Never Date THESE 7 Types Of Women, They'll Make You MISERABLE

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Don't Date THESE 7 Types Of Women, They'll Make You MISERABLE...In this dating advice for men video, I will give you the types of girls to avoid, and why. You may see these characteristics on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips for men, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I don't want you to automatically run when you see these red flags in women. I want you to properly address the issue. If the red flag is not corrected, then proceed with letting them go.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the woman who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Types of women to avoid
- Women to avoid
- Types of girls to avoid
- Women you should never date
- Online dating
- Online dating tips
- Relationship coach for men
- Dating coach for men
- Dating expert
- Relationship expert
- Dating advice for men
- Dating tips for men
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: Don't Date THESE 7 Types Of Women, They'll Make You MISERABLE

Watch this video next dating advice video: 3 BIG Reasons Why Men Should STAY SINGLE


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1 playing the victim
2 loves drama
3 validation seekers
4 never satisfied
5 disrespectful
6 has no values & heartless
7 has a bad attitude which has a lot of red flags.
8 never listens & wants to have her way.


I am a woman watching this to see if i can see myself here 😁, to learn 😊🙏💜


I just got out of a relationship with a woman with narcissistic personality and borderline personality disorder. now I'm having to heal from the psychological abuse I endured


I recently made the decision to no longer date single mothers. It had nothing to do with the stigma; I regularly dated women with children. What made me change directions is that I’m 32, starting a new career that’s financially rewarding, and enjoy the freedom of being independent. At this stage in my life, I want to have more intimate fun, like walking around the house nude together or taking random trips at will. Unfortunately I recognized this wasn’t possible in my most recent relationship since she had an 8-year old. Most of the time it’s way less to do with her and more to do with what stage the man is in his life.


If a woman ever started a fight and calls the law get away from her.


My biggest thing as a man right now after re-watching this again a year later is standing in the mirror addressing myself asking how & why with the real reason I ignored all the known warning signs. Seeing the lack of respect yet continuing the relationship knowing it would eventually turn out bad. Why not do anything about it. Time to face that music 🎶


"A woman who brings you peace" -- THAT gentleman is the great unicorn of our lives....


Most usually say, "This is just how I am" or "You are too sensitive " They reflect it back. Time to move on or just deal with it. I'm moving on.


AMEN....FELLAS: As a man, you are NOT under any obligation whatsoever to take on a woman's problems & drama, so don't let her guilt-trip you with what a "real man" is supposed to


I am a 43 year old widowed mum of 2 children, so yes you could be a solo parent through no fault of your own. Being a single parent takes strength. Thanks for acknowledging no all single/solo parents are entangled in drama.


I was dating a woman for two weeks and have seen her twice...the second time i spent time at her house and honestly im going through a bad having car issues so she offered to take me and take me back ..i made the mistake of leaving my phone in her car ..she went through my phone and judged me based off all the women i talked to before her ..she also texted those woman portraying herself as me...and after she was done ..she threw my phone in the woods ..i thought it was a lost cause .. and I wondered why i keep getting toxic women in my life ...i prayed all night and the next day the police arrived with my phone and said someone found it and dropped it off at the station...they came to my home to give it back ....she blocked me ...then unblocked me....then apologized and asked for my chose to jus ignore her....and protect my peace....

Big one is if she claims to have narcissistic ex boyfriends…especially more than one. The topper is if she says she is an “empath” who dated “narcissists” these women are 95% of the time the narcissist themselves.


My brother, you have taken this compatible relationship thing to a biblical level of the meaning of being equally yoked! Bro! I love your teaching, which is direct and to The Point !!! GOD Bless You my brother! 🙏🙏🙏


This is the talk we need to have with our son's


I’ve learned here, my ex wife was too independent, never listened, never took accountability. It lasted 12 years and was great for the first 10, then she devalued me and started cheating, and she filed for divorce and blamed it on me not being good enough


I wish I knew that when I was younger. It would spare me a lot of tears and a broken heart... I didn't have any tools for selection :(


He is right I'm dating one now, I can't do it nomore this shit is over.


Wish I would have found this list before I got married and divorced. What you said is completely true. The I don't need a man and not listening and not taking accountability all went hand in hand. She needed to heal. From what you described 75 to 85 percent of women aren't worth dating.


Loving the phrase of leaving something or someone that doesn't respect, or be apart of. Letting myself go.


I agree on this topic for men..He’s right about most women as the same about men..We all need to take out time and get to know each other before moving into a relationship… Communication communication communication on all topics before the relationship, that’s the time 🥰 that should be spent together..Not sexual moments.
