The secret aiming system to the shot nobody wants you to know about.

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#the secret #aimingsystem #pool
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That is f'ing amazing. Had seven straight-in shots in my practice session today and made every one with your method. I don't think I've ever made seven in a row without missing in my long (70 years) life. Thanks a bunch. So glad I subscribed!


I remember a guy in the pool hall told me this - if I ever get faced with a long straight shot, just think of it like a scratch. It was a game changer.


Hi Darren. When i started doing this some years ago, my aiming got so much simplified. That how i got that 147 done! ;) So I confirm this works!


Darren ive met you in Oslo couple of years ago, ive heard that you pass a serious problem. I wish you HEALTH and a stronger come back my friend. Anastasios from Greece


Thanks, Darrin. Took me 30 years to learn this shot! So simple, yet so powerful!!!


I try and working werry well.Thank you Darren.


Excellent advise. I’m going to practice that right now


Excellent tutorial Darren and thank you.
I’ve not done this before but will be giving it a go today.
Also, I do use this same method (to some degree) when I line up a combo.

I run an imaginary line through ball #1 through to the ghost ball shot line of ball #2.
From there, I aim to hit ball #1 to a spot on the rail where the line continues thru the ghost ball. I totally disregard ball #2 and only focus on getting ball #1 to travel along this imaginary line. Ball #2 (object ball) is then, only in the way and gets cut into the pocket.

Thanks again Darren for the great tip 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


thank you BRILLIANT. I have so much trouble with straight shots, I'm going to experiment with this on some other shots. thank you


Awesome tip, straight in shots are tough lol gonna give it a go


I remember playing you at a Kimberly Ales event some 20 years ago. I had this very same shot as I was on the black ⚫️ it rattled in the pocket.
You then potted the black by doing basically a figure of 8 with the white ball as you bounced off four cushions close to corner to corner pockets, to then pot the black.

I was amazed and gutted at the same time.


I basically do this on my every shots. Many players told me that they look at the object ball at the moment they shoot the ball. But this is the way that works for me ; )


A very informative genius tip that many intermediate and some advanced players do not employ or have faith in. The truth is as this "man" Darren said on a perfectly straight shot the line of sight to the pocket, not the ball is the objective. As in all else practice makes perfect and practicing and honing your stroke to follow that line of sight is critical. Once down on the ball and lined correctly just before your stroke is loaded and ready to fire, you can close your eyes and make that shot with practice. Once you are down on the table everything mechanically should be factored in and no last second adjustments should be made at this time. In fact practicing that shot with your eyes closed after being loaded helps dramatically. Now I would not advise doing so in a game situation but the confidence it builds takes out any thoughts of the difficulty of the shot. Start at half table and work your way back to the pocket increasing the length until the cue is at the pocket. As the "man" Darren said with his clever tip developing an unconscious stroke blinded to the ball but to the destination is invaluable. Your stroke itself will benefit from his tip without question. Best advice I have heard on youtube to up your game in all facets and I am long in the tooth.


Never really thought about it this way but makes perfect sense! Luckily this shot comes up once in a decade or so😁
Keep pumping up those videos Darren! Good stuff🤜🏻


Great tip, never would have thought about basically taking the object out of play, can’t wait to put this into practice


I've been doing this for years, I just took it that everyone useses this system of cueing on the pool table, and when there's money on the table, I take every advantage I can get.


This is a new tip for aiming I never knew. Great instructions from Darren.😊


Was shooting balls around on the 9 footers one day and figured this out. Definitely helps with these shots and even shots very similar to it that may be slightly easier.


insightful...thanks man., ..I'll try it soon. And, that side pocket speed drill was great. Got me warmed up and focused. Thanks again.


Yep. Longer angles, larger margins. And you are not relying on your eye focus being on collision, your eyes are focused at a distance. Some people don't have the same level of vision as others!
