Does God Love Everyone? | Biblical Response to Provisionism

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giving the reformed, 100% Biblical perspective on what @Soteriology101 calls the dividing line between provisionism and calvinism during his live meeting with @GoodBerean on December 1st 2023. he starts with stating that the dividing line between Provisionism and Calvinism are two questions

1. Does God Live Everyone?
2. Does God provide a means of Salvation to everyone?

in this video we briefly discuss Proverbs chapter 6, Romans Chapter 8 and 9, John Chapter 3, Ephesians Chapter 2 and also Santa Claus.

A question to consdier after watching this video is

"Is God's wrath Holy and does God express a desire to display it."

#god #bible #jesus
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If you dislike this video, please feel free to explain which of these scriptures mean something other than what they say


Provisionists seem to think that divine love is only in terms of salvation. I think that is why they caricature Calvinism by saying God doesn't love the reprobate.
But even in their view God shows a general kindness to everyone (health, food, family, friends, shelter, etc) which isn't salvific. So why can't there be different kinds of divine love?


I always hear the claim that one can choose between being a slave to sin and being a slave to righteousness. If this is true then we are NOT slaves to sin to begin with.


Can I please ask anyone who will to pray for my sister. She is being tested for MS and we are very worried. I would appreciate it very much. Thank you for everything. Her name is Amber


Awesome video man! You’re gonna be huge on here one day


John 3:16 only states that faith is a condition for salvation. It doesn't say how one comes to believe. How one comes to believe is in the beginning of John 3 with NIcodemus. Provisionist always skip this part especially the wind analogy!


John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. You quoted John 8:34 he who commits sin is a slave to sin. I agree no man can set himself free, we need Christ but read Roman’s 10:17-21. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god. The gospel is the good news, the gift which when heard, and believed, instills faith. If you hear and do not believe you are condemned already John 3:18


The question isnt does God love everyone but does He hate anyone who is not His child.


The guests on Leightons Psychology 101 echo chamber YT channel are becoming increasingly emotional based analogetics, like himself, and less scholarly.

Great video Brother. Nicely done.


The question truly becomes a scripture Matthew 23:37. The chicks were unwilling to be gathered but not in the face of the hens want of gathering them. Taking all sides validly and finding the pencil line thin mark is probably best due to us being unable to debate a very clear passage as such


If one is of the elect, they will be redeemed. If one is not, they will be condemned to eternal torment.

Nothing anyone can do (other than God) can change this.

As such: there is no action any human (other than Jesus) can take to change their place in eternity or anyone else's.

This is why no one should take Calvinism seriously even if it is true.

In eternity we will all know the truth of God's design eventually, and nothing moves the needle towards heaven or hell in our lives here. So it's best to not worry about it and let God do His thing.

On earth Calvinists are our brothers and sisters in Christ and they should be judged according to their actions as if they were capable of free will decisions just like everyone else. Which makes pretty much all of Calvinist theology utterly impractical.

God bless!


"But from necessity, without intent
I sin; wherefore a future punishment?
"This harmless piece of steel becomes a sword,
With God's foreknowledge, " say they, "and consent."

The one religion is that thou be just
To all---and what religion owneth he
That scorns due right? Man cannot lead his soul
To virtue, though he lead a host in arms.



4:10 On the contrary, if everyone is freed from sin, then there will not be sin anymore. No, the real reason is, if such exists, that you don't value something you get for free, i.e. without paying any price. the price being here is so much suffering that you will call your saviour in dire need of your soul. The other reason being is that why would give you something you don't want? If you don't want salvation, why would God give you it? You have to want it and seek it, another thing that makes you value it...


Same already refuted Calvinist arguments that you find everywhere, really silly video
