.


This video makes a lot of sense. What is always overlooked is the part of using magnetic shielding in the correct index points will make the motor turn. The question is how much power can actually be produced for the unit. v


Technically it is still possible to make work. But it does require external energy. But the important part is that it requires less external energy then it produces..!


I think its interesting that people think magnets can somehow magically give you free energy when they are just basically doing what all matter does but from a longer distance. They just create a force. You don't see people assuming you could blow into a straw, then wrap the straw around in a circle and somehow expect the air to not only perpetually circulate but actually cause itself to accellerate.. They think they can somehow change the laws of physics by making a machine that is progressively more convoluted.. like if they can't understand how it works, maybe then it will violate thermodynamics


Also, it's easy to get any arrangement to work, as long as it's in a continuous imballace. They would not accept my pattern. Insider told me to build and sell as much as fast as I could, after publishing my ovetunity motor all over the web, open source as much as posible. Then the greedy ones won't kill you, because the cat is out of the bag.


Nice video mate. Been telling people this for years. Also stating that if they want to experiment with such ideas, dont spend too much cash on it. Its interesting to experiment and learn, but that is it. There are a few youtubers that are actually genuine on here and one in particular made no claims for perpetual motion, however, did have some very nice results on something that did power itself for quite some time. It mixed ideas of pulse motors which just use small amounts of energy, supercapacitors and a few magnetic motor ideas. Very interesting and it lasted for quite some time. He stated that he doesnt know what was going on and that there was energy being put in, so he didnt know how it worked exactly, but was very cool nevertheless. I think the youtuber was Lasersabre or lightsabre or some name like that. Was a while ago. Ive had similar results from pulsing things into less efficient motors, but you cannot get something for nothing, nor can you get more than what you put in. Its just how things work in this universe. Things can last a long long time. which to human lifespans seem like forever, but even stars and galaxies use up their energy.


I know it is fake because of the guys HAND NOT Completely grabbing the wheel


I went to look at your channel for other magnetic field demonstrations that I commented on. I became alarmed when I saw the latest videos were a bunch of perpetual motion TRUTHS... I'm glad to see they're debunking instead of some scam! 😅


great video, very well explained. Your detailing of the magnet motor principle works but, you could improve it a lot more if you would shift the magnets of the second gear by a few degrees and the 3rd gear by a few degrees degrees in respect to the first gear. Now you can repeat the first 3 gears over and over. I know my comment may not be clear but take a 3 phase motor and see how they arranged the poles. Here keep in mind you first gear would be your first phase, the second gear would be your second phase and the 3rd gear would be your 3rd phase. This will give you more speed but also a lot more torquing to your magnet motor.


I have considered using a double coil in series, one coil over one of the opposing magnets and the other in between as a current pickup, this current would create a weakening opposing field (like the magnetic field blocker), allowing the magnet of the rotating ring to become in alignment before it repels. Then comes the relation that there will be a counter emf force in the other pickup coil that takes the place of the weaker field which adds the resistance back into the magnets repelling and again there is a cocking effect.


very awesome my Friend where have you build it ? im laendle ?


The motor does not turn on it's own. But it does have less counter force impeding its forward progression. How can you use that to make cheaper electricity. Every time the magnet moves past the other magnet there is a movement of flux in both directions. Just put a pick up coil on the end of each magnet.


Ah- another magnetic motor! Magnetic motors are like anuses- everybody has one!


So, what is the hidden power source at the beginning of the video?


I made a magnetic motor and it worked. I will publish the clip in the coming period


Um pátio desse tamanho, colocaram o aparelho em cima de um bueiro
... o que tem dentro do bueiro?


Funny, when animated characters speak with a german accent xD


I had that idea for a long time but no money to invent it. I believe the principle will work. This is going out to Mike Brady all the your magnet are line up too evenly if you move your outer layer magnet by millimeters different until the cycle reaches back to it starting point you will have an infinite spin non stop machine. You might not even need that many layers to accomplish that.


The ball example makes very little sense. Seems to me if you had another ring of magnets using attractive polarity(or possibly just one) towards the center of the hub spaced differently from those on the exterior, that'd be enough to pull it into perpetual imbalance, adding additional magnets to the outter ring or asymetrically inverting the polarity on some could also likely create the perpetual imbalance. If the angles of the magnets of the inner wheel were increased so that the pull force of one would negate some of the push force of it's neighbor, that could also potentially create a perpetual imbalance. It seems bizarre that you suggest this is impossible because it does not have a perpetual imbalance, yet nothing here has been suggested or theorized on how to do that. A good start would be to try asymmetry in magnet counts, positions and polarities. Shifting weights (even liquid) could also be used to pull magnets beyond the balance point. I'd suggest also that this design of multiple wheels adds significant weight and redundancy.


I like magnetic workings, but not wholly understanding the basics of this Lol.

Nonetheless, thanks for posting this interesting information.👍
