The Aiming Secret No One Knows About

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Adjusting your mouse sensor orientation through Rawaccel can help you aim closer to your potential. While we can get used to just about any orientation, it doesn't change the fact that it compromises your range of motion.

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I'm very happy to see a youtube video saying something that i didn't know about aiming, it's not something very common but the kovaak channel always seem to deliver


>opens paint
>closes eyes
>makes nearly perfect straight lines
>closes video


I went to change my rotation to -6 and accidentally changed it to -60. I felt like Yamcha when he went to the gravity chamber and had to inch his way to the button to turn it off. It took me forever to actually get back to the rotation field, lmao.


This is actually extremely useful for productivity use too. When using a video editor it's really nice to move horizontally when you're trying to without having to keep correcting


For all the people with perfect horizontal movement, I did a little observation and figured out why (in my case) that was happening: I've trained myself to move my mouse with my whole arm, not my wrist. I tried again moving the mouse with my wrist, and suddenly I had the problem like in the video.

There's a reason why many pros (and artists) move their entire arm to get accurate movement. Plus it's more ergonomic not having to bend your wrist all the time.


This actually helped my understand my inconsistency problems in fps games. Some games I’d hid nothing but heads and other I’d miss a lot. I found out that it was the slightest change in the way I held my mouse that did that. When I hold it one way the lines are horizontal but the slightest change and they are going diagonal.


About a year ago I started really paying attention to this, my right flicks were crisp but moving my mouse to the left was a lot less accurate. Just changed how my mousepad is angled so my aim naturally compensates for the difference and it's a lot more consistent after. Just simply changing the angle of how you hold your mouse does a lot


i watched an old video about this same topic and it felt so good going into paint and finding out that i can now draw horizontal lines with my wrist and eyes shut. such a cool and informative video


The Sensor Orientation Tester scenario is now available! It won't look the exact same as in the video, but will serve the same purpose. If you can't see the scenario, be sure to refresh your scenario list.


I feel this is also something where ergo vs ambi has an impact. I feel like I’m more precise with ambi, but less comfortable. Less comfortable because my hand has to be in an “unnatural” position to grip the mouse, but this seems to also compensate a bit for the horizontal discrepancy mentioned in the video which is more pronounced when aiming with an ergonomic or more natural grip/hand position. Just a thought.


This is an amazing guide and very important information.
By the way take in mind this kind of rotation it's more important to people with palm grip o similar - Because of the natural limitations of the wrist, usually a person who use claw when the wrist it's rotating the fingers will be correcting the mouse position and the lines usually are very straight.
If you use Kovaaks for a long time usually this kind of rotation issues in claw grip are fixed by now - But in the case of palm the sensor rotation it's a must, so this can improve and help a lot of people.


I'm shocked to realise that I've never seen this topic covered prior, this is mad, thank you so much!


I've always wondered why anyone would use rotation in raw accel, great vid :)


Tried this out in paint and found out I have good mouse orientation by pure accident! Great Video!


Mionix software has this as "angle tuning". I find adjusting the angle offset allows you to grip the mouse in a way that is easily repeatable so you do not have to pay attention to wrist to arm angle for sweeps and flicks.


found this video and went into paint and i realised that my lines were pretty straight but it was slightly going down to the right, i managed to find that 0.4 was perfect to make the lines alot more straighter, my mouse grip is claw grip (my natural grip) and im excited to hop into dm and range to test out the difference! ty for this video


This tool actually helped so much with precise aiming, on the G pro I found -1.3 to be the sweet spot, thanks for the video! :D


I always thought about this cuz the hand pivots around the wrist but I didn't know there was a fix for it. I tried the test and found the lines to be almost perfectly horizontal. There is a slight curve upwards at my right end wrist ROM by like 5deg so it's not worth changing my mouse input but this video was very interesting and definitely learned something new. I play with the sides of my palm touching the mouse.


I’m so glad that this video was linked in Hutchler’s vid on aiming. This is só insightful and helpful. Fantastic job guys!!


thank you, jeeesus this is awesome, it felt weird at first but now it feels so much more intuitive.