DONT MARRY these 7 types of women | NEVER Date These Girls! Gracely Inspired

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Marriage is something every man needs to be prepared for. Unfortunately, many men don't put much thought into their wife's selection process and end up marrying women that were never good for them.

This is pretty obvious, but there are also subtler scenarios where you find yourself dating or being involved with a woman, who although she seems great at first - isn't. Well here are 7 types of women you should NEVER marry. By watching this video, you'll be able to avoid some serious heartache down the road. So please, don't marry these types of women!


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Scriptwriter: Elvis N.N

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AVOID THESE 7 Types Of Women When DATING!
Don't marry these 7 types of women | Women To Avoid.. NEVER Date These Girls
#DatingAdviceFormen #Datingadvice
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I don't date in general anymore. I just stand back and watch everyone go through this mess. I'm happy being single and independent.


Don't marry these 7 types of women!
1) 0:19 the immature woman
2) 1:37 the woman who's always right
3) 2:39 the high maintenance woman
4) 3:57 the drama queen
5) 4:58 the manipulative woman
6) 6:18 the negative woman
7) 7:07 the career-driven woman
Have a nice day 😁


Wish I had known all this before my marriage
I thought being single was lonely. Wrong!
A bad marriage to a woman who fits every one of these categories is much worse
Marry a woman you like talking to, not the one you are in love with.
Make a tick box and check the boxes over at least two or three years. Be critical.
Court her family and her check past relationships. Check the financial state of her parents. You may have to support them some day
Her past is your future
Don’t be in a hurry like I was


So much better to be alone for some people. It's nice coming home without all the headaches.


😂I loved it when you said, "Public success private failure" That got me laughing LOL. Well-written script and video. Keep them coming!


Let us join in prayer for those who come across this message, wishing that the Lord will pour forth His blessings upon you and those you cherish. May God guide you along the path of radiant happiness and enfold you in His embrace during moments of adversity. May the Lord safeguard you from all anxieties and unveil magnificent opportunities in your life. Our prayers also extend to the well-being, joy, and tranquility of your family. May God grant His blessings to all people across the globe, and may He receive our heartfelt prayers🙏❤❤❤


Great to hear about the importance of maturity. An often overlooked quality in relationships. Great video 👍🏻


My ex wife was all 7 types 🤣 the definition of insanity


After two failed engagements, I came to a conclusion: you don't have to rush to get married. Spend more time with your partner and subtly test him/her, to see how the interaction evolves. Otherwise, you risk ending up in divorce very quickly.


Nobody no human is perfect
.. some strength n weaknesses will be always there ... 👍❤️


Type 2 is my wife . She is a strong woman, a hard worker but am always facing conflicts and constantly yelling at me yet she is a Christian !! She lacks totally Humbleness, listening and humility. She never apologize to anybody.Am always the one with mistakes regardless the circumstances! I don't know what to do! Pray for me!


You just basically described the modern day western woman with this list.


So the moral of this story is that if you find a woman who has none of the seven mentioned liabilities, do not hesitate to make her your spouse as she is clearly a gem.


As a woman i’m so glad i am none of these, I came from a family of opulence my father is retired now but his lineage and position at as a CEO gave us a lot but my parents raised me and my siblings to stand on our own. I’m pediatrician worked hard to get to my goal in life and i am happy with the man i am married to. He’s ex-military and co-owner of a security services company with other veterans and we work hard for our family. I remember other girls growing up like me and being arrogant or like what is displayed here.

Yes i’m a pediatrician but i’m happy to say there is a balance and i spend good times with my husband and children. My husband is a wonderful man and when things are busy he cooks and tends to our children and he is fun loving man!


Finally I understand that, I married to a wrong woman 😏


“Women are typically known for being support system and not people who constantly tell you the world is going to an end.” Made me laugh😂


1. Immature
2. The woman who's always right
3. The high-maintainance (gold-digger version not ocd and ambitious ones)
4. Drama queen (high level)
5. The manipulative
6. The negative
7. The career driven (over obsessive on it)
8. Acting like she's always the victim (creator forgot to mention)
I'm myself a woman who wrote this....also same goes for its male version.
Edit update: waring b4 replying to my comment...if you think you are planning to comment like 'go 1st judge thy yourself, stop degrading women, correcting me you don’t agree with some of my points or F off then pls RE-READ my I've only mentioned just the summary of this video and nothing else! But only just 2 additional point what I think and ASLO mentioned that this applies for both the genders..if you still wish to hate comment on me then ssly you need to get a life lol.


Am almost there"finding a wife to marry".. you have really educated me, be blessed🙏


I get terribly lonely and wish I had someone here with me. But this video explains why I don't really want to take that chance. Women hide these flaws well sometimes and say things they don't really mean. The saddest thing is, many men just overlook these flaws and marry these women anyway and their lives are miserable. And then we laugh about it. Or write songs about it.


I’m already married to one that fits three of those categories have been for 30 years and I believe you are right
