Don't date these types of women, they'll make you miserable

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Have you been having a string of bad luck when it comes to women? Maybe you're pursuing the wrong kind. This video seeks to give you some insights into the types of women you should avoid or not date at all if you want happiness and peace of mind.

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00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Type 1
02:33 - Type 2
03:14 - Type 3
04:36 - Type 4
05:37 - Type 5
07:16 - Type 6
08:34 - Type 7
10:10 - Type 8
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So refreshing to have a woman who is helping men improve in these areas instead of male bashing… Keep up the good work Queen … You are appreciated.


half the time its our fault when we get heart broken because we choose to ignore these signals and force things.


She just defined like 85% of modern women to a Tea This is exactly why most guys are walking away from dating nowadays


8 Types:

1. The Spendthrift
2. The Liar
3. The Chronic Flirt
4. The Materialistic Woman
5. The “What’s mine, is mine” type of woman
6. The Insecure Woman
7. The Beauty Only OR The Narcissist
8. The “I’m not ready” woman


The "I am not ready" woman is more dangerous than men think ... usually (not always) this is the person who wants all the benefits of a relationship (fancy dates, your support, your care, love, etc.) on a "friendship pass". In short she wants the perks of a relationship without committing to one/giving anything.


Actually here to learn how to be a better woman. :3
In the world of city girls and city boys we have to choose better for ourselves. You get the energy you push out into the world back.


This lady knows how to select her words. This is one thing I like about her.❤


Seasoned divorce lawyer here. Love this video. Keep up the great work. You will put me out of business. Subscribed.


That's a great list. Thank you. But there is more....

More types of women to avoid:
1. The chronically argumentative woman=> will wear you out and make you age faster
2. The promiscuous woman => for too many reasons: future unfaithfulness, diseases, future divorce, tendency to revert to her former lifestyle, etc
3. The party girl => she puts herself in situations where she can do bad things; can be easily bored with a simple/stable lifestyle bc she need regular excitements
4. The lazy woman =>'nuff said. No jobs, no education, no achievements, no life goals, nothing that she looks up to everyday. Run!

5. The unhygienic woman => your house will be dirty and disorganized; she will repulse you
6. The addict => whether to alcohol, cigarette, drugs or other harmful substances. You can't save her.


Girl! You have restored my faith in humanity with this video. Thank you for lending us men a helping hand. God bless.


You forgot the last type of woman you shouldn't date : The chronically negative one. They'll drain you emotionally and turn you against the world believing everyone else is bad and they are the only saints. They keep feeding you with negative stories their friends say about men and relationships. No matter how hard you try to prove yourself it will never be enough. In the end you'll lose your sanity if you don't set yourself free. Avoid them at all cost.
I just completed the list 😅


Relationships are overrated. If you're single like me, this is NO DEBATE!!!


I was once emotionally manipulated into a relationship by an insecure person. Everything you said about an insecure woman is true. Guys, never ever date an insecure person. Instead, be their friend and help them heal. If you are not careful, you may be emotionally manipulated into the relationship. And that may turn out to be the worse experience of your life. At best, you may start becoming insecure about yourself. And at worst, she may use you to heal, blame it all on you, and dump you for someone else.


I dated a VERY insecure one, and when you said it’ll drain you, you’re freaking right lol thanks for the video


I’ve been played so many times with the “I am not ready yet” yeah all the signs were there but only wanted me as an emotional tampon.


She's telling us what we already know. But there's nothing like good reminders. Love your vids.


If only I knew most of these I would've saved myself from the hustle and bustle of so many toxic relationships. Jess..thanks for throwing more light on these . Everytime I tune to your channel, I learn my faults vis -a-vis women and little by little I'm becoming better version of myself. Thanks a million 🥰👍🏽


My latest ex was a narcissist, I tried being her friend (even after everything she’s done) she would lie to get her way and turn into the victim when she was the one who hurt me. When I flat out told her who she was in my eyes and offered to help her work through her selfishness she told me to go fuck myself and never spoke to me again, best feeling ever.

Stay strong kings!


I appreciate your feedback as always Jessica, especially the game on avoiding chronic flirts and insecure women. That’s a major 🔑 . Much ❤️ from 🇺🇸
