Jordan Peterson - Integrated Aggression vs Cowardice Disguised as Morality

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To really say "no" means "I will play for higher stakes than you will!".

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"You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you are capable of great violence...

If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless."


"Only the strong can afford to be gentle.
The weak can only afford to be cruel."

This is a commentary on strength of will, and moral strength, not physical. strength.


"If you just stop doing really stupid things your life improves a lot" Ha!


i felt this as a pre-teen. when struggling with "not fighting" i remember being told - "well, that means you're a good person" . wasn't true. i was merely afraid of confrontation and being physically hurt. the predisposition still exists. now, however, i can mostly put my finger on it and make a choice.

i love this "moral vs cowardice" argument. it definitely shines a light.


Can I just say, I think this guy asked his question well - he was precise about the ideas that he was considering but he didn’t go on forever trying to pin them down, like some do. He was being careful about how he verbalised his dilemma and that’s what JP stands for anyway. All of you prompting him to get to the point - if you had a chance to ask dr Peterson one question, you’d be careful to make sure he got exactly what you meant - and it wouldn’t be stupid of you to do so, because imagine the pain if you’ve missed the chance to hear the answer 😫


I've often noticed the people who decline to speak up when they should. They go under the radar. They're just being cowardly but then they get rewarded for keeping their cool or being the diplomatic one or the one that's easy to get along with. But really they're just leaving the hard work to everyone else. Meanwhile, it's the one person in the group that speaks up and fights a little for what's right that gets associated with the unpleasantness of the situation. They have to do the dirty work for the "peaceful" ones.


No one knows the limits of Self-Improvement.


This guy has been an important part of my self discovery. Earlier this year I got dumped, and the anger and resentment I felt after was overwhelming and I did, said and thought things I wasn't aware I was capable of. But it felt so damn good. I've generally been a super agreeable person, worked through it with therapy (so nice to see someone outside a therapy room talk about this), but the 'burning of the bridges' that my breakup symbolized really accelerated my personal growth. Stop being so damn afraid of being your true self. We're all just human and life sucks, but if we hide being morality and pretend we're something that we're not, nobody wins.


Dr. Peterson's response reminds me of an article I read on the Art Of Manliness about being a Gentleman- " You've got to be a man, before you can be a Gentleman". Or, to quote Teddy Roosevelt, " ...Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail.”


The wisest thing I've learned in my experience so far is that nothing in life is ever as complicated as the thoughts you have about it.


So cowardice is to refuse to keep improving yourself by saying you're good enough as you are.


"By denying the worst, you preclude the possibility of the best". Probably my new favourite JP quote.


Wow this is so spot on for my own shadow work. Sexuality and aggression have been the two biggest hurdles for me. I've uncovered a lot of the sexual part and now I'm reaching the aggressive beast inside me which seems inherently tied into my sexual passivity as well. I never realized how repressed I was emotionally until I did the work.


"You want to be continually stepping away from your previous self" Love it. Jordan always has a way of articulating my most conflicting values & attachments


This is one of the best clips I've seen so far.


"All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells are within you"


Absolute genius. What an amazing professor, many blessing his way


From this i have gained insight, that mediating between order and chaos is where you want to be. Evaluating and challenging your current situation in order to bring about change. Life is exciting if challenges are met


You are afraid of you own nature, so you have to express it and then learn to integrate it as a righteous part of your being
You should be able to do things that you are afraid of doing and burn the things that get in your way to embrace that side of yourself which is nothing to be ashamed of, but you do it for righteous goals, because if you are afraid of who you are can't accept and dominate it
A good strategy is to go against your fears, which are something internal more tha external especially when you think it can actually benefit you
It's like another person inside of you, completly irational and you have to make peace with it, accept it, dominate it and make it follow you


Almost made me cry. Honestly - Jordan Peterson best thing that has happend to me in the last view years. Really greatful and I don't say that lightly/don't say a lot of that. Have to correct myself. Did make me cry. Thank you so much for this xxxx
