6 Types of Women To Avoid.. NEVER Date These Girls!

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In this video, I go over something that I hope saves you guys some time...and money! This is my list of different types of women I think you should avoid. As harsh as it may seem, it's better to face the truth before you've invested so much of yourself into one person. Make sure you watch until the end and leave a comment for what you want me to talk about next!

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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I'm a time saver ;)
1.Insecure Girl
2.Materialistic Girl
3.Lonely Girl with no friends
4.Lazy Girl
5.Attention addict
6.Rebound seeker


I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.


“Girl with no friends” is also a red flag for women who want to be their friend. Whenever a girl says things like “I don’t have girlfriends because girls are drama” I know immediately that that girl is the drama. I steer clear of girls like that.


My biggest red flag is a woman that's constantly on social media. Social media isn't a bad thing, but when your life revolves around it, yeah, that's not good. I enjoy your videos Courtney! Keep up the good work!


The "Girl with no girlfriends" is also the prime offender of the homie hop. Because she has no social circle of her own, she will adopt yours. So when you break up, your homebois become her dating pool.


I feel like every guy has to go through a psycho girl phase to learn what to avoid and appreciate a good woman when she comes around


Excellent video! I would also add the Damsel in Distress type. This is someone who always has a problem that she can't fix herself, and is constantly looking for someone to solve her puzzles. Problem is: her problems never seem to get solved.
Another type I would avoid, is the gambler. I grew up in Las Vegas, and trust me, if a woman is intrigued by casinos and slot machines, run for your life. This one will also typically be the Damsel in Distress type, which is a symptom of a deeper problem.
I am 70 now, and very fortunate that I married the right girl at a very young age. (49 years together now) I have spent a lifetime observing people, and have seen em come and go. Often while never learning the obvious lesson(s) I could write a book.
Way to go, Courtney. I hope you have a lot of success with your channel.


Your list reminds me of the list in the book "How to Love". Based on that, I'd add:

1. The victim (AKA vulnerable or covert narcissist)--this is the #1 most likely thing you need to avoid
2. Other narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, mean girls (they enjoy other people's pain), hateful girls (their lives are never-ending rants), etc.
3. The girl who suffers from bipolar disorder or an excess of depression
4. Girls who suffer from borderline personality disorder
5. Hard-core addicts
6. Girls who have too much trauma to be able to form a stable, long-lasting bond (like Homer Simpson's mom or Jenny from Forrest Gump)


Remember everyone: She doesn't control you, you don't control her. She doesn't manipulate you, you don't manipulate her. Life is easier if you're good partners with someone. Make sure you choose a good partner in life as they would expect you to be a good partner as well.


I'd add Party Girls to the list too… if she's always out partying & still doing drugs especially as she gets older then that's deal breaker


Wow I've dated girls that have had one these traits a couple of times but the last relationship I just got out of she was like four of them. Hard to really analyze red flags until you take a step back, and I found out the hard way. She was Insecure, materialistic and only cared about vanity, had no girlfriends and a horrible relationship with her family, and was an attention addict and started looking to other men during the end of things. She was drop-dead gorgeous (looked like Audrey Hepburn), I was so enthralled with her beauty and the things I thought were "good" that I stayed in that relationship. Most painful seven months of my life. Then found out she was the rebound seeker and moved in with a guy a week after meeting him for a place to stay. Crazy. Very insightful, thank you for the video Courtney. Stay strong gents!


Not kidding, I was all of these traits . Girl with no friends, lonely but not materialistic. I dated my boyfriend for 3 years and relied on him so much that he was all I could talk about. I hated other women in university because they were racist and sexist. I realised that there was something toxic happening in my life. I had a lot of mental health issues and had to bring myself back to reality. I reached out to the girls I went to uni with, to my family and cousins. I have always wanted an independent career.

All I need is to be self sufficient, and I’ve found that most of my girlfriends who are winners are actively avoiding dating. It’s best embodied in the ‘signs’ personality. They don’t use social media, are practically hidden from the public eye, look pretty for themselves.

They put all their value into work, and hanging out with other girlfriends. They keep themselves busy. Most importantly they learn to say no, and look pretty every day as a sign of respect and love. As of right now, I put a lot of my self worth into work.


Let's not forget the indifferent one. The one that she is constantly busy, dont have time for you, she expects you to be the one that talks to her first but she never does the same for you and when you dont contact her she gets annoyed. She always keep you waiting and she never keep her word, she can promise you to be better at something and she never does, but when you make a promise and you dont fulfill it then she gets angry at you. These are the ones that makes you say "it's better to be alone than being with bad company".


Every girl I meet is obsessed with social media so frustrating they just stare at their phone all day thanks for the advice ❤️❤️


Nothing better to hear a call out to these pitfalls, than from a woman directly. It’s like the ultimate insider, not like a whistleblower but more like a reverse hacker working as a cyber security consultant. Thanks Courtney!


I always love coming back to these videos years later, because this channel feels like a journey. So much can happen in a year!


“Is she just insecure about her life and is projecting it on you”
TLDR If she thinks you’re cheating she is cheating


The materialistic girl can also be the one who says "I don't need you to buy me things, I make my own money and can afford whatever I want, . You should want to give me nice gifts to show me you love, respect, and are thinking about me.". And when you do give her a gift, it's never good enough.


My last gf was extremely insecure, at first this came off as her being shy and introvert which actually I liked, with time she opened up to me about her feeling and what experiences brought her to be like this, I couldn’t help but to fall in love with her as I have this strong desire to help people and I mistakenly though I could be the one she needed to grow out of her traumas.
Needless to say this feeling didn’t last long, she became overly controlling, scrolling through my phone, always attacking me for things I never did, always thinking I was cheating on her…
Ends up I wasn’t happy anymore but I kept strong, kept trying because I still loved her, I still wanted to be that person for her.
Well, one day she changes her whole mind and breaks up with me out of nowhere..
People, don’t make this same mistake I did, her flaws of insecurity hit harder if you have a “savior” mentality like I had.
Fix on this part of your behavior, it won’t lead to anything good in the long run

P.S. On top of that she also had no friends, no life other than work and me, and no ambitions nor hobbies.
I guess I hit the jackpot on her huh? 😂


You hit this right on the head. Especially with the girl with no friends. I've been through 20 of them and every one has a trait you described. Thanks for your work/talent.
