Truth: Energygraphy's Permanent Magnet Motor with a magnetic switch a2z

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We're going to look at a perpetual magnetic motor that uses the effect of a magnetic switch, which apparently can switch off and on the magnetic field of a permanent magnet.
This magnetic switch is available for purchase in the stores and I am rebuilding the necessary constellation physically with two permanent magnets, to see exactly what happens.

The inspiration for this video comes from Energygraphy's great video

Let's see how far we get with this principle.

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Short answer - No, this isn’t perpetual motion and the fact that this guy didn’t build it proves that it won’t work. The energy to turn the “magnetic switch” plus the friction in the joints is greater than the propulsive power stroke.


I also wanted to say that you really notice your effort in your video as you have just built something in real life, which I think is really cool, so please keep making informative videos like this.
LG Noah


Hi schönes Video.
Wenn die schaltbaren Magneten von einem kleinen Motor geschaltet werden, welcher Wirkungsgrad wäre möglich? Es wäre schade, wenn man daraus ein Perpetuum mobile machen will. Geht eh nicht. Aber der Wirkungsgrad kleiner 1, wäre interessant


Lets just say it would work or did work. the 2 opposing magnets would slowly de magnetise each other by the continual turning until it stopped working. so even if it did work it would soon cease to operate.


Sweden calling.:)
lovely to see a new well done animation. I think your model of showing magnet's energy flow is very good. Easy to understand why many free energy magnetic motors have difficulty working.. But there are more models that you set that would work if... you have a flywheel. The Otto engine would never work if you didn't have the kinetic energy stored to make the engine rotate...
Why should everyone build a free energy motor without a flywheel???
Make over Do the right thing as we say in Sweden...
looking forward to the next animation…
would like to use your model to see energy flow with my magnetic
do you work with Cad, or just a hobby?


Молодец! Нужно изменить конструктив не много. Вместо железного поршня установить один из двух магнитов. Второй магнит сверху пусть так и вращается. Магниты не должны подходить вплотную, во избежания примагничивания.


Before I finish watching this video, I would tell you that I have two of these mag-switches (for my workshop) and turning the mag-switch on takes a bit if energy to turn. It takes more energy to turn it off. I'll say, here, that I don't think you have a perpetual magnetic motor. I think the total energy put into the system will not be enough to equal the total energy put out. I'll post a reply to myself once I finish the video. :)


if it were mounted upside down would gravity make it more efficient?


I tried this design, it did not work, as the piston is coming up to the magnet its attraction and repulsion work against each other thus counter reacting any gain, and the magnets in the magnetic switch are hard to turn, much harder than any energy produced from the machine, so this machine does not work.


I have an idea that applies the same concept of a magnetic barrier that requires less force to utilize, thus leaving the system with access force and perpetuation, I can't post it here for before I patent it but I can send it to you directly under conditions of non disclosure so that you can animate it and test it with your gravity model test. My innovation achieves permanent imbalance.


What happens when you stand near a large magnet n turn on a magnetic switch in your hand, it will pull you with great force towards the large magnet, now he is saying you spend same force to turn off the switch when the switch is aatached to the large magnet. One cannot hold a small magnet from attracting towards a large one, it pulls you so bad you cannot stop it.


come on - you need to use ONE pointed magnet (the magnet should be less in one pole) so when it comes closer to the other magnet it is drawn to, the opposite pool will push it away again, thus creating a perpetual push and push away.


Muito interessante seu conteúdo, ótima explicação, mas no entanto me surge uma grande duvida, muito investimento para provar que uma teoria não funciona sendo que com a configuração correta ela funciona perfeitamente, não em modo perpétuo porque isso não existe na nossa dimensão temporal, entretanto em modo continuo por um longo período funciona perfeitamente, acredito que você sabe disso!


my last coment on this subject, the magnet will lose their magnetic energy in the proportion of work produced, also if we need energy to make magnets to convert they energy in i do prefer bateries


Let's build a model rocket using 4 long non conductive rods attached to the sides? At the end of two roads a mag square magnet is attached. A electronical switch on the control panel inside the rocket will turn the magnet off and on using a timing gear at exact intervals as the rods move forward past the front of the ship ( locks in) and the magnet is turned on; thus thrusting; or pulling the space rocket forward ( lock off) as the two rods come back to its original position as a second set of rods move forward, and repeats same pull maneuver ? To overcome the gravitational pull of the earth; the rods will be able to angle upward and downward ; thus keeping the ship Later people may even come with the gravity burst beam; and the continuous burst will keep the ship moving forward.... Hello.


Magnetism is always a field with a North and South pole. There is no such thing as a monopole magnet or a magnetic switch.


If you make it work on the same way as a solenoid engine, it'll work without any problems, just like solenoid engine


Law of conservation of energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed


Problem is the energy u need to crank the handle. Its more then you can win. Like in every machine of this kind. Its just impossible. Please dont feed the magnetic motor beleavers. Allmost all electric motors are based in magnets. So wie can call every magnetic motor a megnet motor. And we all know that this beasts are hungry


I lIke you, I like your videos: but this is not how you make a magswitch. You're missing like half the
